(letter from Marina Osvald to Greg Olds, Dallas, Civil Liberties Union)
7 Dec 1964 (sic)
Dear Mr. Olds -
I would like to thank you for your attentiveness toward me and for the fact that you are worried about my fate.
Your concern is quite unhecessary, although, if one is to judge by what appears in the papers, it would seem justified.
I have no complaints about the Secret Service personnel who are "protecting" me. Except for thankfulness that they are taking care of my well-being and security in the present circumstances, I have nothing more to say. I am completely free to go where I want and to see whom I want. My isolation is due to my own state of mind; after all that has happened, I just don't want to see anybody, especially when it could remind me of what has happened. I hope you will understand my position and excuse my isolation. When I feel that life has more or less returned to its former course, I will be very glad to see Ruth Paine, who is a very fine person and who has been only helpful to me. I hope you will also understand that, since I am living in another person's house, it is just embarrassing for me to bother people with lots of visits from my friends and from other people who want to talk to me. And, besides, I am busy with the children and with visits from FBI people--and this takes up a lot of time and energy.
Once again thank you for your concern about me. I assure you quite sincerely that I am in as good a position as is possible, after all that has happened.
I also ask you to tell Ruth Paine that I am very obliged to her for her attentiveness toward me and. of course consider her to be my friend.
Best regards
/s/ Marina Oswald
(Translated by Harris L. Coulter, Department of State)