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In Re:
College Park, Maryland
Tuesday, July 16, 1996
The deposition of JOHN T. STRINGER, called for examination in the above-entitled matter, pursuant to notice, at Archives II, 6381 Adelphi Road, College Park, Maryland, convened at 9:55 a.m. before Robert H. Haines, a notary public in and for the State of Maryland, when were present on behalf of the parties:
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On Behalf of the Plaintiff:
General Counsel
Assassination Records Review Board
600 E Street, N.W., Second Floor
Washington, D.C. 20530
(202) 724-0088
(202) 724-0457 Fax
DOUGLAS P. HORNE, Senior Analyst
DAVID R. MONTAGUE, Investigator
PHILIP D. GOLRICK, ESQ., Chief Analyst
Assassination Records Review Board
U.S. National Archives
John T. Stringer 3
Deposition Exhibit No. 90 21
Deposition Exhibit No. 91 24
Deposition Exhibit No. 92 25
[All exhibits retained by Mr. Gunn.]
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[2] Whereupon,
[4] was called for examination by counsel for the U.S.
[5] Department of Justice and, having been first duly
[6] sworn by the notary public, was examined and
[7] testified as follows:
[9] BY MR. GUNN:
[10] Q: Would you state your name for the record,
[11] please?
[12] A: John Stringer.
[13] Q: Mr. Stringer, have you ever had your
[14] deposition taken before?
[15] A: I have not.
[16] Q: As I mentioned to you just before we
[17] started the deposition, that I will be asking
[18] questions to you in the deposition. All of the
[19] answers that you provide will be recorded by the
[20] court reporter.
[21] We will send a copy of your transcript as
[22] printed to you, to give you the opportunity to make
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[1] any changes to make the testimony more accurate.
[2] And we will then incorporate those changes into the
[3] final version of the transcript.
[4] The tape recording that is being made of
[5] the deposition will be kept in the Archives, as
[6] well as the copy of the transcript before your
[7] changes and the copy of the transcript after your
[8] changes.
[9] During the course of the deposition, I
[10] will be doing my best to ask clear questions to
[11] you. If you don't understand the question or it's
[12] unclear, don't hesitate to ask me to rephrase the
[13] question or restate the question. Anything that's
[14] unclear, don't hesitate to stop me. And we can try
[15] and do it in some other way.
[16] If you'd like to take a break at anytime
[17] during the deposition, don't hesitate to say so.
[18] And that can easily be accommodated.
[19] Mr. Stringer, you are under oath. And
[20] unlike in the telephone conversation that you and I
[21] had earlier, federal law pertaining to perjury
[22] would apply here. And, so, we ask that you give
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[1] your best and most honest recollection to the
[2] extent that you can.
[3] If you don't recall, then, you should say
[4] that you don't recall. But it's very important
[5] that we get as best a recollection as we can from
[6] you. Do you understand what I'm saying?
[7] A: Yes.
[8] Q: Mr. Stringer, were you present at any time
[9] during the autopsy of President Kennedy?
[10] A: Yes, I was.
[11] Q: What was your role generally at the
[12] autopsy?
[13] A: I took photographs of the body.
[14] Q: Is there any reason today that you would
[15] be unable to answer the questions that I'm going to
[16] ask you honestly, fully, and accurately?
[17] A: No reasons.
[18] Q: Were you ever previously under any kind of
[19] order or restraint from being able to talk about
[20] the autopsy?
[21] A: Yes, I was.
[22] Q: Can you explain, very briefly, what the
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[1] nature of the order was or the circumstances that
[2] put you under the order?
[3] A: Well, I think it was the morning after the
[4] autopsy. We were gathered into the commanding
[5] officer's office of the Naval Medical School, who
[6] through the fear of God and everyone - and he had
[7] a paper that we all had to sign that we would not
[8] talk to anyone about what had happened on that
[9] particular night.
[10] Q: Do you remember the name of the person who
[11] gave you the order?
[12] A: John Stover.
[13] Q: Did he say why you were being put under an
[14] order not to discuss the autopsy?
[15] A: Not as far as I can recall. He just said
[16] that it was a very important thing that we were not
[17] to speak to anyone about it.
[18] Q: Did he use the term "secret" or "top
[19] secret", in terms of the substance of what had
[20] happened at the autopsy?
[21] A: I think he did.
[22] Q: Which term did he use?
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[1] A: I remember it as "secret". Whether it was
[2] "top secret" or not, I don't know.
[3] Q: Did Captain Stover say anything about
[4] orders coming from the White House?
[5] A: I think he said it was orders from the
[6] Surgeon General.
[7] Q: Mr. Stringer, have you ever had a security
[8] clearance?
[9] A: Yes, I have.
[10] Q: Did you have a security clearance at the
[11] time of the autopsy?
[12] A: Yes, I did.
[13] Q: When is the last time, as best you recall,
[14] that you had your security clearance?
[15] A: Oh, I don't remember. I don't remember.
[16] It was on my card what I was cleared for. I know I
[17] had it when I went to Vietnam.
[18] Q: When was that?
[19] A: It was in '68 or something, I think.
[20] Q: Did you ever have access to classified
[21] information?
[22] A: Yes.
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[1] Q: What was the highest level of security
[2] clearance that you had?
[3] A: I think it was top secret, I believe.
[4] Q: I'll switch the topic a little bit.
[5] Mr. Stringer, do you have any records in your
[6] possession that relate to the autopsy of President
[7] Kennedy?
[8] A: No, I do not. I had a copy of that thing
[9] that I had to sign at one time, but I don't know
[10] where it is now.
[11] Q: When you're referring to the thing that
[12] you signed, do you mean -
[13] A: From -
[14] Q: - the order from Captain Stover?
[15] A: Yes, from Captain Stover.
[16] Q: As far as you know, you don't have a copy
[17] of that any longer?
[18] A: No. I had someone send me some copies of
[19] the pictures, which I sent back.
[20] Q: Do you remember who it was who sent you a
[21] copy of the pictures?
[22] A: Livingstone.
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[1] Q: Was that Harry Livingstone? Does that -
[2] A: Yes. They were in black and white.
[3] Q: Mr. Stringer, have you spoken to anyone
[4] about the fact that you would be having your
[5] deposition taken today?
[6] A: Only my wife.
[7] Q: Would it be fair, then, to say that you
[8] didn't speak to anyone, other than your wife, about
[9] the substance of the deposition or anything about
[10] the autopsy?
[11] A: That's correct.
[12] Q: Have you ever received any instructions
[13] from anyone affiliated with the United States
[14] govermnent about statements that you should or
[15] should not make regarding the autopsy, other than
[16] the order not to discuss the autopsy?
[17] A: No. I was - At one time, I was told
[18] that I could talk to a Dr. Lattimer when I was
[19] under that order.
[20] Q: Do you remember approximately what time
[21] that was that you spoke to Mr. Lattimer - Dr.
[22] Lattimer?
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[1] A: No. It was when I was still in Bethesda.
[2] In fact, he came out there to speak to me.
[3] Q: It's my understanding that the
[4] conversation with Dr. Lattimer took place around
[5] 1972. Does that seem generally correct to you,
[6] or -
[7] A: It could be.
[8] Q: After the autopsy, did you ever speak to
[9] any of the physicians who were present at the
[10] autopsy regarding the autopsy?
[11] A: No, I don't think so.
[12] Q: So, for -
[13] A: I can't remember.
[14] Q: You don't remember, for example, ever
[15] speaking to Dr. Humes about the autopsy?
[16] A: No, I don't think so.
[17] Q: Do you remember speaking with anyone else
[18] who was present at the autopsy, other than the
[19] doctors, about the autopsy?
[20] A: Well, I had a corpsman there, but we never
[21] spoke about it.
[22] Q: Is the corpsman named Mr. Riebe?
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[1] A: Yes, correct.
[2] Q: When is the last time you saw Mr. Riebe,
[3] approximately?
[4] A: Well, when he graduated from the photo
[5] school there. I haven't seen or heard from him
[6] since then. And that was - that was soon after
[7] the autopsy, I believe.
[8] Q: So, that would be the early to mid '60s
[9] was the last time you saw Mr. Riebe; is that
[10] correct?
[11] A: Yes.
[12] Q: Do you recall that you and I had a
[13] telephone conversation a few weeks ago?
[14] A: Yes.
[15] Q: Other than that conversation, I'd like to
[16] find out what other times you have spoken to
[17] officials of the U.S. government about the autopsy.
[18] And let me go back and ask, did you ever
[19] speak to anyone about the autopsy during the time
[20] that the Warren Commission was in existence?
[21] A: No.
[22] So, you then never testified to the Warren
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[1] Commission?
[2] A: No. That's correct.
[3] Q: Do you recall that in around 1966 you went
[4] to the Archives to review some of the autopsy
[5] material?
[6] A: Correct.
[7] Q: Do you remember speaking with anyone
[8] affiliated with the U.S. government about the
[9] autopsy between the time of the autopsy and the
[10] 1966 inventory?
[11] A: No.
[12] Q: After the 1966 inventory, what was the
[13] next time that you spoke to anyone affiliated with
[14] the U.S. government about the autopsy?
[15] A: I don't think I have ever spoken to anyone
[16] with the government about it.
[17] Q: Do you remember, in the late 1970s, there
[18] was a congressional inquiry called the House Select
[19] Committee on Assassinations?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Do you remember speaking with anyone, by
[22] telephone or in person -
Page 13
[1] A: No.
[2] Q: - affiliated with the House Select
[3] Committee?
[4] A: No.
[5] Q: Do you remember speaking with David
[6] Lifton - Let me withdraw that.
[7] Do you recall the name David Lifton?
[8] A: Yes, I do.
[9] Q: Do you remember speaking with David Lifton
[10] at or about the time that you spoke with Dr.
[11] Lattimer?
[12] A: I don't remember when I spoke to David
[13] Lifton.
[14] Q: Do you remember speaking with him on the
[15] telephone?
[16] A: Yes, I do.
[17] Q: Mr. Stringer, could we go back and talk
[18] about part of your career fora couple of moments?
[19] A: Mm-hmm.
[20] Q: Did you graduate from college?
[21] A: No. I went to Maryland University.
[22] Q: You never received a degree from Maryland?
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[1] A: No. That's correct.
[2] Q: What subjects did you study at the
[3] University of Maryland?
[4] A: I was in pre-med for a year, and then I
[5] went to the medical school and took medical drawing
[6] and photography.
[7] Q: Can you tell me what kinds of courses you
[8] would study for medical drawing and photography?
[9] A: Well, it was a course there. It was
[10] called Art As Applied To Medicine. And they had
[11] regular courses in drawing, and photography, and
[12] motion pictures. It was headed by a Dr. Clark. I
[13] was there for three years.
[14] Q: Just in a very general way, how many
[15] courses would you estimate that you took in medical
[16] illustration?
[17] A: Well, the first time - the first year, I
[18] took gross anatomy with the medical students. We
[19] were on a cadaver. And after that, we went in to
[20] drawing - in to basic drawing, and then in to
[21] medical drawing.
[22] Then we went in to the photography, and
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[1] making of slides and photographs in the operating
[2] room, and in the laboratory, and on patients pre-
[3] and post-operative.
[4] Q: During these courses, did you become quite
[5] familiar with terms of anatomy?
[6] A: Yes.
[7] Q: And did you obtain competence in medical
[8] illustration?
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: Could you tell me, just in a very general
[11] way, what medical photography is?
[12] A: Well, it's the illustration of medical
[13] cases, pre- and post-operative, for the teaching of
[14] doctors and - not teaching, but to make a medical
[15] record of the patients, and also for teaching of
[16] doctors.
[17] Q: Does medical photography involve autopsy
[18] photography, as well?
[19] A: Yes, it does.
[20] Q: Other than the subject matter, which would
[21] be presumably closeups of portions of the human
[22] anatomy, how does the technical training for
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[1] medical photography differ from other forms of
[2] photography?
[3] A: Well, basically, all of the photography is
[4] the same, but you have different uses. In
[5] medicine, you have to show the defect. In portrait
[6] photography, you get away from the defects.
[7] Q: Other than your training at the University
[8] of Maryland, did you have any other formal training
[9] in either medical illustration or medical
[10] photography?
[11] A: No.
[12] Q: What kinds of skills would you say would
[13] be required for a person to be a competent
[14] professional medical photographer?
[15] A: Well, you have to be able to take the
[16] blood and the guts. And, basically, that's about
[17] it, I think.
[18] Q: That would be the only kind of specialty
[19] that you would need for medical photography?
[20] A: Oh, no. Well, you have to be competent as
[21] a photographer.
[22] Q: After you attended the University of
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[1] Maryland, what is the first position that you had
[2] in the area of medical photography?
[3] A: I went to - it was Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
[4] to Columbia Hospital there, and set up a medical
[5] art and photo lab there. And that was in 1941, I
[6] think.
[7] Q: Was the Columbia Hospital affiliated with
[8] the U.S. government in any way?
[9] A: No, it was not.
[10] Q: So, you were a civilian at that time?
[11] A: That's correct.
[12] Q: What was your next position after the
[13] Columbia Hospital?
[14] A: After that, I joined the Navy.
[15] Q: Were you a medical photographer at the
[16] time that you joined the Navy?
[17] A: Yes, in art and photography.
[18] Q: Art and photography?
[19] A: Mm-hmm.
[20] Q: Is that around 1941?
[21] A: No, in `42. It think it was October of
[22] `42.
Page 18
[1] Q: How long were you in the Navy?
[2] A: I was in the Navy till '49, I think it
[3] was. Then I got out and became a civilian, as the
[4] director of medical photography.
[5] Q: Now, is that at Bethesda?
[6] A: Yes; correct. At the Naval Medical
[7] School.
[8] Q: During the period 1942 to 1949, was your
[9] work in the area of medical photography -
[10] A: Yes, I was -
[11] Q: - and illustration?
[12] A: I was officer in charge of medical
[13] photography.
[14] Q: Where were you in charge of medical
[15] photography?
[16] A: At Bethesda. Before that, I was in San
[17] Diego. I first came in the Navy, and went to
[18] Bethesda. I was there for almost a year. Then I
[19] went to San Diego, and set up a lab out there.
[20] Q: As of 1949, did the Navy have any
[21] photography school - medical photography schools,
[22] other than at the Bethesda Naval Medical School?
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[1] A: No, they did not.
