OGC 78-6272
21 September 1978
The Honorable Richard Helms
Safeer Company
Suite 402 1627 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Dear Ambassador Helms:
The Agency has been notified that the House Select Committee on Assassinations has invited you to testify in open session on 22 September 1978. Please be advised that the Agency agreement with the Committee, a copy of which was attached to Mr. Carlucci's letter to you dated 27 July 1978, deals only with the discussion of classified matters in executive session. It does not constitute a grant of authority to discuss classified matters in public circumstances, nor a waiver of any secrecy oath or agreement that might otherwise be applicable in such circumstances. Therefore, if you are asked any questions in open session requiring the disclosure of classified information, I suggest that you indicate to the Committee your willingness to respond in executive session and that you ask the Committee to convene such a session for that purpose
Anthony A. Lapham
General Counsel