The testimony of Pauline Virginia Bates was taken at 5:32 p.m., on March 25. 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr., assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. JENNER - Mrs. Bates, will you stand and be sworn, please?
Do you solemnly swear in your testimony which you are about to give, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mrs. BATES - I do.
Mr. JENNER - It's Mrs. Bates, is it not?
Mrs. BATES - It's Miss. I'm not married. It's optional - I have been. My name is Pauline.
Mr. JENNER - Pauline Virginia - isn't it?
Mrs. BATES - Yes.
Mr. JENNER - This is Pauline Virginia Bates. Mrs. Bates, I am Albert E. Jenner, Jr. I am a member of the legal staff for the Presidential Assassination Commission and have been authorized by the Commission to depose you - take your deposition, make inquiries of you with respect to the subject matter of the inquiry of the Commission.
Did you receive, oh, last week, I would think, a letter from J. Lee Rankin, general counsel for the Commission?
Mrs. BATES - Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - And enclosed with that letter is a copy of the Executive order of President Lyndon B. Johnson on November 29, 1963, Number 11130, and a copy of the Senate Joint Resolution, Number 137, authorizing the creation of the Commission, together with a copy of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission?
Mrs. BATES - Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - And, Mrs. Bates, you appear voluntarily at our request?
Mrs. BATES - Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - The Commission, as you have noted from those enclosed papers, has been ordered, directed to inquire into all facts and circumstances surrounding, leading up to, and those appearing after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the President of the United States, and any contacts on your part with any of the parties.
We understand that you, during his lifetime, had some contact with Lee Harvey Oswald and I think, in fact, transcribed some manuscript notes of his?
Mrs. BATES - They weren't transcribed; they were copied.
Mr. JENNER - You copied them?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - Well, I meant transcribed in that sense. You transcribed them from longhand into typing?
Mrs. BATES - Well, some of them were typewritten, some of them were written in longhand pencil, some of it was written in pen.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, is that so.
Mrs. BATES - It was scraps of paper. Some of it was on just like bag paper. Some of it was just little scraps of paper - whatever he could find.
Mr. JENNER - Where do you reside now?
Mrs. BATES - In Fort Worth.
Mr. JENNER - And how long have you resided in Fort Worth?
Mrs. BATES - Ten years last November.
Mr. JENNER - What is your business, occupation, or profession?
Mrs. BATES - I'm a legal public stenographer.
Mr. JENNER - And how long have you been a legal public stenographer?
Mrs. BATES - In Fort Worth, 10 years - a little over 10 years.
Mr. JENNER - And is there a difference between being a legal public stenographer and a public stenographer?
Mrs. BATES - Well, I think so. I think I'm the only one in Fort Worth that has legal training.
Mr. JENNER - That's what I wish to bring out. You are a public stenographer and you seek to direct your talents primarily toward law work?
Mrs. BATES - Yes.
Mr. JENNER - Lawyers, court reporting, and that sort of thing?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh - well, I haven't done any court reporting. I have done work for court reporters - transcribe for them, and things like that.
Mr. JENNER - Are you a citizen of the United States?
Mrs. BATES - Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - You are a native born American?
Mrs. BATES - Yes, sir - Forest Grove, Oreg.
Mr. JENNER - How long have you resided in the Fort Worth-Dallas area?
Mrs. BATES - Ten years last November.
Mr. JENNER - And you came from where?
Mrs. BATES - Oakland, Calif.
Mr. JENNER - And what was your business or occupation when you were in Oakland, Calif.?
Mrs. BATES - Legal stenographer - legal secretary.
Mr. JENNER - That has always been your - insofar as you have had a business or occupation - it's been that?
Mrs. BATES - Except during the war when I worked in the shipyards.
Mr. JENNER - Out on the coast?
Mrs. BATES - Richmond. I have also been a waitress.
Mr. JENNER - Mrs. Bates, if anything seems personal to you, it's not intended as being personal. I'm trying to set the background. And you are at liberty at any time to say to me that you think maybe I'm going too far.
Mrs. BATES - I don't have anything to hide.
Mr. JENNER - All right. I'm sure you don't.
During the time you lived in the Fort Worth-Dallas area, did you have occasion to come in contact with a person known as Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mrs. BATES - He was known to me as Lee Oswald.
Mr. JENNER - All right. With a person known as Lee Oswald? And, just so we understand each other, is the person you knew as Lee Oswald and the person I just called Lee Harvey Oswald the person that you understand to be the man who was accused of the assassination of President Kennedy?
Mr. BATES. Yes. He was one and the same person. I recognized him.
Mr. JENNER - Yes. Now, tell me the circumstances under which that acquaintanceship arose.
Mrs. BATES - He walked into my office one day, said he had gotten my name out of the telephone directory. It so happens it's the first one in the public stenographers.
Mr. JENNER - And how was he attired on that occasion?