[2] Q: So, then, you were the director of medical
[3] photography at the only -
[4] A: Yes.
[5] Q: - facility that the Navy had for teaching
[6] medical photography?
[7] A: That's correct.
[8] Q: Did you, yourself, teach photography?
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: How long did you teach photography?
[11] A: Well, from the time I was there till the
[12] time I retired.
[13] Q: When did you retire?
[14] A: In `74. In February of `74. We also had
[15] chiefs there that were also teaching. I was the
[16] director of them.
[17] Q: Do you have - or could you give me a
[18] rough estimate of how many students you taught
[19] during the time you were at Bethesda?
[20] A: There was an average of four every six
[21] months, and sometimes there were seven. So, you go
[22] with that by about 30 years.
Page 20
[1] Q: What other duties did you have as the
[2] director of medical photography, in addition to
[3] teaching courses?
[4] A: At Bethesda?
[5] Q: At Bethesda.
[6] A: Well, I was on a inventory committee, and
[7] just collateral duties that came up. But,
[8] basically, it was in charge of the photo lab.
[9] Q: Did you have any responsibility for taking
[10] autopsy photographs during the time that you were
[11] the director of medical photography?
[12] A: Yes.
[13] Q: Approximately, how many autopsies did you
[14] photograph a year?
[15] A: I don't know. Maybe - It would all
[16] depend upon the case. if it was important, then
[17] they - then it was photographed. I didn't do it
[18] all this time. We sent down a corpsman to do it.
[19] And it would maybe average one a week, I guess.
[20] Q: Would it be fair to say, then, that you
[21] had a significant amount of experience in autopsy
[22] photography as of 1963?
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[1] A: Yes.
[2] Q: Do you know if anyone in the Navy who had
[3] more experience with autopsy photography than you
[4] did, as of 1963?
[5] A: Not as far as I can know.
[6] Q: Mr. Stringer, have you ever received any
[7] citations or awards for quality of your
[8] photography?
[9] A: Well, for - I mean, just letters of
[10] commendation. And when I retired, I got a pin -
[11] or whatever it was - for outstanding service or
[12] something.
[13] Q: Mr. Stringer, during the course of the
[14] deposition, I'm going to show you certain exhibits
[15] that I'd like to ask you some questions about.
[16] The numbering of the exhibits corresponds
[17] not to simply the deposition that we're doing
[18] today, but to other depositions. So, the numbers
[19] will not appear to you to be in any kind of
[20] sequence.
[21] [Deposition Exhibit No.90
[22] marked for identification.]
Page 22
[1] BY MR. GUNN:
[2] Q: The first one I'd like to show you is
[3] number MD 90. And I'd like to ask you if you have
[4] previously seen that document?
[5] MR. GUNN: I will state for the record
[6] that it's a document that appears on its face to
[7] have been dated May 2nd, 1957. And it is marked
[8] Exhibit MD 90 for this deposition.
[9] THE WITNESS: It brings back a lot of
[10] memories.
[11] BY MR. GUNN:
[12] Q: Do you remember having seen this document
[13] before?
[14] A: No, I have not. I don't remember seeing
[15] it.
[16] Q: Do you know who R.C. Richardson is?
[17] A: No, I don't remember him. No.
[18] Q: I'd like to read one portion of this, and
[19] then ask you about whether this is a reasonably
[20] accurate description of the kind of work that you
[21] do. And the portion I'll be reading is the last
[22] third of the very first paragraph on the first
Page 23
[1] page, beginning:
[2] "In addition, since the field of color
[3] photography is an ever-changing science, it is
[4] necessary for Mr. Stringer to carry on a continuous
[5] training and research program, in order to keep the
[6] medical photography school abreast of the most
[7] advanced photographic procedures. His photographs
[8] of the various anatomical structures of the human
[8] body, body cavities, as well as fundus lesions of
[10] the human eye are outstanding examples of the
[11] photographer's art. Much of the photographic work
[12] required in compiling Volumes 1 and 2 of the Color
[13] Atlas of Pathology was accomplished by the medical
[14] photography department under the supervision of
[15] Mr. Stringer, and he is given credit for this work
[16] in the forward of Volume 2, which, together with
[17] Volume 1, are unique in the field of pathology."
[18] Just a couple of questions, if I could,
[19] about that passage.
[20] Would you say that it would be accurate
[21] that it's important - or it was important for you
[22] in your position to carry on continuous training
Page 24
[1] and research programs in the developments in
[2] photography?
[3] A: Yes.
[4] Q: And were some of your works published in
[5] the Color Atlas of Pathology?
[6] A: Yes.
[7] [Deposition Exhibit No. 91
[8] marked for identification.]
[9] BY MR. GUNN:
[10] Q: Mr. Stringer, let me show you another
[11] document, which I hope brings back some fond
[12] memories for you.
[13] A: Frank Kruez.
[14] Q: The document that you've been handed is
[15] marked Exhibit MD 91 for this deposition. It's
[16] dated on its face February 15th, 1962, to Mr. John
[17] T. Stringer from Commanding Officer, National Naval
[18] Medical Center.
[19] Mr. Stringer, have you previously seen the
[20] document that's now marked Exhibit 91?
[21] A: I think I have seen this one.
[22] Q: Is this the kind of document that you were
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[1] referring to when you stated that letters had been
[2] put into your file?
[3] A: Yes.
[4] Q: Could you tell me who F.P. Kroitz is,
[5] please?
[6] A: Kruez?
[7] Q: Kruez.
[8] A: He was the CO of the Naval Medical Center.
[9] He was an admiral. He was an orthopedic surgeon.
[10] And I used to take pictures for him when he was in
[11] surgery, when he was a captain.
[12] Q: So, Admiral Kruez was, himself, aware of
[13] your own talents by virtue of his having worked
[14] with you in-
[15] A: Correct. And on some of these other ones,
[16] like on the balloon thing, I went with a Captain
[17] Barron that.
[18] [Deposition Exhibit No. 92
[19] marked for identification.]
[20] Q: Mr. Stringer, let me show you one
[21] additional document, marked Exhibit 92, which
[22] appears to be on its face - and I'll ask you if
Page 26
[1] this is correct - an application for federal
[2] employment that you may have signed. But that's a
[3] question I will ask you.
[4] The first question for you is, have you
[5] previously seen the document that is now marked
[6] Exhibit No. 92?
[7] A: I guess, I have.
[8] Q: Is that your signature on the last page?
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: Previously in the deposition you mentioned
[11] that you went into civilian work in 1949. Do you
[12] recall that?
[13] A: Yes, I think so.
[14] Q: Do you see the date on the application on
[15] the first page, which appears to be 6/23/49?
[16] A: Yes.
[17] Q: Does this help - does that help refresh
[16] your recollection as to whether this may have been
[19] an application that you filled out for civilian
[20] employment in 1949?
[21] A: I guess, it was.
[22] Q: Could you turn to the third page of
Page 27
[1] Exhibit No. 92, and look at the portion where it
[2] refers to education, under number 18 on the
[3] application?
[4] A: Mm-hmm.
[5] Q: As you look through that now, does
[6] everything on section 18 appear to you to be
[7] accurate?
[8] A: Now, section 18; is it?
[9] Q: Yes, referring to education - the
[10] portions that we discussed just a few moments ago.
[11] A: I guess. I don't - Yes, I guess.
[12] Q: It refers to moulage and moulage
[13] prosthesis.
[14] A: Correct.
[15] Q: Could you explain what that is, very
[16] briefly?
[17] A: A moulage is where you take a copy of the
[18] body - we used to do it with plaster - and then
[19] make a model for it. Exhibits. They used to make
[20] artificial ears out of moulage.
[21] And we did - oh, when they first did the
[22] operation on the hip, we went into the morgue and
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[1] made a cast of it. And then we made a - just
[2] modeled that, and then colored it out.
[3] Q: Okay.
[4] A: In fact, there's been several books
[5] written on moulage. I think it's gone by the
[6] wayside now.
[7] Q: If we can go back for a moment to the
[8] teaching that you did at Bethesda, were there any
[9] concepts or points that you attempted to teach your
[10] students regarding any particular difficulties
[11] related to medical autopsies - photographing
[12] autopsies?
[13] A: What do you mean by that?
[14] Q: Was there anything different that you
[15] would have stressed or tried to teach the students
[16] regarding autopsies that would have been different
[17] from any other form of medical photography?
[18] A: Well, they should be identified - the
[19] autopsies - by number. And there are different
[20] angles you have to take, to show the defect.
[21] Generally, the doctor tells you what to take.
[22] Q: Anything else that you can think of that
Page 29
[1] would be of particular importance for autopsies?
[2] A: Well, these people that came in, they were
[3] trained as corpsmen. And they were not
[4] photographers. We had to teach them photography -
[5] basically, the medical training they've had as to
[6] some anatomy and things like that.
[7] So, we tried to show them the basic - It
[8] was only a six-months course. We showed them the
[9] basic facts of photography as applied to medicine.
[10] (See attached curriculum for medical
[11] photography/school.)
[12] Q: I'd like to go back to some of the things
[13] that you just mentioned. When you said that the
[14] autopsy should be identified by number, what did
[15] you mean by that?
[16] A: Well, by the autopsy number.
[17] Q: And how would a body be identified by
[18] number? I don't mean, how do you get the number?
[19] But how is it you identify the body?
[20] A: Each body as a autopsy number, A so-and-so. And
[21] we had a little ruler that you put the
[22] number on, and then put that in part of the
Page 30
[1] picture.
[2] Q: So that when the photograph was exposed,
[3] the identification number would be next to the
[4] deceased?
[5] A: Correct.
[6] Q: What would the purpose of doing that be?
[7] A: For identification.
[8] Q: So that there wouldn't be any question
[9] about whose body was in the photograph; is that
[10] fair?
[11] A: Correct. Yes.
[12] Q: Is there any other way that the decedent
[13] would be identified during the course of taking
[14] autopsy photos?
[15] A: Well, we had a thing where you could open
[16] up the cassette and put the number in on it.
[17] Q: When you say "open up the cassette", you
[18] mean of the camera?
[19] A: The film holder.
[20] Q: The film holder.
[21] A: And have it identified by the number.
[22] Q: And how did that work exactly? Did you
Page 31
[1] have a tape with the number on it, and put it on
[2] the film, or some other -
[3] A: No. You had a - Yes, you had a tape
[4] there where the light came through it. And then it
[5] put it on the film.
[6] Q: So that the film would actually be exposed
[7] to show the number?
[8] A: Yes, on that particular part.
[9] Q: Is there any other way that there would be
[10] an identification in the photography?
[11] A: Well, we had a log, where each of the jobs
[12] was given a number. And that was written in the
[13] log; the name, the diagnosis, the doctor that
[14] ordered it, the autopsy number or the surgical
[15] number. And that was written in a log every day.
[16] Q: Did the log contain a listing of the
[17] number of photographs that had been taken at the
[18] autopsy?
[19] A: Correct.
[20] Q: Where was that log maintained?
[21] A: In the office of the photo lab.
[22] Q: Would the log identify the type of film
Page 32
[1] that was used in the autopsy?
[2] A: Yes.
[3] Q: Did the log identify the type of camera
[4] that was used in the autopsy?
[5] A: No, because at that time we only used the
[6] four-by-five Graphic view camera. So, we knew what
[7] was being taken. If it were just movies, then it
[8] was written in there that it was done by motion
[9] picture.
[10] Q: Did you, at some time, take motion
[11] pictures of autopsies?
[12] A: I don't remember taking any autopsies.
[13] Q: Did the log that was in the photo lab have
[14] a particular name, other than just "log"?
[15] A: On the front of it, it said "log".
[16] Q: If we were to try to identify that log or
[17] find the log, is there any term that you could
[18] think of as how that might be identified?
[19] A: Well, what we used to do - we used to put
[20] them in the archives, but I don't know what they've
[21] done in the last 23 years. But that's not the
[22] Archives here. hat was at Bethesda.
Page 33
[1] Q: So, the archives at the Bethesda Naval
[2] Medical Center would be the place to look for that,
[3] you would guess?
[4] A: I would guess.
[5] Q: For something from the 1960s?
[6] A: [Nods head up and down]
[7] Q: Is there any other way that the decedent
[8] would be identified by number or any other unique
[9] identifier, in addition to what you've already
[10] mentioned?
[11] A: Nothing.
[12] Q: You mentioned the three different ways
[13] that there would be some identification or record
[14] of the decedent by number. Was it a standard
[15] practice in 1963 to record all of those for
[16] autopsies that were being performed at Bethesda?
[17] A: Unless they were told not to do it, yes.
[18] Q: That was standard procedure as of 1963?
[19] A: Yes, on all of the specimens in the lab.
[20] They used to bring some up from the morgue, and
[21] then do them in the lab. And they would put the
[22] number on it with a ruler.
Page 34
[1] Q: So, these then - the photographs would be
[2] not only of the body of the deceased, but any
[3] sections that had been taken -
[4] A: Correct.
[5] Q: - or any body parts?
[6] A: Correct.
[7] Q: All of them would be identified by the
[8] number?
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: After the photographs were taken or
[11] exposed, in the ordinary course what would happen
[12] to those photographs from the autopsies?
[13] A: They would be sent to our lab, and they
[14] would be then taken out of the film holders and
[15] then processed. If it were black and white, they
[16] would be done in the black and white lab. If they
[17] were color, they would then go to the color lab.
[18] Q: And you had labs at Bethesda that could
[19] handle both black and white, and color?
[20] A: Correct.
[21] Q: After the photographs had been developed
[22] in the lab, would the fact that they had been
Page 35
[1] developed in the lab also be recorded in the log
[2] that you mentioned earlier?
[3] A: Yes. In other words, this chit that we
[4] had on each of the jobs had on there what was taken
[5] in black and white, how many prints were made, if
[6] they were black and white or color. And then it
[7] would also say who did it.
[8] Q: What happened to the photographs after
[9] they had been developed?
[10] A: They were -
[11] Q: Would they be kept at the photo lab, or
[12] sent somewhere else in Bethesda?
[13] A: The photographs were released to the
[14] doctor for the patient's record and the negatives
[15] were filed in the photo lab office. And then when
[16] they got full, then they were sent to archives. In
[17] other words, we could only keep so many.
[18] Q: Were new folders or new files opened for
[19] each autopsy that was performed at Bethesda?
[20] A: Each job had its own number and file.
