County of Claiborne, ss:

Mrs. J. U. Allen, Port Gibson, Claiborne County, State of Louisiana, being duly sworn, says:

1. I am secretary of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, a boys military academy at Port Gibson, Mississippi, and I am in charge and custody of its books and records.

2. I have examined the records and files of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy for the years 1945 through 1948, both inclusive, which are kept in the regular and usual course of business under my supervision. It appears from those records that John Edward Pic and Robert Lee Oswald, half brothers and sons of Marguerite Oswald (and for a portion of the period 1945 through 1948 was Mrs. Edwin A. Ekdahl), entered Chamberlain-Hunt Academy in September 1945, on transfer from Davy Crockett School in Dallas, Texas. They continued as students during the school years 1945-1946, 1946-1947, and 1947-1948. Said records show that John Edward Pic was transferred to Arlington Heights High School, Fort Worth, Texas, in September 1948. The records do not show the school to which Robert Lee Oswald was transferred at the end of the academic year 1947-1948.

3. The Exhibits marked Chamberlain-Hunt Academy Exhibits Nos. 1 to 4 are Verifax copies of the records of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy respecting the attendance of John Edward Pic and Robert Lee Oswald as students at said Academy. Said Exhibits were prepared under my personal supervision and direction.

4. Included in the files of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy are various items of correspondence. Chamberlain-Hunt Academy Exhibits Nos. 5 to 15 are true and correct Verifax and Thermofax copies of said items of correspondence. The Verifax copies were prepared under my personal supervision and direction.

Signed this 12th day of June 1964.
(s) Mrs. J. U. Allen,
Mrs. J. U. ALLEN.

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