Mrs. BATES - He had dark trousers on, a white T-shirt and a blazer-type jacket - a dark blazer-type jacket.
Mr. JENNER - And since he had the T-shirt, he had no tie on?
Mrs. BATES - No; didn't have a shirt on.
Mr. JENNER - No shirt?
Mrs. BATES - Just a little white T-shirt - undershirt.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mrs. BATES - It was in June.
Mr. JENNER - In June? What time of the day or night was it?
Mrs. BATES - It was in the morning. Let's see - I turned those records over to the FBI.
Mr. JENNER - Well, give me your best recollection.
Mrs. BATES - I think it was around 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning, on the 18th of June 1962.
Mr. JENNER - All right. What was said by him and by you?
Mrs. BATES - He asked if I could do some typing for him.
Mr. JENNER - Did he identify himself first?
Mrs. BATES - No. He just walked in. It's not uncommon for people to walk in and say, "Miss Bates, can you do some typing for me?" And I said, "Yes, I could, what was it?" And he said it was - that he was - then, he told me he was Lee Oswald. He said, "First, I want to find out what your prices are and see if I can afford it." So, I gave him my price.
Mr. JENNER - And what did you say?
Mrs. BATES - I said it was either 2 1/2 an hour or a dollar a page.
Mr. JENNER - A page being 8 1/2 by 11 - letter-size sheets?
Mrs. BATES - Yes; uh-huh. And I told him it all depended on what the work was and could I see what it was. And he said, "Yes." And he brought out this large manila envelope, legal size - oh, I think it was 10 by 14 or something - one of those large ones. And he said, "I have some notes here" -
Mr. JENNER - I have a folder here [showing to witness] - is that -
Mrs. BATES - No; it's one of those that folds over from the top.
Mr. JENNER - I appreciate that - but I'm holding this up only for size.
Mrs. BATES - Oh! Well, it's approximately that long, but it was a little wider.
Mr. JENNER - The length of this, I think [measuring with ruler - it's 15 inches.
Mrs. BATES - Well, I have some up at my office. I use them all the time to, you know, send abstracts out in.
Mr. JENNER - That's 15 by 9.
Mrs. BATES - Well, I am sure, as I remember it - of course, now, this was some time ago - it was approximately 10 by 14 or 10 by 15 - and it looks like what I use.
Mr. JENNER - And it had a flap on it?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. Just a regular seal at the top. I think they are Carrollton Clasp or something like that.
He said that he had notes that he had smuggled out of Russia. And I looked up at him kinda surprised. I said, "Have you been to Russia?"
He said, "Yes, ma'am. I just got back." And that he had smuggled these notes out of Russia under his clothes, next to his skin.
Mr. JENNER - We fixed the time of this inquiry - didn't we?
Mrs. BATES - Yes; June 18. I mean, when he first came in my office.
Mr. JENNER - 1962?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
And that he wanted to have them typed by a professional typist. He said, "Some of them are typed on a little portable, some of 'em are handwritten in ink, some of 'em in pencil."
He said, "I'll have to sit right here with you and help you with 'em because some of 'em are in Russian and some of them are in English." So, we agreed that I would do it - but I hadn't seen them yet.
Mr. JENNER - You hadn't seen the notes yet?
Mrs. BATES - Huh-uh.
Mr. JENNER - Did he have a package under his arm on that occasion?
Mrs. BATES - Yes. He had it with him.
Mr. JENNER - What agreement - you mean that you agreed that you would do it? Had you reached a conclusion as to the rate?
Mrs. BATES - Well, I immediately lowered it to $2 an hour. I was anxious to get on it.
Mr. JENNER - Why did you become anxious to get on it?
Mrs. BATES - Well, anybody that had just come back from Russia and had notes, I would like to have seen them. And he didn't look like he had - he looked like a high school kid to me when he first came in. I thought he was just a kid.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - And I do a lot of thesis work for college and high school students. And then I started asking him some questions - "Why did you go to Russia?" - and a few things like that. Some of 'em he'd answer and some of 'em he wouldn't.
Mr. JENNER - Now, give me your best recollection of everything that was said on that occasion.
Mrs. BATES - Well, I'm trying to get it in sequence.
Mr. JENNER - Okay.
Mrs. BATES - We agreed that I would start typing the notes - and he wanted an original and one carbon. But he would take the carbon - he wanted the original and one carbon and also take the carbon with him.
Mr. JENNER - He didn't want to leave -
Mrs. BATES - I couldn't keep a copy of anything.
Mr. JENNER - Did you agree that you would do the job under those circumstances?
Mrs. BATES - That's what he wanted - and my customers are always right.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - Then, I asked him how come he had gone to Russia. I said, "It can't be very easy. How did you arrange it? Why did you want to go?"
And he said he had just gotten - he had gotten out of the Marine Corps and had taken elementary Russian - a course in elementary Russian.