[21] Q: Were copies of the photographs ever sent
[22] to other patient files or some other place at
Page 36
[1] Bethesda or elsewhere?
[2] A: Well, the doctor got all the prints. In
[3] other words, he signed for the prints. And the
[4] negatives were filed in the photo lab. In other
[5] words, we didn't file any prints.
[6] Q: Okay. So, then, the print of the - taken
[7] from the autopsy would be sent to the doctor, who
[8] may or may not put it in the patient file?
[9] A: That's right, yeah. The doctor picked
[10] them up in the photo lab and signed for same.
[11] Q: Okay.
[12] A: In other words, they were supposed to go
[13] into the patient's file.
[14] Q: Okay.
[15] A: And he signed for them when he picked them
[16] up.
[17] Q: Earlier you had mentioned some things that
[18] you taught - you particularly taught your
[19] students. And we've just been talking about the
[20] identification process.
[21] The second one that you mentioned was that
[22] you needed to teach the students about the angles
Page 37
[1] that would be taken - viewing angles for the
[2] autopsy. What did you mean by that?
[3] A: Well, if it were inside the body, you had
[4] to have - had to show them how to light it and
[5] what they wanted, if it were a liver, spleen,
[6] kidney.
[7] Q: Did angles come into play in showing
[8] wounds or injuries of a person who may have died of
[9] trauma?
[10] A: Yes.
[11] Q: What kinds of angles would you typically
[12] teach students should be taken for traumatic
[13] injuries to the body?
[14] A: Well, it's mainly done in shadow and
[15] lights.
[16] Q: Would it be standard practice to take a
[17] picture of the entire body, then a mid photograph
[18] showing perhaps the torso, and then a closeup of a
[19] wound of entrance, or a knife wound, or something
[20] of that sort? How would that work?
[21] A: Well, it depended upon what the doctor
[22] wanted. But, basically, in a trauma, you would
Page 38
[1] shoot a picture of the whole body, to show what was
[2] there.
[3] Q: And was it standard practice to show
[4] closeups of a wound of entrance, whether it's a
[5] knife wound or a bullet wound?
[6] A: Well, here again, it would depend upon
[7] what the doctor told you to shoot.
[8] Q: Okay.
[9] A: Basically, you are working for the doctor,
[10] what he wants. Except when he sends a patient to
[11] the lab. And then, on the chit, it tells you what
[12] he wants. But when you're in the operating room,
[13] or in the morgue, or something, you're basically
[14] under his control.
[15] Q: Okay. You previously mentioned that, at
[16] Bethesda, you had a four-by-five camera; is that
[17] correct?
[18] A: Correct.
[19] Q: What kind of camera was the four-by-five
[20] that you had?
[21] A: It was a Graphic, G-r-a-p-h-i-c. A
[22] Graphic view camera.
Page 39
[1] Q: And is Graphic a brand name?
[2] A: Yes. Was that a monorail camera, or a
[3] field camera?
[4] A: It was on a monorail that you focused back
[5] and forth. You had the different lenses for
[6] magnification.
[7] Q: Now, if that's on a monorail, I assume
[8] that it would be somewhat heavy; is that correct?
[9] A: It's on a tripod.
[10] Q: So, it's on a tripod?
[11] A: It was mounted on a tripod, on a three-wheel
[12] Salzman tripod.
[13] Q: In the area of 1963, did you ever use a
[14] medium-format camera at autopsies?
[15] A: No. At that time, we were in the process
[16] of changing from a four-by-five to 35 millimeter.
[17] And we were - the commanding officer wouldn't let
[18] us purchase any more four-by-five film, because we
[19] were in the midst of buying the 35 millimeter
[20] cameras and the films.
[21] Q: What I'd like to do, if we could, is go
[22] through the different formats of cameras: 35
Page 40
[1] millimeter, medium format, and view cameras. Just
[2] get a very brief description about the differences
[3] among those, so we can understand what's happening.
[4] With the 35 millimeter camera, that would
[5] also be called a small-format camera -
[6] A: Yes.
[7] Q: - is that fair?
[8] A: Hand held.
[9] Q: Hand-held camera. And that's the kind
[10] that is most typically used by people today?
[11] A: At the present time, yes.
[12] Q: How does a medium-format camera differ
[13] from a 35 millimeter camera, just in a very
[14] general -
[15] A: You're talking about a 120. It's the size
[16] of the film.
[17] Q: Size of the film.
[18] A: And they are also roll cameras - I mean,
[19] roll film.
[20] Q: When you refer to 120, what does that mean
[21] - for the film?
[22] A: It's the size of the film. Like a 35
Page 41
[1] millimeter, 120.
[2] Q: Is that about two and a quarter inches?
[3] A: I think so.
[4] Q: Is that about what it is? And it would be
[5] fair to say, I assume, that a view camera is the
[6] large-format camera?
[7] A: Yes. And we had a four-by-five view
[8] camera, a five-by-seven back, and an eight-by-ten.
[9] I forget the name of the eight-by-ten, but it also
[10] had a five-by-seven back on it. And it was a very
[11] expensive camera.
[12] Q: Did you ever use the five-by-seven or
[13] eight-by-ten back cameras for autopsies?
[14] A: No. We used that generally for
[15] portraiture.
[16] Q: Could you explain, in just a very brief
[17] way, how the four-by-five camera works - the
[18] Graphic view camera that you had?
[19] A: Well, you have a ground glass, where you
[20] focus on that. And you have the patient or the
[21] body - whatever it is. And you're on a tripod.
[22] And you can move the tripod, or you can move the
Page 42
[1] camera. And, basically, it was very cumbersome,
[2] but that's the way it was years ago.
[3] And then, also, we used four-by-five speed
[4] Graphics, but basically for public relations. That
[5] was with the big flash and all.
[6] Q: Okay. The speed Graphic camera would be
[7] easier to use from hand-held positions -
[8] A: Yes.
[9] Q: - is that right?
[10] A: Correct.
[11] Q: So, both the speed Graphic and the Graphic
[12] view camera are both four-by-five, but one of them
[13] is much larger and more cumbersome than the other;
[14] is that right?
[15] A: That's correct. Or their backs - Maybe
[16] the four-by-five speed Graphic is a little bit
[17] larger than the view camera, but - It was heavy
[18] but you could hold it up to your eye; where the
[19] view camera had to be on a tripod.
[20] Q: Is the speed Graphic the kind of camera
[21] that we typically think of in old movies with -
[22] A: Yes, PR work.
Page 43
[1] Q: - with the press person taking
[2] photographs?
[3] A: That's correct.
[4] Q: Jimmy Olsen and Superman.
[5] A: Yeah, with a big flash bulb in it.
[6] Q: Okay.
[7] A: And then after that, they came out with
[8] the electronic flash - the speed flash.
[9] Q: Was there anyway of using 120 film in a
[10] Graphic view camera?
[11] A: You could have a back on it, yes.
[12] Q: A back that would hold a roll film?
[13] A: Yes.
[14] Q: Did you have any backs that would hold
[15] roll film in the photo lab in Bethesda around 1963?
[16] A: I believe we did.
[17] Q: Did you ever use that back that would hold
[18] 120 film during autopsies?
[19] A: I don't think so.
[20] Q: Now, you previously used the word
[21] "cumbersome" to describe the Graphic view camera,
[22] and said that you needed to hold - needed to have
Page 44
[1] a tripod in order to hold it.
[2] If it is larger, heavier, more cumbersome,
[3] what would be the purpose for using a Graphic view
[4] camera in an autopsy?
[5] A: Well, at that time, it was the only - the
[6] one available that was good, and that's all we had.
[7] Q: Do you need more light for a Graphic view
[8] camera than for 35 millimeter?
[9] A: Oh, yes.
[10] Q: So, it needs more light, as well?
[11] A: It needs more light, yes.
[12] Q: What about the quality of the image from a
[13] four-by-five versus a 35 millimeter in 1963. Did
[14] one of them provide a better quality image?
[15] A: I think a four-by-five did, because -
[16] Well, now, the films have become much better. But,
[17] back in those days, a four-by-five film was good.
[18] Q: For a small-format camera, usually a 50
[19] millimeter lens is considered to be standard or
[20] normal. Does that seem fair? Does that make sense
[21] to you?
[22] A: In medicine, it was a 55 millimeter.
Page 45
[1] Q: Fifty-five millimeter lens for a small-format
[2] camera?
[3] A: Yes.
[4] Q: For something that would be - for a lens
[5] that would be standard or normal for a large-format
[6] camera, what would the millimeter of the lens be?
[7] A: I think, about 50 millimeter.
[8] Q: For a Graphic view camera, what about a
[9] lens that would be a wide-angle lens? What would
[10] be the millimeter of the lens?
[11] A: Well, we had 28 millimeters. We had a
[12] series of lenses that we could choose from.
[13] Q: During an autopsy, would you change the
[14] size of the lens as you were taking photographs?
[15] A: Very seldom. You would move the camera
[16] back and forth.
[17] Q: So, would you, in the ordinary course,
[18] apply or use the standard or normal lens during an
[19] autopsy?
[20] A: Correct.
[21] Q: Typically, how many films or sheets did
[22] the back of a four-by-five camera hold?
Page 46
[1] A: Two, one on either side. You had to
[2] change it around to put it - to take the other
[3] one.
[4] Q: Was there something called a press pack
[5] that you're familiar with?
[6] A: Yes. There was a press pack that could
[7] take 12 exposures, I think.
[8] Q: During autopsies, would you ever use a
[9] press pack?
[10] A: No, not that I know of. In fact, the
[11] press pack, I don't think had the color film. That
[12] was all black and white.
[13] Q: Would it be standard practice in 1963 to
[14] have autopsy photographs all in color?
[15] A: Generally, they were done both. Color and
[16] black and white.
[17] Q: When it was done in black and white, would
[18] you use a press pack or just the back that would
[19] hold two?
[20] A: No, just the back that would hold two.
[21] Q: Did the photo lab in Bethesda in 1963 have
[22] any Calumet cameras?
Page 47
[1] A: I believe so. The Calumet is also called
[2] a graphic view type camera.
[3] Q: Were those ever used during it? Were
[4] those ever used during an autopsy?
[5] A: Probably so. I don't remember.
[6] Q: What would be the reason for using a
[7] Calumet versus a Graphic view camera, or vice
[8] versa?
[9] A: Basically, they're the same. Like a Ford
[10] and Chevrolet, I mean.
[11] Q: It was your personal preference, though,
[12] then to use the Graphic view camera? Is that fair,
[13] or some other explanation?
[14] A: No. When I used it at the autopsy?
[15] Q: Yes.
[16] A: I used the camera that was on the tripod.
[17] Q: That's what you would always use?
[18] A: Yes, the camera that was on the tripod.
[19] Q: Okay. Does that mean that - Well, could
[20] the Calumet camera go onto the tripod?
[21] A: Yes.
[22] Q: Okay. So, in some instances, there may be
Page 48
[1] the Calumet and you would use that. And some
[2] instances, the Graphic; and you would use that.
[3] A: That's correct.
[4] Q: Did the photo lab have a Graphlex camera
[5] in 1963?
[6] A: Yes. You mean the kind you look down
[7] into?
[8] Q: Yes.
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: Approximately -
[11] A: But it was never used.
[12] Q: Okay.
[13] A: It was used before that. It was an
[14] antique.
[15] Q: Approximately, how many different four-by-five
[16] cameras were used at the photo lab around
[17] 1963?
[18] A: The speed Graphic, you're talking about
[19] or -
[20] Q: Yes, including the speed Graphic.
[21] A: Each of the students had a speed Graphic
[22] outfit that they carried for their own use while
Page 49
[1] they were there. And, basically, the numbers that
[2] we had, I don't remember.
[3] Q: Other than the speed Graphic cameras that
[4] were used by the students, approximately how many
[5] other large-format cameras were available around
[6] 1963?
[7] A: There was the one eight-by-ten that had
[8] the five-by-seven back on it. And there were
[9] probably two just four-by-five, because we always
[10] kept the one in the lab.
[11] Q: Are you familiar with a camera named
[12] Burnhall?
[13] A: No.
[14] Q: Okay. Did the photo lab have any medium-format
[15] cameras around 1963?
[16] A: I think we had a 120 there. We had it,
[17] basically, for the school.
[18] Q: Was that a Mimiya flex; do you recall?
[19] A: We had some, yes, Mimiya flexes there.
[20] Q: Do you - Did you have any Hasselblads?
[21] A: No, we wish we did.
[22] Q: Any other medium-format cameras that you
Page 50
[1] remember having there?
[2] A: Yeah, Mimiya we had. I remember that now.
[3] And then the 120, 1 think it was. But then after
[4] that, we went to the Nikon. But that was after
[5] that.
[6] Q: The Nikon was a 35 millimeter -
[7] A: Correct.
[8] Q: - or a medium format?
[9] A: No, it was 35 millimeter.
[10] Q: Okay. Could we switch from cameras now
[11] and talk a little bit about film?
[12] A: Mm-hmm.
[13] Q: You mentioned that you would - it would
[14] be typical to take black and white, as well as
[15] color film during an autopsy. And that it would
[16] typically be the two sheets of black and white that
[17] would be used. What kind of black and white film
[18] was used around 1963?
[19] A: Panatomic X rings a bell. I don't
[20] remember, to tell you the truth.
[21] Q: And that would take a negative image -
[22] A: Yes.
Page 51
[1] Q: - is that right?
[2] A: The color film was basically a positive
[3] image, because it was used as a slide generally.
[4] Q: But the black and whites would always be
[5] made into prints, and not used -
[6] A: Yes. Yes, they're for publication,
[7] because generally they didn't have color
[8] reproduction, so they used black and white.
[9] Q: Do you recall the kind of color film that
[10] was used around 1963?
[11] A: Kodachrome, it was. Kodachrome.
[12] Q: Kodachrome or Ektachrome?
[13] A: I think it was Koda - I'm not sure, to
[14] tell you the truth. I think it was Kodachrome,
[15] though.
[16] Q: Did the lab have the capability of
[17] processing Kodachrome film in 1963?
[18] A: Yes.
[19] Q: What kind of equipment - and I mean this
[20] in just a very general way - was necessary for
[21] processing Kodachrome film in 1963?
[22] A: You had to have a - It was a Fisher lab
Page 52
[1] set up. It had to be temperature controlled. The
[2] room was air conditioned and temperature-controlled
[3] solutions.
