Date 11/24/63
PATRICIA ANN LAWRENCE, 302 North Windomere, Dallas, Texas, advised that she is employed as a stenographer for the MacMillen Company in the Texas School Book Depository Building.
Miss LAWRENCE advised that she is not aquainted with LEE HARVEY OSWALD and had seen no one of his description at all in the building on November 22, 1963.
When the President's motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository Building, Miss LAWRENCE said she was standing with LUCY WHITAKER in the front row of people on Elm Street at Houston. When the motorcade passed she stated she was looking at Mrs. KENNEDY who was looking to the other side of the car. The President was looking in her direction and she had waved. She heard the shot fired as the president was waving. Thereafter she heard two additional shots, shots which seemed to have come from right over her head. She said she looked up and saw nothing. Later she returned to the building but at this time had not seen anyone identifiable with OSWALD coming from the building.
on 11/23/63 at Irving, Texas File # DL 89-43
By Special Agent DAVID H. BARRY & LOUIS M. KELLEY Date Dictated 11/25/63