Mr. JENNER - Where?
Mrs. BATES - While he was in the Marine Corps, as I understood him. He wasn't very talkative. And whenever I did get him to talk, I had to drag it out of him. He didn't talk voluntarily.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - And that he had wanted to travel and so he applied to the State Department for a visa. And I asked him if he was an exchange student - if he went over as an exchange student. Sometimes - I didn't know. I was kinda ignorant about things like that.
He said, "No" - that the State Department finally agreed to let him go over, but they would not be responsible for him; he was granted a visa to go over there but the State Department refused to stand behind him in case he got in trouble or anything.
So, he went. And that's all I got out of him, then, about that. And then we got busy and he opened this large package and he brought out the notes. And, as I said, they were on scraps of paper not even this big, some of them [indicating with finger], and some of them large pieces of paper, some of them were typed, some of them handwritten in ink and pencil. And he said that he had had to just do it when be could. And it was about the living conditions and the working conditions in Russia. And they were very bitter against Russia.
Mr. JENNER - His writings were bitter against working conditions?
Mrs. BATES - And living conditions. Yes.
Mr. JENNER - Did he say when he had prepared these notes?
Mrs. BATES - Just whenever he could.
Mr. JENNEL. When in Russia?
Mrs. BATES - Yeah. Oh, they were all done in Russia. And he smuggled them out of Russia. And he said that the whole time until they got over the border, they were scared to death they would be found, and, of course, they would not be allowed to leave Russia.
Mr. JENNER - Did he imply that Marina was aware that he had these notes?
Mrs. BATES - He didn't say. He just mentioned his wife once or twice in the 3 days he was up there. And, at the time -
Mr. JENNER - Were these 3 successive days?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh; 18th, 19th, and 20th.
Mr. JENNER - Did he spend substantially all day with you?
Mrs. BATES - No; it was 8 hours altogether in the 3 days.
Mr. JENNER - That was 8 hours that you worked, or 8 hours that he was there?
Mrs. BATES - I worked. And - uh - I spent 8 hours typing 10 pages, single-spaced.
Mr. JENNER - Which would indicate to me, as a lawyer, that you were having some trouble interpreting these notes?
Mrs. BATES - Oh, he'd - he had to spell things out for me and - uh - it was partly in Russian. And he had to transpose it - I mean, translate it for me. And - uh - it was - uh - very difficult to read. A lot of it was scribbled.. He would scribble notes and, then, to refresh his memory on it - he said he had to do it surreptitiously [witness pronounced word phonetically surreptiously], he just had to do it when Marina would cover for him while he was doing this.
Mr. JENNER - Marina would cover for him?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh - muffle the tone of the typewriter and everything so people wouldn't know that ha was - what he was doing.
Mr. JENNER - And Marina was aware, then, according to what he said to you, that he was making these notes?
Mrs. BATES - Well, evidently - because he said she would cover or watch for him so that nobody would know that he was making them. Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - Kind of - try to steer anybody away while he was doing this - because he could have got in trouble.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - He didn't talk very much. He - well, there wasn't much time to talk When you're typing and trying to translate things like that. And he was very cool and -
Mr. JENNER - Cool? You mean reserved?
Mrs. BATES - Cold.
Mr. JENNER - Cold?
Mrs. BATES - Yes.
Mr. JENNER - Very matter of fact?
Mrs. BATES - Yes; and if he didn't want to answer a question - if you asked him a question, no matter how simple it was, if he didn't want to answer it, he'd just shut up.
Mr. JENNER - He'd just ignore you?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
He said he was living with his brother out in Arlington Heights. Well, I lived in Arlington Heights, and I recognized the area he lived in by the telephone number. I said, "Well, where do you live, Lee? I have lived out in that part of town."
He said, "Arlington Heights."
So - that's-that just closed the subject right there. He had nothing else to say. In other words-"Just don't say anything more."
And - uh - I didn't even know he had a mother. He never mentioned his mother. He mentioned his brother; he mentioned his wife - said she liked it over here very much, that she got very ill from the food because it was too rich.
Mr. JENNER - He said that she had become ill?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. That she got the stomach ache, or something, because they hadn't had enough food in a long time.
Mr. JENNER - Your impression was that they -
Mrs. BATES - He hadn't even been hero a month, I don't think, when -
Mr. JENNER - Well, he arrived June 12 - so, he was only - when he reached your place, it was on the 18th. He had just been here 6 days.
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
It might help you to read that [referring to articles in local Fort Worth papers which witness brought with her].
Mr. JENNER - Well, I will in a moment. I want to get from you - what was his attitude toward Russia?