[4] Q: Was Kodachrome film much more difficult to
[5] process than Ektachrome film in 1963?
[6] A: I don't think so.
[7] Q: In autopsy photography, did you ever use
[8] color negative film around 1963?
[9] A: I don't think so.
[10] Q: Could the 120 film be both - or either
[11] color or black and white?
[12] A: Yes.
[13] Q: When you would use the 120 film, did you
[14] generally use color, or black and white, or was it
[15] just depending on the particular case?
[16] A: There wasn't much color used with it, I
[17] don't think. It was basically a camera we just had
[18] there. I don't think it was used for many
[19] professional jobs. I think it was primarily
[20] teaching. Now, we had also the back that fit on
[21] the four-by-five.
[22] Q: When you would put the 120 film back on a
Page 53
[1] four-by-five, did you typically use color, or black
[2] and white; or it just would depend on the case?
[3] A: I think it was probably black and white.
[4] And it was mostly for identification pictures, I
[5] think. I don't think it was used that much for
[6] medicine.
[7] Q: Okay. What I'd like to do is to take a
[8] short break now, and I'd like to show you a
[9] document which I'll identify for you. And you can
[10] take some time to take a look at it.
[11] I'm going to ask you if this - if the
[12] document helps refresh your recollection about any
[13] contacts that you may have had with the House
[14] Select Committee on Assassinations?
[15] And take your time to read it.
[16] A: Okay.
[17] Q: Though you don't need to read it word for
[18] word, you're welcome to do so, if you wish.
[19] MR. GUNN: The document is marked Exhibit
[20] No. 19. And it appears on its face to be a memo to
[21] the file from Andy Purdy, dated August 17th, 1977.
[22] It is a 17-page memorandum, and I would like to
Page 54
[1] draw Mr. Stringer's attention particularly to pages
[2] 9 through 17 of the document.
[3] We'll take a short break.
[4] [Recess.]
[5] BY MR. GUNN:
[6] Q: Mr. Stringer, have you had an opportunity
[7] to look through Exhibit 19?
[8] A: Yes.
[9] Q: Does the exhibit help refresh your
[10] recollection as to whether you ever spoke with
[11] people on the House Select Committee staff?
[12] A: I don't remember speaking to them.
[13] Q: Do you recall ever having seen the
[14] document before that's now marked Exhibit No. 19?
[15] A: No, I've never seen it.
[16] Q: After 1966, regarding what you previously
[17] testified that you had gone to the Archives to make
[16] an inventory, have you ever seen the autopsy
[19] photographs at the Archives at any point after
[20] that?
[21] A: I have not. Not that I can recall.
[22] Q: In the document marked Exhibit 19, it
Page 55
[1] refers on page 14 to a visit that a Mr. Stringer
[2] and Jim Kelly and Colleen Boland took to the
[3] NationalArchives. Does that help refresh your
[4] recollection as to whether you ever went to the
[5] Archives?
[6] A: It does not. I don't remember it.
[7] Q: As you're sitting here today, does it seem
[8] to you to be very unlikely that you went to the
[9] Archives; or you just have no recollection, one way
[10] or the other?
[11] A: I don't think I went. I don't have any
[12] recollection of it. And after `77, I was living in
[13] Vero Beach. It does say that I was staying with my
[14] daughter. Whose name is wrong here. It's R-u-s-k.
[15] Q: Mrs. Rusk, rather than Mrs. Ross?
[16] A: Rusk. I certainly don't remember going to
[17] the Archives with these people. I don't know how I
[18] would have gotten there.
[19] Q: Do you believe that if you had gone to the
[20] Archives in 1977 to look at autopsy photographs
[21] that you would probably remember that, as you're
[22] sitting here today?
Page 56
[1] A: I would think I would.
[2] Q: I'd like to turn now to the autopsy of
[3] President Kennedy and ask some questions about
[4] that. As you're sitting here today, do you recall
[5] whether you took any black and white photographs at
[6] the autopsy?
[7] A: To tell you the truth, I don't remember.
[8] But we should have, if we didn't. I think we saw
[9] some negatives when we went in `66 - some black
[10] and white negatives. But, generally, the flim
[11] holders have on it whether they're color or black
[12] and white.
[13] Q: In the autopsy of President Kennedy, was
[14] there anyone else present taking photographs in
[15] addition to yourself?
[16] A: No.
[17] Q: You have previously mentioned the name of
[18] Mr. Riebe.
[19] A: Correct.
[20] Q: Do you recall that?
[21] A: Yes.
[22] Q: Do you have any recollection as to whether
Page 57
[1] Mr. Riebe took any photographs during the autopsy.
[2] A: Mr. Riebe had a camera. We thought it was
[3] an occasion, and that we might take some pictures
[4] of some of the people in the room. And one of the
[5] FBI agents - or CIA, whoever it was - saw the
[6] camera, and he took the film out of the camera
[7] before there was any exposures made.
[8] Q: When he took the film out of the camera,
[9] did you see him take the film out of the camera, or
[10] did you hear about that?
[11] A: I heard about it from Riebe.
[12] Q: Okay. Was it your understanding that the
[13] film had been exposed to light?
[14] A: Correct.
[15] Q: Now, if a film is exposed to light would
[16] it be something like translucent or transparent, or
[17] would it be black, if it were subsequently
[18] developed?
[19] A: It would - I mean, if it were developed,
[20] it wouldn't show anything.
[21] Q: It wouldn't show anything. But would the
[22] film be dark, or would it be clear?
Page 58
[1] A: It should be clear. There's no exposure.
[2] Q: Do you know what kind of camera Mr. Riebe
[3] had at the autopsy?
[4] A: It was a 120. I don't know what - I
[5] don't remember the name of it.
[6] Q: Are you familiar with the name of Mr.
[7] Robert Knudsen?
[8] A: Knudsen. A doctor?
[9] Q: White House photographer.
[10] A: Not that I can recall, no.
[11] Q: Do you ever recall meeting with anyone who
[12] was a White House photographer anytime during the
[13] Kennedy orJohnson administrations?
[14] A: Meeting? Not that I -
[15] Q: Meeting, or knowing, or conversing with
[16] any White House photographers.
[17] A: I know they had a photographer at the
[18] White House. But I don't remember that, no.
[19] Q: Is the name Knudsen familiar to you at
[20] all?
[21] A: I knew a Dr. Knudsen. But if I ever met
[22] him, I don't remember.
Page 59
[1] Q: Okay. In addition to Mr. Riebe, was there
[2] anyone else at the autopsy who had a camera that
[3] you recall?
[4] A: None at all.
[5] Q: If there had been someone else at the
[6] autopsy with a camera, do you believe, as you're
[7] sitting here today, that you would recall that?
[8] A: Yes. If he had a camera, he couldn't have
[9] taken a picture there anyway.
[10] Q: Other than Mr. Riebe, was there anyone
[11] else at the autopsy who was assisting you in taking
[12] photographs?
[13] A: No.
[14] Q: What kind of lighting did the morgue at
[15] Bethesda have, other than any artificial lighting
[16] that you would have brought in?
[17] A: It had florescents, I believe, in the
[18] overhead. And then it had a light over the table.
[19] Q: Was the lighting that was normally in the
[20] morgue at Bethesda sufficient for taking autopsy.
[21] photographs?
[22] A: No.
Page 60
[1] Q: What did you take with you to the autopsy?
[2] A: We had speed lights.
[3] Q: Can you explain, briefly, what a speed
[4] light is?
[5] A: Well, it's like a flash. And you press it
[6] along with the camera. It's synchronized, and
[7] exposes it.
[8] Q: Okay. Did you take any other kind of
[9] lighting with you, in addition to the speed lights?
[10] A: No. Now, these were mounted on a stand,
[11] and they had rollers on them.
[12] Q: Approximately, how many speed lights did
[13] you take with you?
[14] A: Two.
[15] Q: Was that standard procedure, to have two
[16] speed lights?
[17] A: Yes.
[18] Q: Were the lights always behind you when you
[19] were taking photographs?
[20] A: On the side of the camera.
[21] Q: On the side. Were speed lights ever
[22] called floodlights?
Page 61
[1] A: No. A floodlight would be an incandescent
[2] lamp. That would be hot. Now, that's what we just
[3] used to use before the speed lights came into
[4] effect.
[5] Q: The speed lights were in existence in
[6] 1963?
[7] A: That's correct.
[8] Q: Could you look at the top of page 10 of
[9] the document marked No. 19, please?
[10] Will you look on the top paragraph of the
[11] last sentence, which reads, "He said there were
[12] probably floodlights used."
[13] Do you see that at the top of the page?
[14] A: Yes.
[15] Q: Would it be your understanding that that
[16] statement is inaccurate?
[17] A: Yes.
[18] Q: By the way, with respect to Exhibit No.
[19] 19, do you have any understanding or idea of how
[20] that document might have come into existence, or
[21] why there would be references to a Mr. Stringer?
[22] A: No.
Page 62
[1] Q: Does it surprise you to see Exhibit 19?
[2] A: Yes, it does. Although, there are things
[3] in there that are true.
[4] Q: Without your answer to this being
[5] necessarily exhaustive, are there other things that
[6] stood out in Exhibit No.19 as being incorrect? Is
[7] there anything that you now recall that seem to be
[8] incorrect?
[9] A: I don't know.
[10] Q: I'd like to show you a document that has
[11] been marked as Exhibit MD 80. Could you take a
[12] look at that document and tell me whether you've
[13] ever seen that previously?
[14] A: Yes. I, evidently, wrote that; yes.
[15] MR. GUNN: I'll state for the record that
[16] on its face Exhibit MD 80 appears to be a letter,
[17] dated September 11th, 1977, from Mr. John T.
[18] Stringer, Jr. to Mr. Donald A. Purdy, Jr.
[19] BY MR. GUNN:
[20] Q: Mr. Stringer, do you have any recollection
[21] of having written the letter?
[22] A: I guess, I must have. But that was in
Page 63
[1] 1977. I don't have a copy of it.
[2] Q: As best you can tell, is that your
[3] signature -
[4] A: Yes.
[5] Q: - at the bottom of the page?
[6] A: Yes, I would say it is. Yes.
[7] Q: Does the letter help refresh your
[8] recollection about any contacts, even through
[9] writing, that you may have had with the House
[10] Select Committee on Assassinations?
[11] A: Well, evidently, this was from them,
[12] but - But I don't even - I mean, this is
[13] bringing back memories, but I don't remember -
[14] Q: Does Exhibit No. 80 refresh your
[15] recollection as to whether you may have met with
[16] anyone on the House Select Committee staff?
[17] A: I don't remember meeting with anyone on
[18] the House Committee staff, no.
[19] You mean physically, face to face?
[20] Q: Yes.
[21] A: No.
[22] Q: Do you recall going to Washington at any
Page 64
[1] time during 1977?
[2] A: I generally went up to see my kids, yes.
[3] But I don't remember going down with anybody to see
[4] the pictures.
[5] Q: In Exhibit 19, there are a couple of
[6] references, which I have recorded as being on pages
[7] 11 to 12 and 16, that state that you did not take
[8] color photographs - excuse me - you did not take
[9] black and white photographs at the autopsy. Are
[10] those statements correct or incorrect?
[11] Although, on pages 11 to 12, it's right at
[12] the end of the page.
[13] A: Well, I don't know whether I did or not,
[14] but I think I did when I see all this.
[15] Q: You think that you did -
[16] A: Took some black and white.
[17] Q: When you say "see all of this", what are
[18] you referring to?
[19] A: Well, seeing what was said back in those
[20] days.
[21] Q: You're referring to Exhibit 19?
[22] A: Well, I am referring to some of the other
Page 65
[1] things that were said that there were black and
[2] whites taken.
[3] Q: Okay.
[4] A: If we had the chit from the thing, it
[5] would say how many films were taken.
[6] Q: Do you recall having filled out the chit
[7] with respect to the autopsy of President Kennedy?
[8] A: I think so, yes.
[9] Q: Could you look at the top of page 16?
[10] A: Yes.
[11] Q: The first full sentence, which I'll read
[12] for the record. "He said in the general autopsy he
[13] took only color photo -" Excuse - Let me try
[14] that again.
[15] "He said in the general autopsy he only
[16] took color photographs." Do you see that at the
[17] top of the page?
[18] A: Yes.
[19] Q: Is that a correct statement as to what you
[20] did during the autopsy?
[21] A: I actually don't remember, but we
[22] generally took black and white and color at the
Page 66
[1] same time. Now, if we have black and white
[2] negatives, then, we probably took it. But, then,
[3] you can also take black and white negatives from a
[4] color print.
[5] Q: When you say took them, who do you
[6] mean by "we"?
[7] A: I. Excuse me.
[8] Q: Could you describe for me how the
[9] photography took place at the autopsy of President
[10] Kennedy? And maybe if we can just start out by,
[11] were you present in the morgue when the body
[12] arrived?
[13] A: Yes, I was in the morgue when the body
[14] arrived.
[15] Q: Prior to the time the body arrived, had
[16] you taken any photographs?
[17] A: No.
[18] Q: When did you first start taking
[19] photographs?
[20] A: After they had finished the X-rays, and
[21] put the X-rays on the view box, and interpreted
[22] them.
Page 67
[1] Q: Do you remember approximately how much
[2] time there was between the time that the body was
[3] taken out of the casket and you began to take
[4] photographs?
[5] A: Oh, it must have been more than an hour by
[6] the time they took the X-rays. And they had to
[7] develop them, and bring them back down.
[8] Q: Do you recall what kind of casket the body
[9] arrived in?
[10] A: It was a metal casket.
[11] Q: What color was it?
[12] A: I think it was sort of a brownish.
[13] Q: Do you remember what kind of lid it had?
[14] A: One that opens.
[15] Q: On hinges?
[16] A: Yes.
[17] Q: What was President Kennedy's body wrapped
[18] in, if anything, when it arrived?
[19] A: It was wrapped in two sheets; one around
[20] the head, and one around the body.
[21] Q: These were cloth sheets? Plastic sheets?
[22] A: They were just like off of the bed.
Page 68
[1] hospital sheets.
[2] Q: Okay. Once you started taking
[3] photographs, did you take all of the photographs
[4] all at approximately the same time, or did you take
[5] photographs throughout the autopsy?
[6] A: It was throughout the autopsy.
[7] Q: You mentioned previously the photographs
[8] were in two to a pack; is that right?
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: When you -
[11] A: To a film holder.
[12] Q: To a film holder. When you pulled out the
[13] film holder from the camera, what did you do with
[14] it?
[15] A: Held it in my hand, because It's
[16] silver when it's not exposed. And then when you
[17] expose it, then you put the black side in. Then
[18] you take it out, turn it over, and put the other
[19] side in.
[20] Q: Okay. And when you had the film holder in
[21] your hand with exposed film, what did you then do
[22] with the film holder?
Page 69
[1] A: I gave it to the agent or to Riebe - to
[2] someone, and they took it. And they put them in a
[3] box, because they did not want anybody else to have
[4] them.
[5] Q: When you say "they", you're referring
[6] to -
[7] A: Either Secret Service or CIA, whoever it
[8] was. They said that's what we were to do.
[9] Q: Okay. Did anyone show you any
[10] identification, so you would have known whether it
[11] was Secret Service or any other agency?
[12] A: No.
[13] Q: They were wearing civilian clothes?
[14] A: Wearing civilian clothes. And I believe
[15] Dr. Humes and Dr. Stover said to do what they
[16] wanted.
[17] Q: Do you recall at any point taking just one
[18] of the sheets - or exposing one of the sheets in a
[19] holder, and not exposing the other sheet?
[20] A: Never.
[21] Q: That wouldn't have been your practice?
[22] Just to do one side -
Page 70
[1] A: No.
[2] Q: - and then hand it to them. And so,
[3] roughly, you would estimate that there would be two
[4] sheets that had been exposed for each holder; is
[5] that right?
[6] A: For each holder.
[7] Q: Did you alternate between black and white
[8] sheets, or did you take all color and then black
[9] and white? Do you have any recollection?
[10] A: No, you'd have to alternate.
[11] Q: Did you take any exposures that would show
[12] the full length of the body of President Kennedy?
[13] A: Yes.
[14] Q: So, it would be from head to toe?
[15] A: Yes.
[16] Q: From the side?
[17] A: From above.
[18] Q: From above?
[19] A: Shooting down.
[20] Q: Okay. Did you take any that would take
[21] the full length of the body from the left side or
[22] the right side?
Page 71
[1] A: I don't remember.
[2] Q: Is it difficult, with the size lens that
[3] you have, to take a photograph of the entire length
[4] of the body in the room - in the morgue?
[5] A: Well, you get back far enough, you could
[6] do it. Yes.
[7] Q: So, that didn't present any particular
[8] difficulties?
[9] A: No.
[10] Q: Did you take any photographs of the head
[11] before the scalp was pulled down?
[12] A: Yes.
[13] Q: Did you take any photographs of the head
[14] after scalp had been pulled down or reflected?
[15] A: Yes.
[16] Q: Did you take any photographs of the body
[17] before Y incision?
[18] A: Yes.
[19] Q: Did you take any photographs after there
[20] had been a Y incision?
[21] A: We took pictures of the insides, yes.
[22] What kinds of pictures did you take of the
Page 72
[1] insides?
[2] A: What they told us to take.
[3] Q: Do you have any recollection now as to
[4] what those shots would have been?
[5] A: Well, there was some in - an anterior
[6] shot up around the neck, and down around the
[7] adrenals.
[8] Q: Did you take any photographs of organs
[9] after they had been removed from the body?
[10] A: Not that I can recall, no.
[11] Q: Did you take any photographs showing the
[12] inside of the cranium?
[13] A: After the brain was removed?
[14] Q: Yes.
[15] A: I don't remember. I know we did with the
[16] brain in there. It seems to me, we did. It's
[17] vague.
[18] Q: Did you see metal or any other kind of
[19] probes being used during the autopsy?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Did you take any photographs with probes
[22] in the body?
Page 73
[1] A: Not that I can recall.
[2] Q: Were any probes put inside the cranium
[3] that you recall?
[4] A: I don't think so. I think it was
[5] primarily in the neck area.
[6] Q: Was the probe put into the neck, or did it
[7] come out of the neck?
[8] A: It was put into the back part.
[9] Q: The back of the body. And then did the
[10] probe come out the neck?
[11] A: No.
[12] Q: So, when you're referring to the neck,
[13] you're referring from behind?
[14] A: From behind.
[15] Q: Did you take any photographs with the
[16] President lying on his - of the President lying on
[17] his back?
[18] A: Yes.
[19] Q: Did you take any photographs with the
[20] President lying on his stomach?
[21] A: I think so.
[22] Q: Did you take any photographs with the
Page 74
[1] President in a seated position?
[2] A: Yes. From the back.
[3] Q: Would his body then have been, roughly, at
[4] a 90 degree angle with his -
[5] A: Well, a little bit less than 90; yes. But
[6] it was held up.
[7] Q: Basically, his trunk would have been
[8] vertical - -
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: - with his legs still straight?
[11] A: Correct. Correct.
[12] Q: Do you remember what you were
[13] photographing when the President was in a seated
[14] position?
[15] A: Some things on the back. Some openings
[16] sort of.
[17] Q: On the back of his - in the back of his
[18] head, or the back of his body - his torso?
[19] A: Well, from the neck down.
[20] Q: Neck down.
[21] A: Below the neck.
[22] Q: Did you, yourself take any roll film out
Page 75
[1] and expose it during the course of the autopsy
[2] or -
[3] A: No.
[4] Q: - or for any film taken that night?
[5] A: No. But we did not use roll film. The
[6] only one was in that camera that Riebe had that was
[7] exposed by someone from the Secret Service.
[8] Q: The one - the camera that you mentioned
[9] earlier?
[10] A: Yeah, the 120. That's the only roll film
[11] that was in there.
[12] Q: Could you turn again to Exhibit No. 19,
[13] page 10? Could you look at the bottom paragraph on
[14] page 10, please, and read that through.
[15] A: Mm-hmm.
[16] Q: As you're sitting here today and you see a
[17] reference to a small camera, would that prompt in
[18] your mind a 35 millimeter, or a medium-format?
[19] A: A medium format, because we didn't have a
[20] 35 millimeter.
[21] Q: Mr. Stringer, we have an audio recording
[22] that has been told to us is an audio recording of a
Page 76
[1] telephone call between you and Mr. Lifton that was
[2] mentioned earlier. That was - it's been told to
[3] us - was recorded about 1972.
[4] We'd like to play some excerpts of it for
[5] you, to see if it helps refresh your recollection,
[6] whether you can identify - or whether you can
[7] verify that the conversation took place or not.
[8] What I'd like to do is to give you a copy
[9] of the transcript that we have made from this
[10] recording. And you should listen - The
[11] transcript should be to help you find it, and you
[12] can verify whether the transcript seems accurate to
[13] you as we play part of the tape. After we play it
[14] through once, you're welcome to have us play it
[15] through again.
[16] Some of the portions of this are going to
[17] be of greater interest to us than others. And let
[18] me just state for you that, in some portions of the
[19] tape, Mr. Lifton states his opinion about issues.
[20] And we're not interested in Mr. Lifton's opinions.
[21] We're interested about the questions that he asked
[22] you and the substance of your answers.
Page 77
[1] So, if Mr. Lifton says that somebody said
[2] something or somebody didn't, we're not asking you
[3] verify whether that's true or not. And we'd
[4] just as soon that you not pay any attention to
[5] that. This is down at the bottom of the page.
[6] This is Excerpt #2.
[7] MR. GUNN: Wait, just one moment before we
[8] start.
[9] BY MR. GUNN:
[10] Q: Mr. Stringer, the first question that I
[11] will ask you when the recording is over is whether
[12) you recall having had this conversation with
[13] Mr. Lifton.
[14] A: I've had several conversations with
[15] Mr. Lifton.
[16] MR. GUNN: Okay.
[17] [Whereupon, the audio tape was played.]
[18] LIFTON: Were any bullets taken out of the
[19] body in your presence?
[20] STRINGER: No.
[21] LIFTON: Yeah, that's what I - you know,
[22] that's what I was wondering, because they were
Page 78
[1] pretty puzzled that they couldn't find any.
[2] STRINGER: I think there were some
[3] portions, or slivers, or something.
[4] LIFTON: Yeah. Okay. Well, when
[5] you...when you...when you lifted him out, was the
[6] main damage to the skull on the top, or in the
[7] back?
[8] STRINGER: In the back.
[9] LIFTON: In the back? In the back. High
[10] in the back, or lower in the back?
[11] STRINGER: Oh, the occipital part in the
[12) back there, (GARBLED) up above the neck.
[13] LIFTON: Yeah. In other words, the main
[14] part of his head that was blasted away was in the
[15] occipital part of the skull?
[16] STRINGER: Yes, the back part.
[17] LIFTON: The back portion? Okay. In
[18] other words, there was no five-inch hole in the top
[19] of his head?
[20] STRINGER: Oh, it was - Some of it was
[21] blown off, yeah. I mean, towards - out of the top
[22] in the back, yeah.
Page 79
[1] LIFTON: Top in the back. I see. But the
[2] top in the front was pretty...pretty - oh, I don't
[3] know what word - intact?
[4] STRINGER: Yeah, sure.
[5] LIFTON: The top front was intact?
[6] STRINGER: Right.
[7] [End of audio tape portion.]
[8] MR. GUNN: Please stop for a moment.
[9] The next portion, we're not particularly
[10] interested in. So, there's no need to particularly
[11] pay attention till we come down to what on the
[12] transcript is the bottom of page six, starting with
[13] Mr. Lifton saying, "I see. I see."
[14] Off the record.
[15] [Discussion off the record.]
[16] [Whereupon, the audio tape continued.]
[17] LIFTON: I see. I see. Let me ask you
[18] another way of stating that. And this is a good
[19] way of stating what I asked you before.
[20] If you lie back in a bathtub - you know,
[21] just in a totally prone position and you...and your
[22] head rests against the bathtub, is that the part of
Page 80
[1] the head - you know, is that the part of the head
[2] that was damaged?
[3] STRINGER: Yeah.
[4] LIFTON: That part?
[5] STRINGER: Mm-hmm.
[6] LIFTON: Back in the part that would be
[7] against the tile of the bathtub?
[8] STRINGER: Mm-hmm.
[9] LIFTON: I see. Whereas, the part that
[10] would be straight up ahead - you know, vertically
[11] in that position - was...was undamaged?
[12] STRINGER: Oh, no. I probably wouldn't
[13] say undamaged", no. I mean, it was - Some of it
[14] was gone. I mean, out of the - some of the bone.
[15] LIFTON: Yeah. I see.
[16] [End of audio tape portion.]
[17] MR. GUNN: Okay.
[18] BY MR. GUNN:
[19] Q: Mr. Stringer, do you recall having had the
[20] conversation that we just listened to with Mr.
[21] Lifton?
[22] A: I don't recall it, but from the tape.
Page 81
[1] Somebody else played it for me.
[2] Q: Does that sound as if it was an accurate
[3] recording of the conversation that you had with
[4] Mr. Lifton?
[5] A: I don't know whether it was or not, but
[6] it's not true - what's on there.
[7] Q: In what respect is it not true, what's on
[8] there?
[9] A: Well, it - Well, the bullet came in the
[10] back and came out the side.
[11] Q: The question that I'd be interested in is
[12] not what the trajectory of the bullet was, which
[13] wasn't discussed there -
[14] A: Yeah.
[15] Q: - but just where the wound was on
[16] President Kennedy. Did you tell Mr. Lifton that
[17] the wound was in the occiput or the occipital
[18] region?
[19] A: I don't remember telling him that, no.
[20] Q: Was there a wound in the occipital region
[21] of the President -
[22] A: Yes, the entry.
Page 82
[1] Q: By "the entry", you mean what?
[2] A: Where the bullet went.
[3] Q: And how big was the entry wound?
[4] A: About the size of a bullet, from what you
[5] could see. On the inside where the bone was, I
[6] guess it was different.
[7] Q: Could you describe what the skull looked
[8] like as best you can now recall?
[9] A: Well -
[10] Q: I'm sorry. If I can just add one more -
[11] Just the nature of the damage to the skull
[12] of the President, without respect to entrance or
[13] exit. Just what the wound looked like.
[14] A: Well, the side of the head, the bone was
[15] gone. But there was a flap, where you could lay it
[16] back. But the back - I mean, if you held it in,
[17] there was no vision. It was a complete head of
[18] hair.
[19] And on the front, there was nothing - the
[20] scalp. There was nothing in the eyes. You could
[21] have - Well, when they did the body, you wouldn't
[22] have known there was anything wrong.
Page 83
[1] Q: Can you think of any reason why you would
[2] have used the word occiput or oecipital portion to
[3] describe the wound to Mr. Lifton?
[4] A: I can't think of any reason.
[5] Q: I would like to show you a skull that we
[6] showed to Dr. Boswell during his deposition, where
[7] he was sitting in exactly the same seat where you
[8] are now, and ask you to comment on that.
[9] MR. GUNN: I'll state for the record that
[10] this plastic skull has been marked as ARRB MD
[11] Exhibit No. 74, and it has the initials of J.T.
[12] Boswell from February 26,1996 on it.
[13] BY MR. GUNN:
[14] Q: I'd like to show you - Although, Mr. -
[15] Dr. Boswell's transcript will speak for itself, he
[16] identified the mark, number one, as the extent of
[17] the damage of the wound in the skull. And he
[18] marked line number two as being a tear in the
[19] scalp.
[20] I'd just like to ask you to comment of
[21] whether the drawing by Dr. Boswell, which he said
[22] and certainly not exact -
Page 84
[1] whether that corresponds to your recollection?
[2] A: Well, when I saw it, the scalp was here
[3] with the hair on it.
[4] Q: Now, the scalp -
[5] A: When I took a picture.
[6] Q: And when you're saying -
[7] A: And when they -
[8] Q: I'm sorry.
[9] A: Yes?
[10] Q: It's just that it won't be clear on the
[11] transcript.
[12] A: Okay.
[13] Q: When you say "here", you're covering the
[14] entire back of the skull -
[15] A: Yes, the entire -
[16] Q: - including the occipital region?
[17] A: Right. Right.
[18] Q: Okay. And at that place, the scalp was
[19] intact?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Okay.
[22] A: But you could peel it back.
Page 85
[1] Q: Okay. Peel the scalp back?
[2] A: Yes.
[3] Q: Okay. And when the scalp was peeled back,
[4] did the injury to the skull appear to be of the -
[5] very raw, for general dimensions - what Dr.