Mrs. BATES - Well, he never did talk much about it, as far as that goes. But
these notes, it was - uh - the terrible living conditions and the terrible working conditions and - uh - he did say, "Anything you hear about vacations and those big May Day celebrations, that's all propaganda." He said, "You don't get vacations." And be said, "These May Day celebrations-yes; they have them, but you're forced to go. It's not a voluntary thing. And if you have a radio or a television and you don't listen to it, you better have a good explanation because all you hear is party politics and you've got to listen to it. You don't have coffee breaks and you go to work before dawn and you get off after dark." And the notes were very, very bitter about Russia. And he never once mentioned the word "Communist."
Mr. JENNER - Either in his notes or orally to you?
Mrs. BATES - He just said "the party."
Mr. JENNER - The Party? Those are the words he used - the expression, rather?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. And he said you couldn't talk, you couldn't express anything because there was always a party person around and he'd report you.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-hub.
Mrs. BATES - He didn't talk very much. Just helped me with the translation and the notes-to read them.
Mr. JENNER - Did he say anything to you about any effort on his. part to become a citizen of Russia?
Mrs. BATES - Didn't know anything about it. Oh, another thing he said that he was very bitter about - he went over there on a 2-year visa and, of course, he married Marina. At the end of the 2 years when he wanted to leave, they wouldn't let him bring her back. They said, "You go ahead and we'll send her to you. "Well, of course," he said, "I knew I'd never see her again." So, he stayed 11 months longer until he could get her and he raised so much Cain until they finally let him.
Mr. JENNER - Raised Cain with whom?
Mrs. BATES - The Russians.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - He wouldn't leave - his visa was out but he wouldn't leave until they let her go.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh. Did he express orally to you any views or opinions respecting the Government of the United States?
Mrs. BATES - Never.
Mr. JENNER - Did you gather anything with respect to his attitude toward the United States?
Mrs. BATES - No; I've thought and thought - and, of course, I've been asked questions all along. And he didn't discuss anything. If you got 10 words out of him at a time, you were doing good. He just didn't talk - except explaining those notes and, at times, he would go into detail on them. Conversations - he had actual conversations that he had had with different people over there.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, he had?
Mrs. BATES - If you could find those notes, I tell you - they were fascinating to read. "Inside Russia" - was what it was. And they were coherent and they were well written. And he had them all in sequence. I mean, they weren't just haphazard. He had them all in sequence according to city and dates and things like that.
Mr. JENNER - How was his spelling?
Mrs. BATES - Well, the English was fair.
Mr. JENNER - The spelling?
Mrs. BATES - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - He was an accurate speller?
Mrs. BATES - Fair.
Mr. JENNER - He had misspelled words, though, occasionally?
Mrs. BATES - Oh, yeah. Mostly, I'd say, I don't know whether it was misspelled or just that he got in a hurry and left letters out. But there's very few men that are good spellers. I shouldn't say that but it's -
Mr. JENNER - I am - when I have my secretary.
Mrs. BATES - Yeah [laughter]. College students are notoriously bad spellers.
Mr. JENNER - Particularly law students.
Mrs. BATES - Well - no - particularly psychology majors. They're terrible!
Mr. JENNER - Did you type all of his notes?
Mrs. BATES - No; not even a third of them.
Mr. JENNER - Tell me that circumstance.
Mrs. BATES - Well, on the 20th, he came up and he was - uh - quite nervous. Uh - the other 2 days, he'd sit right there at my desk and - uh - If I needed to ask him anything, why I would. But this day, he was walking up and down and looking over my shoulder and wanting to know where I was-and, finally, I finished the 10th page. He said, "Now, Pauline, you told me what your charges were." He said, "This is 8 hours you've worked and 10 pages. I have $10 and no more money. And I can't let you go on."
And that's when I asked him if I couldn't go on and type the rest of them. I told him I'd do it for nothing, or if he got the money, why he could pay me.
And he said, "No, I don't work that way. I've got $10.', And he pulled a $10 bill out of his pocket and walked out.
Mr. JENNER - Were you in possession of these notes from day to day or did he take them back with him at night?
Mrs. BATES - Oh, he took them with him. He never left anything. And he never left the office until he had picked up what I had typed - even the carbon paper.
Mr. JENNER - Even the carbon paper?
Mrs. BATES - Oh yeah. He took the carbon paper. He did tell me that - I think it was the second day - that there was a man in Fort Worth - and he's an engineer. I can't. remember. I've scratched my brain on that, too, trying to remember - I just saw the letterhead for a minute - that was interested in having these notes put into book form - manuscript form.
Mr. JENNER - Does the name George De Mohrenschildt refresh your recollection?
Mrs. BATES - No. Uh - I just got a glimpse of the letterhead, and it didn't register with me.
Mr. JENNER - But it sounded like a man who is an engineer?
Mrs. BATES - He said he was an engineer - he told me that. But there's lots of engineers in -
Mr. JENNER - Oh, yes.