[6] Boswell marked on the plastic skull here?
[7] A: Well, all I saw was this out. But this
[8] might have been cracked and stuff. But this was
[9] all gone - this bone - from here.
[10] Q: Okay. Now, when you say "this bone",
[11] you're referring to the portion between - on the
[12] model, between -
[13] A: The parietal, yes.
[14] Q: The parietal bone.
[15] A: Yeah.
[16] Q: And the portion between the numbers one
[17] that is in a circle and the number two in a circle?
[18] A: Let's see. That may be a little bit back
[19] here behind the ear, right out through here.
[20] Q: Okay. So, you're pointing right now
[21] chiefly to the parietal -
[22] A: Yes.
Page 86
[1] Q: - region; is that fair?
[2] A: Correct
[3] Q: Above the ear?
[4] A: Right.
[5] Q: And, now, in terms of the back of the
[6] skull, was the portion that would include part of
[7] the occiput also severely damaged when you saw the
[8] President's head?
[9] A: Yes. But when - When I first saw it,
[10] this was all intact. But then they peeled it back,
[11] and then you could see this part of the bone gone.
[12] But some of it was up in here. The bone was still
[13] here.
[14] Q: Okay. Once again, because it won't be
[151 clear on the transcript -
[16] A: Yeah.
[17] Q: - I'm going to try and put it into words.
[18] A: Okay.
[19] Q: And tell me if I'm saying it correctly.
[20] When you were pointing to the skull, you were
[21] pointing chiefly to the right parietal -
[22] A: Yes.
Page 87
[1] Q: - area, as being the area that was
[2] missing; is that correct?
[3] A: Yeah, from here up.
[4] Q: Okay. And you're pointing roughly from -
[5] A: By the ear.
[6] Q: - from the ear forward.
[7] A: To just about up there. It did not come
[8] into the optic area.
[9] Q: Okay. Now, in terms of the wound in the
[10] back of the head, you said previously that when the
[11] scalp - before the scalp was peeled back, the
[12] scalp was all -
[13] A: Intact.
[14] Q: - intact. Now, let me point out to you a
[151 circle, which is on the back of the skull - that's
[16] a small, self-contained circle - which Dr. Boswell
[17] identified as being the entrance wound, or what he
[18] believed to be the entrance wound.
[19] Does that small circle seem to be, to you,
[20] accurate in terms of showing where there was a hole
[21] in the -
[22] A: I thought it was over here.
Page 88
[1] Q: When you say "over here", you're pointing
[2] more towards the external occipital protuberance?
[3] A: Yes.
[4] Q: Is that right?
[5] A: Yes.
[6] Q: Now, slightly above the portion where
[7] there is a self-contained circle and what Dr.
[8] Boswell drew, there is a - again, a large circular
[9] - or a large area where Dr. Boswell identified the
[10] skull as being severely disrupted.
[11] Does that seem to correspond to what you
[12] observed, or is that - does that not correspond?
[13] A: No, it corresponds. But he was there
[14] right at the - and he could see, where I was to
[15] the side. So, all I saw was this part and this
[16] part.
[17] Q: Okay. And when you are pointing now to -
[18] when you say "this part and this part", you're
[19] first to the occipital -
[20] A: That was intact. It was intact.
[21] Q: Okay. It was intact still when the scalp
[22] was reflected; or just when the scalp was all the
Page 89
[1] way up, it looked intact?
[2] A: Well, it was intact up here, but then they
[3] could peel it back. And the same way down here.
[4] This could be peeled up.
[5] Q: Okay.
[8] A: All of his hair was intact.
[7] Q: Okay. So, the hair was intact. When the
[8] scalp was pulled back - and we're now just -
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: - talking about the skull, not the scalp
[11] at all -
[12] A: Yes.
[13] Q: - was the occipital bone intact, or was
[14] it severely disrupted?
[15] A: Well, some of it was disrupted, yes.
[16] Q: So that it would be fair to say that there
[17] was a significant disruption in the -
[18] A: There were fractures in there.
[19] Q: Fractures in there.
[20] A: But some of the bone was still there. It
[21] wasn't destroyed.
[22] Q: So, the bone was in place, but there were
Page 90
[1] fractures -
[2] A: Yes.
[3] Q: - through the occipital region?
[4] A: Yes.
[5] Q: Was any portion of the occipital bone
[6] missing after the scalp was reflected?
[7] A: Not that I can recall.
[8] Q: Mr. Stringer, I'd like to show you a
[9] document that was shown to Mr. Thomas E. Robinson,
[10] who was one of the morticians who reconstructed
[11] President Kennedy's skull afterwards. Unlike Dr.
[12] Boswell's testimony, the statements of Mr. Robinson
[13] were not made under oath, so - Just so that
[14] information is disclosed to you.
[15] On page - the last page of Exhibit No.
[16] 88, Mr. Robinson drew a picture of the portion of
[17] the skull that was missing at the time that he did
[18] the reconstruction. I'd like you to look at that,
[19] and see whether that corresponds to your own
[20] recollection.
[21] A: Now, what does he say that's missing? All
[22] of this?
Page 91
[1] Q: The portion that is the circle -
[2] A: Oh.
[3] Q: - towards the back is the portion that is
[4] missing - or there's a large part. And that there
[5] is disruption in the dotted portions of the skull.
[6] A: Well, I saw the most missing over here on
[7] the parietal. It was gone.
[8] Q: So, when you say "here", you're referring
[9] to what on the sheet of paper is the right side.
[10] A: Yes.
[11] Q: And which is marked "parietal bone"?
[12] A: Correct. From the ear, like in here.
[13] Q: Okay. And where Mr. Robinson drew a
[14] circle showing missing occipital bone, would it be
[15] - do you have any recollection of whether that -
[16] any portion of that occipital bone was missing?
[17] A: I don't know, because I don't - I don't
[18] think I ever saw the whole hair pulled down that
[19] far.
[20] Q: Did you ever take a picture of the back
[21] with the scalp reflected?
[22] A: I think we did.
Page 92
[1] Q: Then, wouldn't you have seen the back of
[2] the head with the scalp reflected?
[3] A: Should have. But whether it was - they
[4] had taken some of the bone away or something, I
[5] don't know.
[6] Q: When you saw the back of the head with the
[7] scalp reflected, was there bone missing, regardless
[8] of when that bone was taken out?
[9] A: I didn't see it missing.
[10] Q: You didn't see any missing. So, when you
[11] saw the back of the head, the occipital bone -
[12] other than a bullet - what you've characterized as
[13] a bullet entry wound, you saw no missing -
[14] A: Not as far as I can remember, no.
[15] Q: Okay.
[16] A: No.
[17] Q: Are you fairly confident that your
[18] recollection that you have now is accurate?
[19] A: As far as I can think about it. But, here
[20] again, I was away from the table. The only time I
[21] was up at the table - when we took a picture.
[22] Then I stepped back. I was within three or four
Page 93
[1] feet of the table at all times.
[2] Q: In terms of standard autopsy procedure,
[3] would it have been standard procedure to take a
[4] closeup photograph of any wound that was identified
[5] as a possible entry wound?
[6] A: Yes. But, here again, whatever they told
[7] us to take, I took.
[8] Q: Do you recall during the autopsy believing
[9] that a photograph should be taken, but one was not
[10] asked for you to take?
[11] A: I don't - I don't know. I don't know -
[12] I don't know how much they wanted to show. But
[13] they told us what to take, and we took it.
[14] Q: When you say "they", whom are you
[15] referring to now?
[16] A: Dr. Humes was, primarily. Dr. Boswell and
[17] Dr. Finck.
[18] Q: Did you have the sense at some point that
[19] Dr. Humes did not want you to take a photograph of
[20] the back of the head with the scalp reflected?
[21] A: No, I didn't have any idea at that time.
[22] Q: In your conversation with Mr. Lifton, you
Page 94
[1] referred to the wound on President Kennedy's head
[2] as an occipital wound; is that -
[3] A: That's what I heard.
[4] Q: In terms of the drawing that we've
[5] identified as Exhibit No. 88, showing the back of
[6] the head, would you agree that the place where Dr.
[7] - or where Mr. Robinson drew the large part - the
[8] large wound, the missing wound - was in the
[9] occipital bone?
[10] A: Well, yes. That's what his drawing shows,
[11] yes. Occipital.
[12] Q: Okay. Mr. Stringer, I'd like to show you
[13] some videotape of an interview between Mr. Lifton
[14] and Floyd Riebe.
[15] And I can say to you that, yesterday, I
[16] spoke with Mr. Riebe by telephone about this
[17] interview. Although I did not discuss any very
[18] specific portion of the interview, I asked him
[19] generally whether the statements in the interview
[20] were correct to the best of his understanding. And
[21] he said yes, they were; and that he was prepared to
[22] testify to that under oath.
Page 95
[1] So, I'd like to show you some of those.
[2] Because of the way that it's located on the
[3] videotape, we're going to show you one of the last
[4] portions of the videotape. Then return, and show
[5] you some earlier portions.
[6] I have, once again, a transcript of the
[7] videotape, if that would help you hear it.
[8] Although, this is much clearer than the telephone
[9] conversation that was recorded.
[10] MR. GUNN: Go ahead, please.
[11] [Whereupon, the videotape was played.]
[12] RIEBE: A broad circle.
[13] MR. VALENTINO: Look straight into that,
[14] please. Could I turn this sideways? Just make
[15] that circle again, please, as you're talking.
[16] That was all gone; right?
[17] RIEBE: Mm-hmm. Right.
[18] MR. VALENTINO: They didn't have any other
[19] piece of it?
[20] DSL: How high did it come up back of the
[21] head?
[22] RIEBE: About up to here.
Page 96
[1] DSL: Okay. And just keep - Do the
[2] whole perimeter.
[3] MR. VALENTINO: Thanks.
[4] [End of videotape portion.]
[5] [Videotape shows Mr. Riebe finger-tracing
[6] on the photograph an area at the back of
[7] the head, where he remembers a wound.]
[8] MR GUNN: Okay, Doug.
[9] Let me state for the record that the
[10] portion of the videotape that we just viewed on the
[11] timer on the videotape is at 1:3:54 to 1:4:43.
[12] BY MR. GUNN:
[13] Q: Mr. Stringer, were you able to see the
[14] videotape?
[15] A: Yes.
[16] Q: Did you see the circle that Mr. Riebe drew
[17] on the photograph of the back of the head?
[18] A: Yes.
[19] Q: Based upon your experience in anatomy,
[20] would it be fair to say that the circle that he was
[21] drawing on the photograph of the head was
[22] principally in the occipital -
Page 97
[1] A: Yes, it was.
[2] Q: - region of the head?
[3] A: Mm-hmm.
[4] MR. GUNN: Okay. Could we go back to
[5] page 11? Off the record.
[6] [Discussion off the record.]
[7] MR. GUNN: Okay. Mr. Stringer, I'm about
[8] to show you part of a videotape that was recorded
[9] on the transcript between pages 11 and 13. It
[10] starts on the videotape timer at 11:30.
[11] Hold off for just one moment.
[12] THE WITNESS: Now, is this it?
[13] MR. GUNN: That's not.
[14] THE WITNESS: Which ones now?
[15] MR. GUNN: The document I'm going to show
[16] you is a transcript of the videotape, the
[17] authenticity of which has not been independently
[18] verified.
[19] The portion that we're going to be turning
[20] to is page 11. And we will be starting at
[21] portion - We'll actually start a little bit
[22] before, but -
Page 98
[1] THE WITNESS: Okay.
[2] MR. GUNN: - here's where we're going to
[3] be particularly starting to pay attention.
[4] THE WITNESS: Okay.
[5] MR. GUNN: Okay, if we can go to the
[6] videotape.
[7] [Whereupon, the videotape was played.]
[8] DSL: What did you see, in terms of like
[9] the head?
[10] RIEBE: From that angle, I didn't see
[11] anything wrong with the head, other than the notch
[12] right here.
[13] DSL: The notch right there. So, tell me
[14] how you learned more about the head.
[15] RIEBE: Well, when they sat him up -
[16] DSL: Yeah.
[17] RIEBE: - right after, I think it was
[18] Colonel Finck, an Army ballistics specialist, came
[19] in.
[20] DSL: Yeah.
[21] RIEBE: Pathologist. And they were - him
[22] and the Navy pathologist were all talking. And
Page 99
[1] then they sat the President up. And, see, nothing
[2] was left there, back of his head.
[3] DSL: Well, what did the back of the head
[4] look like?
[5] RIEBE: Nothing.
[6] DSL: Well -
[7] RIEBE: There was nothing there.
[8] DSL: What was there? When you say -
[9] RIEBE: A big hole.
[10] DSL: A big hole?
[11] RIEBE: A big hole, right in the occipital
[12] region of the head.
[13] DSL: And put your hand again - Where
[14] was it?
[15] RIEBE: Right back here.
[16] DSL: I see. How high did it go, if you
[17] would give me a rough estimate from memory?
[18] RIEBE: Well, from this figure - the
[19] center of the head, maybe three inches back was
[20] Still bone.
[21] DSL: Was there?
[22] RIEBE: Yeah. And then from three inches
Page 100
[1] down to the base of the skull was gone.
[2] DSL: Just gone?
[3] RIEBE: Yeah.
[4] DSL: When they raised him up like that -
[5] And then you're looking at him; right?
[6] RIEBE: Well, I was in front, but then I
[7] walked around back to get some broad views of what
[8] was happening.
[9] DSL: Had he already been flapped?
[10] RIEBE: What do you mean, flapped?
[11] DSL: Well, when you and I talked, you
[12] used the expression "flapped" - the business of
[13] removing the scalp.
[14] RIEBE: Oh, yeah. That had already been
[15] done. That was already open, the skin.
[16] DSL: The skin was already open?
[17] RIEBE: Yeah.
[16] DSL: I see. And, so, you saw this hole
[19] back there?
[20] RIEBE: Mm-hmm.
[21] DSL: So, it looked like - Can you tell
[22] me - You say it looked like a hole, or what?
Page 101
[1] RIEBE: It looked like a hole, yeah. It
[2] looked like it was just blown away.
[3] DSL: Just blown away.
[4] RIEBE: Mm-hmm.
[5] [End of videotape portion.]
[6] MR. GUNN: Okay. That's -
[7] BY MR. GUNN:
[8] Q: Mr. Stringer, are you able to recognize
[9] Floyd Riebe from the videotape?