Mrs. BATES - And that he was interested in helping Lee get these notes published. And he said, of course, he would have to change names and things like that. He had actual Russian names of people he talked to. And in order to protect people, he'd have to change the names. But the man was willing to - uh - wanted to go ahead. He had read all the notes. I never did read all of them. Now, this is what Lee told me.
Mr. JENNER - Lee told you that this other person -
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh, this engineer.
Mr. JENNER - And the impression is yours that he was an engineer; had read all the notes.
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. Lee told me he had shown him the notes. Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh
Mrs. BATES - Now, I don't know whether be had read them all or not. Maybe I shouldn't say. He said, "I've shown him the notes."
And the man could read and speak Russian.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - That much he did tell me. And I just - uh - the next day when he came up was when he was real nervous and excited, sort of excited, like, I don't know. I'm afraid to say. I don't like to give impressions because they could be wrong.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mrs. BATES - But he showed no emotion at any time. The man just never showed any emotion. He had the deadest eyes I ever saw.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh. Did he talk about his wife?
Mrs. BATES - Yes - uh - some.
Mr. JENNER - What did he say?
Mrs. BATES - That - uh - she loved America and had wanted to come and that she liked It here very much and hoped that they could get work and stay. And that she - uh - - couldn't get over walking down the streets, and the shops- and that New York had just astounded her.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - And Texas climate - uh - was really good for her.
Mr. JENNER - The climate, you mean?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. And - uh - he never mentioned his mother. He never mentioned that he had a child.
Mr. JENNER - In any of the notes you transcribed, was a child mentioned?
Mrs. BATES - No, sir; I didn't know he had any.
Mr. JENNER - In any notes that you transcribed, did he reach the point at which he had married Marina?
Mrs. BATES - Never mentioned her. But he told me that he did.
Mr. JENNER - What impression do you have as to the period of time in Russia that was covered by the notes that you typed?
Mrs. BATES - Well, it was on Minsk and - uh - that one that starts with "K" - two cities-and he must have been on them for the whole time he was over there, because he told me he had to just do it when he could get the time and get away from people.
And I don't think it was anything that could have been gotten together in just a few months. It was too detailed.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh. I see. And your thought is that you typed about a third of his notes?
Mrs. BATES - About - from the pile. I don't know how much more there was, really, because they were all sizes - the paper was.
Mr. JENNER - And, also, he didn't permit you to look at the balance?
Mrs. BATES - No; I just saw the envelope. I typed 10 full single-spaced pages.
Mr. JENNER - That was letter size?
Mrs. BATES Letter size. Uh-huh. And that's a lot of words.
Mr. JENNER - Yes; that's right.
Mrs. BATES - I wish I could remember more about them but - uh - I think my legal training came forth there-you forget things deliberately when you're not suppose to remember things.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mrs. BATES - All I remember is the terrible living conditions in Russia and the terrible working conditions.
They are both the same, Mr. Jenner [referring to two copies of the Fort Worth Press, which Mr. Jenner was perusing].
Mr. JENNER - They are?
Mrs. BATES Uh-huh. One is the first edition and the other is the final edition.
Mr. JENNER - I see. But the text of the story is the same?
Mrs. BATES - Yes.
Mr. JENNER - Did you relate that experience of yours to anybody at the time?
Mrs. BATES - Well, after I - uh - after he left, a short time afterward, Caroline Hamilton and I are good friends. She's a reporter on the Press.
Mr. JENNER - That's the Fort Worth Press?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
And we were having lunch one day down at the corner drugstore and talking about, oh, just this, that, and the other thing, and I said, "By the way, Caroline, I did a real interesting job the other day. And the boy that I did it for is broke and out of a job, and you might be able to help him."
So, I gave her Lee's name and telephone number. That's all he gave me - was the telephone number - his brother's telephone number.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mrs. BATES - And they tried to contact him but couldn't.
Mr. JENNER - Could not contact -
Mrs. BATES - Lee.
I just thought maybe they might be able to find him work, or something like that, because he wasn't working. He hadn't gotten a job. And he was real worried about it, because he needed one.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mrs. BATES - And I just thought maybe that they might be able to help him find a job.
Mr. JENNER - And they were unable to contact him?
Mrs. BATES - They couldn't find him. They went out to his brother's home several times - oh, I think, two or three times, she said-one of the reporters did.
Mr. JENNER - And when was this?
Mrs. BATES - Oh, it was shortly after I did the work.
Mr. JENNER - I see. In the summer of 1962?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh; he was still out - I guess he was still out there - but there was never anybody at home when they went out there.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - And, actually, I didn't know that Lee was the accused assassin. I didn't see any television, or anything else, the day that the President was killed. I was still under such a shock because I had just seen him go down the street in front of my building and I could have shaken hands with him - and it was a terrible shock - until Caroline called me.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh; that day?
Mrs. BATES - That night of the assassination. And wondered, she said - I was out at my club - and she said, "Have you sees any television or listened to any radios?" And I said, "No." She said, "Well, have you got a television there?" And I said, "Yes." She said, "Turn it on - and then call me back." So, I did. and there he was.
Mr. JENNER - And the person you saw on television - this would be the night of the assassination?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - You recognized as being the same person who you knew as Lee Oswald -
Mrs. BATES - Lee Oswald.
Mr. JENNER - And whose notes you typed on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of June?
Mrs. BATES - 1962.
Mr. JENNER - 1962?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - And you were firm in your recognition of that person?
Mrs. BATES - Oh, yes. There was no doubt about it. His eyes alone would- you could recognize. And when I also heard him talk, I knew that's who it was.
That's all there is (referring to newspaper that Mr. Jenner was perusing again].
Mr. JENNER - These first two pages?
Mrs. BATES - Yes.
Mr. JENIIEB. When Miss Hamilton called you, I take it she came over and talked with you?
Mrs. BATES - Not until the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, it was delayed for awhile. Let's see - Thanksgiving was the following week?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. Caroline said, "Well, do you want to do something about it?" I said, "No; not now. Wait until I gather my thoughts and see if I'm advised what to do. I don't want to do anything that I shouldn't do."
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - Because he hadn't been - he had not been - uh - charged then even with the assassination. He'd just been picked up.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - So, then she called me Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving and she said, "Let's do a story on it." So, we sat all Wednesday afternoon and talked. So - it wasn't any spur of the moment thing.
Mr. JENNER - Yes. I wasn't meaning to suggest that.
Mrs. BATES - No, no; I know that. But we tried to make it just the 3 days he was in my office - and that was a little difficult to do because of all the things that happened since.
Mr. JENNER - Yes; in the interim.
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - Did you ever see him or hear of him from that time forward - that is, the 20th of June, 1962?
Mrs. BATES - I saw him on the street twice after that.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, you did? This was in Fort Worth?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. He didn't see me.
Mr. JENNER - He didn't see you and you didn't greet him?
Mrs. BATES - Oh, he was a half a block or a quarter of a block away. I was going down Houston Street to the bank and he was going into this - uh- variety store - Green's, or Grant's, I think it is.
Mr. JENNER - Was anybody with him?
Mrs. BATES - No; he was by himself.
Mr. JENNER - Did you ever meet Marina?
Mrs. BATES - No; his mother called me.
Mr. JENNER - When - after the assassination?
Mrs. BATES - The day the story broke.
Mr. JENNER - This story that you've shown me?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. She told me not to talk to anybody until I had talked to her. I said, "Well, I'm sorry, Mrs. Oswald, you're too late." She said, "That is not the property - that is my property."
Mr. JENNER - What is her property?
Mrs. BATES - She said, "I knew that Lee had had a public stenographer do some work but I never could find out who." And I said, "Mrs. Oswald, I didn't even know he had a mother in Fort Worth. He never spoke of her." She said, "Well, don't talk to anyone until I have talked to you." I said, "Well, you're just a little bit too late."
Mr. JENNER - Did she ever come out to see you?
Mrs. BATES - No.
Mr. JENNER - And that was the only conversation you ever had with her?
Mrs. BATES - Yeah - uh-huh. Mr. JENNER - I am going to show you paged 148 through 157 of a bound document on the cover of which appears the title, "Affidavits and Statements Taken In Connection With the Assassination Of The President." These pages are photostatic copies of what purport to be some manuscript notes. Are you familiar with the handwriting of Lee Oswald?
Mrs. BATES - I was.
Mr. JENNER - As you look at those documents-would you leaf through all the pages I have mentioned?
Mrs. BATES - Yes [complying]. It would be pretty hard - oh! wait a minute! wait a minute!
Mr. JENNER - This is for the purpose of inquiring of you, first, whether that's his handwriting and, secondly, whether you recognize any of that material?
Mrs. BATES - Right here.
Mr. JENNER - As things that he had in his notes.
Mrs. BATES - (Continuing to peruse notes) Metropole - uh-huh - Minsk.
Mr. JENNER - You are now referring to page 149?
Mrs. BATES - Yeah.
Mr. JENNER - You see something that is familiar to you?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - Were any of the notes that he tendered to you on the punched, ring book paper?
Mrs. BATES - I believe some of them were.
Mr. JENNER - And were any of the notes on the lined paper with the ruled left-hand margin?
Mrs. BATES - Every kind of paper imaginable.
Mr. JENNER - Well, do you recognize some of them as being on paper of that character?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh; uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - Now, some of his notes were in longhand, were they not?
Mrs. BATES - Yes; in pencil and pen.
Mr. JENNER - In pencil and in pen?
Mrs. BATES - His pen would run out and he would start in on pencil.
Mr. JENNER - Now, is that handwriting familiar to you as compared with the handwriting of Lee Oswald, or what he said was his handwriting, when you transcribed his notes for 3 days?