[10] A: Yes. I guess, it's him. It sort of looks
[11] like him.
[12] Q: It looks like him. He's a little bit
[13] older -
[14] A: Older.
[15] Q: - than the last time you saw him?
[16] A: Yes.
[17] Q: Does Mr. Riebe's recollection of sitting
[18] the President correspond with your own
[19] recollection?
[20] A: They did sit him up, yes.
[21] Q: Mr. Riebe, as I'm sure you heard, referred
[22] to the wound being in the occipital region. Did
Page 102
[1] you hear that?
[2] A: Yes.
[3] Q: Does that correspond with your own
[4] recollection?
[5] A: No, it does not.
[6] Q: Okay.
[7] MR. GUNN: Doug, if we can go to page -
[8] go to timer 17:33. This will be page 17 of the
[9] transcript.
[10] [Whereupon, the videotape continued.]
[11] DSL: So, did you take pictures of this
[12] area on the back of the head?
[13] RIEBE: Yes.
[14] DSL: You did?
[15] RIEBE: Long shots.
[16] DSL: Long.
[17] RIEBE: Mr. Stringer was doing all the
[18] closeup photography.
[19] DSL: And you were doing the long shots?
[20] RIEBE: Right.
[21] DSL: Okay.
[22] RIEBE: That's anything from three feet or
Page 103
[1] more away.
[2] DSL: And you did take pictures showing
[3] the back of the head -
[4] RIEBE: Yes.
[5] DSL: - blown out?
[6] RIEBE: Yes.
[7] DSL: So, let me just put it, so you'll be
[8] saying it to our camera. Could you just tell us
[9] what kind of pictures you took of the back of the
[10] head?
[11] RIEBE: Well, I took several color
[12] four-by-five shots. And then I switched to my 35,
[13] which - I had a small, telephoto lens on it.
[14] DSL: Okay.
[15] RIEBE: Nothing big.
[16] DSL: And if those shots showed what
[17] you've described, what would you...what would you
[18] expect your pictures to show of the back of the
[19] head?
[20] RIEBE: That there was a gaping hole
[21] there.
[22] DSL: So, you took pictures showing a
Page 104
[1] gaping hole?
[2] RIEBE: Right.
[3] DSL: At any time, did you or anybody
[4] assisting you lift up scalp or put scalp in place
[5] to prevent us from seeing the gaping hole?
[6] RIEBE: No, not that I know of.
[7] DSL: So, you at no time lifted anything
[8] up to obstruct the hole?
[9] RIEBE: No.
[10] DSL: So, you would expect your pictures
[11] to show a gaping hole?
[12] RIEBE: Right.
[13] [End of the videotape portion.]
[14] MR. GUNN: Okay, Doug.
[15] BY MR. GUNN:
[16] Q: Mr. Stringer, were you able to hear the
[17] words of Mr. Riebe in the videotape?
[18] A: Yes, I was.
[19] Q: To the best of your recollection, did
[20] Mr. Riebe take any photographs of the President's
[21] body?
[22] A: No, he did not.
Page 105
[1] Q: Did Mr. Riebe, to the best of your
[2] recollection, have a 35 millimeter camera in -
[3] A: No, he did not. There was only the one
[4] camera in the autopsy room, the four-by-five.
[5] Q: Previously, you mentioned that there was a
[6] camera that took 120 - that used 120 film.
[7] A: On the back, yes. There was an adapter.
[8] Q: Okay. So, that was not a medium-format
[9] camera. It was an adapter for a four-by-five.
[10] A: That's correct. The only other medium was
[11] the one that he'd carried in, which the film was
[12] destroyed.
[13] Q: Okay. I'm interested in that camera, that
[14] the film was destroyed on. What camera was that,
[15] that had been taken in?
[16] A: The 135 - I mean, the 120.
[17] Q: Okay. And that was the one that you had
[18] thought was likely to be a Mimiya flex; is that
[19] right?
[20] A: No, it was not a Mimiya flex.
[21] Q: Oh. What kind of 120 -
[22] A: It was a cheap, little camera that we had
Page 106
[1] around the lab.
[2] Q: Okay. And, so, if Mr. Riebe were to have
[3] taken any photographs of the body, it would have
[4] been with that cheap, medium-format camera?
[5] A: Yeah, but there wasn't any film in it.
[6] Q: Okay.
[7] A: They took the film.
[8] Q: Okay.
[9] MR. GUNN: Doug, can we go to page 21;
[10] 21:35.
[11] [Discussion off the record.]
[12] [Whereupon, the videotape continued.]
[13] RIEBE: But this is the occipital region
[14] here.
[15] DSL: And what did you see there?
[16] RIEBE: Nothing. There was nothing there.
[17] DSL: But there's something here in the
[18] picture.
[19] RIEBE: Right. That's not a picture that
[20] I've taken.
[21] DSL: How come it's at the
[22] National Archive? How come this is there?
Page 107
[1] RIEBE: I don't have any idea.
[2] [End of videotape portion.]
[3] MR. GUNN: Okay.
[4] BY MR. GUNN:
[5] Q: Mr. Stringer, were you able to hear
[6] Mr. Riebe in the videotape?
[7] A: Yes, I was.
[8] MR. GUNN: Doug, could you go ahead to -
[9] this is a change, but to 35. And it would be
[10] 35:40.
[11] We've got a slight change here. We're
[12] going to start on page 34 of the transcript, 34:22
[13] of the tape. "Say it again" is the first line.
[14] [Discussion off the record.]
[15] [Whereupon, the videotape continued.]
[16] DSL: Say it again. So, when you got
[17] through with the 12 pack, what did you do with the
[18] 12 pack?
[19] RIEBE: I gave it to the Secret Service.
[20] It was either the Secret Service or FBI, one of the
[21] two.
[22] DSL: Civilian?
Page 108
[1] RIEBE: Civilian; right.
[2] DSL: And he...he was right there?
[3] RIEBE: Right.
[4] DSL: They would know to count.
[5] RIEBE: Everything - every film, every
[6] picture that I took, I'm pretty sure he got a
[7] mental count on it.
[8] DSL: And were any - And these scene
[9] photographs were taken with the four-by-five?
[10] RIEBE: Mm-hmm.
[11] DSL: Not with any other camera?
[12] RIEBE: No, with four-by-five.
[13] DSL: Did you take any pictures at all
[14] with 120 roll?
[15] RIEBE: Not 120.1 did with 35.
[16] DSL: With 35?
[17] RIEBE: Right. The only 120 camera we had
[18] at the school, I was not that good with. It was an
[19] old Mimiya flex.
[20] DSL: Yeah.
[21] RIEBE: And I didn't like that camera,
[22] really, that much at all. So, I used a Canon 35
Page 109
[1] millimeter.
[2] DSL: So, you didn't take any pictures at
[3] all with a 1 -
[4] RIEBE: Not with a 120, no.
[5] DSL: Your pictures of the body were taken
[6] with a 35 mil - Did you take any pictures of the
[7] body with a 35 millimeter?
[8] RIEBE: Some, yeah. More or less, general
[9] overview. I had a small...a small roll. It was 20
[10] exposures or - yeah, 20 exposures.
[11] DSL: Do you remember the incident of
[12] taking pictures inside the chest?
[13] RIEBE: No.
[14] DSL: Well, I mean, did they - Do you
[15] remember finding a bruise inside the chest when
[16] they opened him up? Do you remember the Y
[17] incision?
[18] RIEBE: Yeah.
[19] DSL: Did they do - You were there when
[20] they did the Y incision?
[21] RIEBE: Right.
[22] DSL: Did they ask you to take any
Page 110
[1] pictures internal?
[2] RIEBE: No. Pictures internally would
[3] have had to have been done with a tripod, I'm sure.
[4] DSL: Yeah.
[5] RIEBE: Because that's the only way we've
[6] done this is - You know, after I got out of
[7] school when I was at the Pathology Institute, we
[8] always used a tripod, because you have to take a
[9] timed exposure.
[10] DSL: I see. And you weren't using the
[11] tripod?
[12] RIEBE: No. Mr. Stringer -
[13] DSL: So that -
[14] RIEBE: - had the tripod in there.
[15] DSL: Mr. Stringer was using the tripod?
[16] RIEBE: Right. He had -
[17] DSL: So, if they called for pictures
[18] inside the chest, which needed the tripod, Mr.
[19] Stringer -
[20] RIEBE: Right. Mr. Stringer was right
[21] there with the four-by-five view camera. And he
[22] could have got all the angles and corrections -
Page 111
[1] everything to make a decent picture.
[2] DSL: Okay.
[3] RIEBE: But with a hand-held camera, it's
[4] awfully hard to do.
[5] DSL: So, you were doing the hand-held
[6] work?
[7] RIEBE: Right.
[8] DSL: By the way, what kind...what kind
[9] of - What was it they needed your hand-held work
[10] for, if Stringer was using the tripod?
[11] RIEBE: Just general overviews mostly.
[12] DSL: General overviews?
[13] RIEBE: Right. Mr. Stringer did the
[14] closeups.
[15] DSL: Okay. But with the back of the
[16] head, you did those? Or Stringer?
[17] RIEBE: Mr. Stringer did some.
[18] DSL: Yeah.
[19] RIEBE: He got the closer views. And I
[20] did from about him to the wound.
[21] DSL: Yeah.
[22] RIEBE: We'd swing the camera out of the
Page 112
[1] way, and I took a few shots with the big camera.
[2] DSL: And, so, the one you're using for
[3] the back -
[4] RIEBE: That showed the head.
[5] DSL: Yeah.
[6] RIEBE: And Mr. Stringer showed just the
[7] immediate area.
[8] DSL: I see. And your camera, that you
[9] did just the head with, is four-by-five?
[10] RIEBE: It was a four-by-five speed
[11] Graphlex.
[12] DSL: Okay. So, the 35 millimeter camera
[13] was used for what, then?
[14] RIEBE: I did some general overviews, took
[15] pictures of the throat and the face, side views of
[16] the body.
[17] DSL: About how many pictures do you think
[18] you took that night?
[19] RIEBE: Well, I took 24 four-by-fives and
[20] one rollof 35.
[21] DSL: One roll of 35?
[22] RIEBE: Uh-huh. So, that was another 20
Page 113
[1] exposures. It would be about 44.
[2] DSL: Forty-four that you took?
[3] RIEBE: Yeah.
[4] DSL: That's not counting Stringer?
[5] RIEBE: No. I don't know how many he
[6] took. He was - I think Mr. Stringer was using
[7] color.
[8] DSL: Yeah.
[9] RIEBE: Because we had big stack of film
[10] cassettes in there.
[11] DSL: Were you using color, or black and
[12] white, or both?
[13] RIEBE: Black and white.
[14] DSL: Black and white only?
[15] RIEBE: Color on the 35.
[16] DSL: Okay. Color on the 35.
[17] RIEBE: Right.
[18] DSL: So, if you have a complete
[19] collection of everything from that night - from
[20] the work of you and Stringer, there's supposed to
[21] be 35 millimeter film in there?
[22] RIEBE: Mm-hmm.
Page 114
[1] DSL: No question about that?
[2] RIEBE: No question about that.
[3] You took 35 -
[4] RIEBE: Right.
[5] DSL: - millimeter pictures?
[6] RIEBE: Yeah.
[7] [End of videotape portion.]
[8] MR. GUNN: Okay, Doug.
[9] BY MR. GUNN:
[10] Q: Mr. Stringer, were you able to hear the
[11] words of Mr. Riebe?
[12] A: Yes, I am. Yes, I was.
[13] Q: Mr. Riebe referred to his having exposed
[14] two 12 packs. Does that refresh any recollection
[15] you have?
[16] A: No.
[17] Q: Are you fairly confident that Mr. Riebe is
[18] incorrect about the two 12 packs?
[19] A: I don't remember him taking any pictures
[20] at all.
[21] Q: The photo lab did have a speed Graphic
[22] camera, though?
Page 115
[1] A: Yes.
[2] Q: So, that is something that Mr. Riebe would
[3] have had access to, as a student?
[4] A: He had one that was assigned to him as a
[5] student; correct.
[6] Q: Okay. And the 12 pack would refer to -
[7] A: A film pack.
[8] Q: - black and white negatives?
[9] A: Black and white, yes. And the 35
[10] millimeter he said was a Canon, I don't know where
[11] that came from.
[12] Q: Okay. The transcript will speak for
[13] itself. I think that he said that was his personal
[14] camera earlier.
[15] A: Okay.
[16] Q: Mr. Riebe referred to his impression that
[17] one of the agents in the room was attempting to
[18] keep track of photographs. Does that correspond to
[19] your own recollection?
[20] A: Well, he was picking them up as they were
[21] exposed, yes.
[22] Q: Do you have any recollection, other than
Page 116
[1] picking up the holders after the film was exposed,
[2] of anyone attempting to keep track of numbers?
[3] A: No. I gave them to Riebe. He gave me the
[4] film. I exposed it, and then I gave it back to
[5] him. He gave me another one to put in. And he
[6] gave them to the agent, whoever it was.
[7] Q: Was there flashes taking place as the
[8] photographs were exposed?
[9] A: Only from the two - just the lights we
[10] had in there, the speed lights.
[11] Q: Speed lights. And did you get any sense
[12] that people were counting numbers of the flashes,
[13] to keep track of photographs?
[14] A: No. They were keeping track of them by
[15] the holders.
[16] Q: Mr. Riebe also refers to your having taken
[17] color photographs in four-by-five format, whereas
[18] he took black and white photographs in four-by-five
[19] format. Does that help refresh any recollection
[20] that you have?
[21] A: No, it does not.
[22] Q: As far as you understand, that is
Page 117
[1] inaccurate?
[2] A: I would say it was. You'd have to prove
[3] it to me to -
[4] Q: How would one be able to prove that?
[5] A: By showing me the negatives.
[6] Q: If they were from a speed Graphic 12 pack,
[7] there would be black and white negatives?
[8] A: There would be not like a firm base. It
[9] would be like a piece of paper - the negative.
[10] Q: Okay. And if we were to show you camera
[11] originals from the night of the autopsy, you would
[12] be able to -
[13] A: You mean from a print?
[14] Q: From a print.
[15] A: No.
[16] Q: Is there any way that - in looking at
[17] original materials that you would be able to
[18] identify photographs taken with a speed pack - or
[19] with a 12 pack versus those that were exposed two
[20] at a time?