Mrs. BATES - It looks very much - as I remember it - it looks very much like it. [The witness points to a particular page.]
Mr. JENNER - The witness is referring to page 149 which seems particularly to attract her attention. The head of that is "Resident of U.S.S.R." Does that page awaken your recollection?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh - very definitely.
Mr. JENNER - What about it awakens your recollection?
Mrs. BATES - Well, as I remember, that's the way his notes started out.
Mr. JENNER - That [reading from notes] "I lived in Moscow from October 16, 1959, to January 4, 1960, during which time I stayed at the Berlin and Metropole Hotel"?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. That is as I remember - as I can remember - and that's all I can do, my recollection is that that's the way they started out - just like a story.
Mr. JENNER - Yes.
Mrs. BATES - A diary.
Mr. JENNER - Did he take his notes with him, too, when he -
Mrs. BATES - Took everything. He wouldn't allow me to keep anything.
Mr. JENNER - Would you go through those pages and see if you recognize any other of the story type of thing?
Mrs. BATES - [Complying.] Uh-huh. It was strictly Russian - on Russia - his trip to Russia.
Mr. JENNER - And, at that time, he had just returned from Russia and it would appear from the notes that you have examined that the later notes deal with his subsequent residence in the United States?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - And in New Orleans?
Mr. BATES - Yeah; which I knew nothing about.
Mr. JENNER - Well, It occurred afterward, in any event.
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh. I mean, I had never heard of the man before and I didn't hear of him afterwards.
Mr. JENNER - Now, the story in The Fort Worth Press - front page story in The Fort Worth Press of Friday, November 29, 1963, volume 48, No. 50, final home edition, which you have kindly brought with you today, and which is marked Bates Exhibit No. 1 and is offered in evidence.
Mrs. BATES - You may have it.
Mr. JENNER - Thank you. And that is the story -
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - That was written by Miss Caroline Hamilton, Press staff writer, as you have described?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - Is that story accurate as you related it to her?
Mrs. BATES - That's right.
Mr. JENNER - Is there anything in the story that you would like to amend or correct?
Mrs. BATES - No, sir. It was read to me before it was ever printed twice.
Mr. JENNER - It is Bates Exhibit No. 1 and is offered in evidence.
Mrs. BATES - And we did it very carefully to make it all - so we wouldn't get the past and the present mixed up. We kept it to the 3 days.
Mr. JENNER - Do you recall being interviewed by the FBI on December 2,1963
Mrs. BATES - Yes; let's see, that was a Saturday, wasn't it - December 2?
Mr. JENNER - [Referring to calendar] December 2 was a Monday.
Mrs. BATES - Well, no; they came to my home on Saturday after the story broke.
Mr. JENNER - Did they interview you twice?
Mrs. BATES - Well, they didn't interview me the second time really. They just - uh - I had received a letter, I think it was, that I turned over to them.
Mr. JENNER - I see. Could it have been Saturday, the 30th of November?
Mrs. BATES - It was the following Saturday after the story broke. Saturday the 30th of November. Yes, sir.
Mr. JENNER - Do you recall saying to the FBI men who interviewed you that the story was accurate -
Mrs. BATES - Yes, sir; gave him a copy of it.
Mr. JENNER - In every detail, with one exception - which was that Lee Oswald never stated that he was working for the U.S. State Department.
Mrs. BATES - Well, that is not in the story.
Mr. JENNER - Tell me about that.
Mrs. BATES - That was what - the radio and television was trying to put words in my mouth at that time. And - uh - I don't know how many times I had to call and tell them to retract that. I never stated that. I stated that when he first said that he went to Russia and had gotten a visa that I thought - it was just a thought - that maybe he was going over under the auspices of the State Department - as a student or something.
Mr. JENNER - Uh-huh.
Mrs. BATES - From that, they got that he was a secret agent for the - If you think that's bad, you ought to see what they did to me over the weekend. I had to get them to retract - according to the Associated Press Monday they had it on the wire that you people had come out to my house over the weekend and interviewed me - and I was on my way to Washington Monday!
Mr. JENNER - You mean, this past weekend? Mrs. BATES - Yes; The Star Telegram called me Monday -
Mr. JENNER - Uh - huh.
Mrs. BATES - And asked me about it and I said, "I don't know what you are talking about." And they said, "Well, somebody has just jumped the gun." And I said, "Well, you'd better do something about it. That's not true. And I certainly don't want to get in trouble with those people."
Mr. JENNER - I think some one of the young men around here told me that - but I put no stock in it, so -
Mrs. BATES - Well, I didn't know anything about it. I don't have a telephone at home. I had it taken out. And there wasn't any way anybody could contact me. I did get my letter Friday. But that's all. Well, they had me on the plane Monday to Washington! [laughing]. That's the press.
Mr. JENNER - They try to put two and two together and hope they'll hit it one out of three times.
Mrs. BATES - Well, anyhow, The Star Telegram took care of it. They said that I had gotten the letter - that they understood I had gotten the letter and I would be called as a witness - and that was it. I told them - I said, "You'd better get that off the wires because it's not true - and I'm certainly not going to be accountable for anything like that. No one has contacted me except by letter." But they were putting all kinds of words in my mouth.
Mr. JENNER - They hadn't talked to you at all?
Mrs. BATES - Who?
Mr. JENNER - The newspaper people over this weekend?
Mrs. BATES - No; I don't have a phone at home. And I was home very ill with bursitis.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, you were?
Mrs. BATES - I've got it right now. It's about to drive me crazy.
Mr. JENNER - That's pretty bad stuff.
Mrs. BATES - But, all this stuff about the Secret Service, I mean, that's strictly radio and television and reporters. The UP and the Associated Press drove me crazy calling me at 2 and 3 in the morning - "Mrs. Bates, can't you add
something?" - "Can't you remember something else?" - "Well, can't you elaborate?" Well, I had one stock answer: "You cannot elaborate on the truth."
Mr. JENNER - That's right.
Mrs. BATES - And that's all I could remember. I didn't know the man; I could not say anything about him except what happened in my office. And that's all I knew about it. "Well, can't you elaborate?" - you can't elaborate on the truth.
Mr. JENNER - No; that's right. Does anything occur to you that you think might be helpful to the Commission about which I haven't asked you - insofar as seeking the actual facts here is concerned?
Mrs. BATES - I don't know. I can't think of another thing. And I do have to keep from giving impressions I've got now.
Mr. JENNER - Yes. You have to -
Mrs. BATES - I mean, disassociate the past and the present. I've got to.
Mr. JENNER - That's right.
Mrs. BATES - Because I don't know anything. about the man except what I have read - since then. And I cannot make statements on my opinions or things like that. I don't believe in it.
Mr. JENNER - All right. Mrs. Bates, there have been a few occasions when the reporter was changing her tape and otherwise we have been off the record, during which we have had some conversations. Is there anything that occurred during the course of those asides that I had with you that you think I have failed to bring out - that's pertinent here?
Mrs. BATES - No, sir; I think everything is down. In fact, we quit talking when she was changing the tape - except for a cigarette, or something like that. I wish I could help you more.
Mr. JENNER - So do we. But all we can do is to try to delve into this great mystery. Mrs. Bates, you have the privilege and right to read over your deposition when it's been transcribed.
Mrs. BATES - May I have a copy?
Mr. JENNER - And to make any additions or corrections you see fit to make and that you think are warranted, and to sign it. You also have the right to waive these privileges if you see fit.
If you wish to take advantage of them, this transcript should, I think, be ready along about Wednesday of next week, a week from today. If you will call in, if I'm not in - we expect to be here - but if I'm not in, talk to the U.S. attorney, Mr. Sanders.
Mrs. BATES - That's long distance. I live in Fort Worth. Could you get a hold of Agent Howard?
Mr. JENNER - Agent Howard? Well, we cannot let the deposition out of our possession.
Mrs. BATES - No, no; and let him let me know when it is ready? He's the one that brought me over and he's waiting for me.
Mr. JENNER - Oh, he Is?
Mrs. BATES - Uh-huh.
Mr. JENNER - Well, when you are driving back with Agent Howard -
Mrs. BATES - I'll tell him.
Mr. JENNER - You tell Agent Howard to let you know when it is ready.
Mrs. BATES - Okay. Because I don't have a car.
Mr. JENNER - Because I have a hundred things to think about and I probably won't think about it.
Mrs. BATES - Would there be a possibility of having a copy of it?
Mr. JENNER - The rules provide that if you wish a copy, you may have a copy by paying the court reporter whatever the court reporter's regular rates are. So, if you wish to make an arrangement with her, that's your privilege.
Mrs. BATES - Well, I'll ask Mr. Sansom - he's a very prominent lawyer over there - and he said he wanted a copy of it.
Mr. JENNER - Well, we would not supply a copy of it to anyone else. If you personally want a copy, you have the privilege of obtaining one.
Mrs. BATES - Uh-uh. Well, you couldn't afford to give anybody copies of it.
Mr. JENNER - Not only can we not afford it, but we would not sell a copy to anybody-other than yourself.
Mrs. BATES - Oh, no; of my deposition, you mean?
Mr. JENNER - You may obtain a copy of your deposition by arrangement with the reporter.
Mrs. BATES - I see what you mean.
Mr. JENNER - But, you may not do so for somebody else.
Mrs. BATES - Oh, no; but I mean I want it for my files up at the office.
Mr. JENNER - And thank you for your time and your cooperation.
Mrs. BATES - Well, I figured it might help.