[21] A: Not as far as I know. I don't think so.
[22] He'd have to have the use of the flash.
Page 118
[1] Q: Well, I'm not talking about the use of the
[2] flash, but the photographs themselves. Let me try
[3] the question a different way.
[4] A: Yeah.
[5] Q: Are there notches that appear on
[6] photograph - on photograph sheets -
[7] A: On sheets.
[8] Q: - that would identify the type of film?
[9] A: That's correct.
[10] Q: Would the notches for a 12 pack be
[11] different from notches for other black and whites?
[12] A: There wouldn't be a notch. There would be
[13] a number on the negative. In other words, they're
[14] numbered from one through 12.
[15] Q: So, if we had negatives here to show you,
[16] and they had numbers of one through 12, that would
[17] indicate that there was a 12 pack that was
[18] exposed -
[19] A: Yes, it would.
[20] Q: - on the night of the autopsy?
[21] A: Yes, it would.
[22] MR. GUNN: Okay, Doug, if we could go to
Page 119
[1] the next one - 52. Page 52.
[2] [Whereupon, the videotape cntinued.]
[3] RIEBE: ...very, very good at, you know,
[4] retouching photographs. In fact, she did quite a
[5] bit on it. Who was that man from the Civil War;
[6] Brady?
[7] DSL: Yeah.
[8] RIEBE: She did a lot of touch-up work on
[9] some of this photographs that they were copying for
[10] the Smithsonian. And she made them look like he
[11] just went out in the street and took them.
[12] DSL: Well, if you were to choose between
[13] the fact that this was real - this is an authentic
[14] picture, or the fact that it's been phonied, would
[15] you say it's -
[16] RIEBE: I'd say it's not an authentic
[17] photograph. Not one that I took or that I - I'm
[18] sure Mr. Stringer didn't take it.
[19] DSL: Because - How do you know Mr.
[20] Stringer didn't take it?
[21] RIEBE: Because this looks all solid back
[22] here.
Page 120
[1] DSL: Right. And you don't remember
[2] holding up a piece of scalp or something like -
[3] RIEBE: No.
[4] DSL:, KRLN asked you something
[5] like this.
[6] RIEBE: Mm-hmm.
[7] DSL: And...and you actually said, "Well,
[8] I think it's been phonied."
[9] RIEBE: It's very possible. Very possibly
[10] it's been phonied - touched up, or another body
[11] used in its place.
[12] DSL: Well, in other words,
[13] psychologically, the way you react to the way it is
[14] that it's one of these two possibilities?
[15] RIEBE: Right.
[16] DSL: Because you remember the body that
[17] night?
[18] RIEBE: I remember what I saw, and this is
[19] not what I saw.
[20] DSL: Floyd, let me ask you this. In...
[21] in - And people are in court all the time on
[22] traffic accidents. And witnesses - we hear about
Page 121
[1] the unreliability of eye witness testimony.
[2] RIEBE: Right.
[3] DSL: You know, "Well, my client is
[4] innocent, because - You know, I don't care what
[5] the witness says. Memory plays tricks."
[6] How possible is it that your own memory is
[7] faulty; and that the back of the head was
[8] absolutely solid, and that the hole is, you know,
[9] at the front of the head?
[10] RIEBE: I don't think, on this instance
[11] that - This was such a shock, seeing this -
[12] seeing the President like that, that it was
[13] imbedded in my brain - in my mind. I don't think
[14] I'm mistaken at all.
[15] DSL: Would you bet your life on it? What
[16] would be the odds that -
[17] RIEBE: I'd say no. That - you know, I'd
[18] bet my reputation and my life on it.
[19] DSL: That there was a hole at the -
[20] RIEBE: Yes.
[21] DSL: What? Tell me what you'd bet your
[22] life on.
Page 122
[1] RIEBE: The - That there was a very
[2] large hole in the occipital region - this area
[3] right in here - in the back of the President's
[4] head.
[5] DSL: And you'd bet your life and
[6] reputation on that?
[7] RIEBE: Yeah.
[8] [End of videotape portion.]
[9] MR. GUNN: Okay, Doug.
[10] THE WITNESS: What is showing, I mean, to
[11] him?
[12] BY MR. GUNN:
[13] Q: The photograph that he's showing is the
[14] same one that we saw at the beginning of -
[15] A: With the hair?
[16] Q: With the hair in the back.
[17] Mr. Stringer, were you able to hear
[18] Mr. Riebe in the portions of the video that we just
[19] watched?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Do you believe that Mr. Riebe is
[22] inaccurate with regard to his memories from the
Page 123
[1] night of the autopsy?
[2] A: Yes.
[3] Q: Mr. Riebe did employ the same term,
[4] "occipital", that you employed in your conversation
[5] with David Lifton; is that correct?
[6] A: That's correct.
[7] Q: And -
[8] A: If I said it, yes.
[9] Q: Is there a question in your mind about
[10] whether you said that to Mr. Lifton?
[11] A: Yes, there is.
[12] Q: In what way is there a question in your
[13] mind?
[14] A: I don't know why I should have said it, if
[15] I said it.
[16] Q: You also referred in the conversation with
[17] Mr. Lifton to the injury on the back of your head
[18] - the part that you would lean up against a
[19] bathtub - without referring to occipital region.
[20] Was that incorrect, as well?
[21] A: Yes, it was.
[22] Q: And, so, your understanding also would be
Page 124
[1] that the person who did the reconstruction work on
[2] President Kennedy's head, Mr. Robinson, would have
[3] been incorrect, as well?
[4] A: I don't know about what he - I don't
[5] know. I don't -
[6] What I saw was the hair down. Once it was
[7] cut down - I mean, pulled back, I don't remember
[8] seeing a big hole there; no. I'd say he was wrong,
[9] too.
[10] [Interruption to the proceedings.]
[11] [Lunch recess, 12:15-1:05 p.m.]
Page 125
[2] Whereupon,
[4] was recalled for examination by counsel for the
[5] U.S. Department of Justice and, having been
[6] previously duly sworn by the notary public, was
[7] examined and testified further as follows:
[9] BY MR. GUNN:
[10] Q: Mr. Stringer -
[11] A: Yes?
[12] Q: - to the best of your recollection, what
[13] is the total number of exposures that you made
[14] during the night of the autopsy?
[15] A: I haven't the slightest idea.
[16] Q: Do you recall any attempt to record
[17] numbers of photographs after the autopsy was
[18] concluded?
[19] A: No, because we didn't have the holders.
[20] We took in so many film holders, and then we saw
[21] that we needed some more.
[22] So, we called the photo lab. And there
Page 126
[1] was a first-class corpsman over there, who was an
[2] instructor - and asked him to have some loaded up,
[3] which he did himself. And he brought them over
[4] himself, and handed them through the door. And
[5] then they brought them up to the table.
[6] Q: Are you able to visualize in your mind's
[7] eye an approximate number of holders there were,
[8] the volume of holders?
[9] A: Oh, there must have been at least 20, 25,
[10] I would imagine.
[11] Q: And if there were somewhere in the area of
[12] 20 to 25 holders, that would mean there would be
[13] somewhere in the area of 40 - possibly 40 to -
[14] A: Times two.
[15] Q: Times two. So, 40 to 50 exposures. And
[16] to the best of your recollection, that would have
[17] been both black and white and color?
[18] A: As far as I remember.
[19] Q: Okay. Do you remember anyone typing up
[20] any receipts on the night of November 22nd to -
[21] A: No.
[22] Q: - document the number?
Page 127
[1] A: No. I think I received a copy from
[2] Captain Stover.
[3] Q: Were you ever asked to count the number of
[4] holders?
[5] A: No.
[6] Q: Were you ever asked to verify - this is
[7] in November of 1963 - ever to verify the number of
[8] exposures that had been made?
[9] A: No.
[10] Q: So, for example, the Secret Service didn't
[11] come to you and say, "How many did you make?"
[12] A: No. I think they put them in a box and
[13] took them out. It was in a cardboard box. I
[14] believe that's what happened.
[15] We could have counted them. I guess,
[16] we - Had we thought about it, we could have
[17] counted how many were in the box. Or we could have
[18] counted them when they sent them back. But, no, we
[19] didn't know whether they were all sent back, or
[20] not.
[21] Q: Did you have any role whatsoever in terms
[22] of developing or processing any of the autopsy
Page 128
[1] photographs?
[2] A: No.
[3] Q: And that was different from standard
[4] procedure; is that correct?
[5] A: Yes; correct.
[6] Q: Did you ever play any role in developing
[7] or making copies of any of the X-ray work that had
[8] been done at Bethesda on President Kennedy?
[9] A: I don't know. I don't think so, but I
[10] don't know.
[11] Q: Did you have an expertise in making
[12] duplicates of autopsy - of X-rays?
[13] A: No. We would make them for a print to be
[14] printed in the article. But to copy the X-rays
[15] themselves, they did that in the X-ray department.
[16] Q: Okay. Did you have any training at all
[17] working with X-rays?
[18] A: Just by shooting them off a box onto film.
[19] Q: Okay. I'd like to show you a document we
[20] have marked Exhibit No. 78, and ask you whether you
[21] recall having seen the document before?
[22] A: Yes.
Page 129
[1] Q: Yes, you recall having seen it?
[2] A: Yes.
[3] MR. GUNN: Let me state for the record
[4] that Exhibit No. 78 appears on its face to be a
[5] memorandum, dated November 22nd, 1963, from Captain
[6] Stover to Roy H. Kellerman.
[7] BY MR. GUNN:
[8] Q: When did you first see the document that's
[9] marked Exhibit 78?
[10] A: I don't remember. It was sometime after
[11] the autopsy, because the captain had me sign it.
[12] Q: Do you remember whether it was within a
[13] week of the autopsy, or a month of the autopsy?
[14] A: Well, I wouldn't know. Maybe a week or
[15] so. I don't know.
[16] Q: Do you remember seeing the document, now
[17] marked Exhibit 78, on the night of the autopsy?
[18] A: No.
[19] Q: Is that your signature, as best you can
[20] tell -
[21] A: Yes.
[22] Q: - on the bottom left?
Page 130
[1] A: Yes, it is.
[2] Q: Do you have any reason to question the
[3] accuracy of the numbers that are recorded on -
[4] A: No.
[5] Q: - No. 78?
[6] A: No.
[7] Q: Do you notice there's a change - a
[8] handwritten change, with what appear to be the
[9] initials JHS next to the changes?
[10] A: Yes. That was Stover.
[11] Q: Do you have any knowledge about why there
[12] was a change?
[13] A: Yes, because we talked about the - In
[14] some sort of way, we talked about it.
[15] Q: In what way did you talk about it?
[16] A: They talked about the number of holders,
[17] and whether it was - Rittmar or somebody said he
[18] gave so many holders to us. And the 8 and,
[19] evidently, the 6 were changed from 11 to 9.
[20] Q: When you signed the document now marked
[21] 78, did you - were you assuming that you were
[22] either agreeing, or disagreeing, or making any
Page 131
[1] comment about the accuracy of the numbers?
[2] A: I was agreeing with, it should be 11 and
[3] 9. There was some sort of a meeting. It's hazy,
[4] as to what was going on. But it was with Stover.
[5] Q: Approximately, when did the meeting take
[6] place, as best you can recall?
[7] A: I think it was probably on the morning
[8] after. I don't remember. Because I didn't see
[9] Stover that eve - I saw him, but I didn't see him
[10] when I left. He was there all during the autopsy.
[11] Q: Now, previously in your deposition today,
[12] if I recall correctly, you said that it was your
[13] habit to expose both of the two sheets of film in
[14] each holder; is that correct?
[15] A: Mm-hmm.
[16] Q: Now, if there had been 11 holders, how
[17] many sheets would that, then, be?
[16] A: It would be 22.
[19] Q: Now, I notice up in the - under sub A
[20] there, it refers, with the change, to 11 Graphic
[21] film holders containing 16 sheets of exposed
[22] Ektachrome E3 film. Should the number of sheets
Page 132
[1] have been 22?
[2] A: Yes. In other words - I remember now -
[3] they said they had received some holders without
[4] film, which - I say, it couldn't have happened.
[5] Q: Who was "they" who received some holders
[6] without film?
[7] A: Whoever it was that took the film over to
[8] be developed. They said they had received some
[9] holders that didn't have film in it. And I
[10] disputed it.
[11] Q: Did you say - With whom did you dispute
[12] it?
[13] A: With Captain Stover.
[14] Q: Did the number 11 seem to be correct to
[15] you for the number of holders for the color film?
[16] A: Well, I don't know where the number came
[17] from, but it sounds sort of correct.
[18] Q: Now, when I had asked you what your
[19] estimate was for the number of holders, you
[20] suggested that it would be somewhere between 20 and
[21] 25.
[22] A: Yeah.
Page 133
[1] Q: Now, if you add the 11 holders together
[2] with the 9 holders, that certainly comes up with
[3] the number 20, which would be roughly what your
[4] recollection was.
[5] A: Yes.
[6] Q: If those numbers for the holders, 11 and
[7] 9, were correct, then, your assumption would be
[8] that there would have been approximately 40
[9] negative - or 40 films exposed on the night of the
[10] autopsy.
[11] A: Yeah.
[12] Q: Give or take one or two, I presume.
[13] A: Yeah. There were some views that we -
[14] that were taken that were missing.
[15) Q: Why is it that you say that some of the
[16] views that were taken are missing?
[17] A: We went down to see them two years
[18] afterwards, and I remember some things inside the
[19] body that weren't there.
[20] Q: Is there anything else that you remember
[21] that wasn't there?
[22] A: I think it had to do with the adrenal
Page 134
[1] system.
[2] Q: Any others that you remember?
[3] A: Not off -
[4] Q: Or, I guess, remember not being there?
[5] A: Not offhand.
[6] Q: Do you remember seeing an image of the
[7] entire - or the full length of the body of the
[8] President?
[9] A: I don't remember.
[10] Q: Under sub A on Exhibit 78, it refers to
[11] Ektachrome E3 film. Does that help refresh your
[12] recollection as the type of film -
[13] A: Yes, it does.
[14] Q: - that was used?
[15] A: Yes.
[16] Q: Earlier, if I recall correctly, you had
[17] said that you understood that it was Kodachrome.
[18] A: Yeah.
[19] Q: It was Ektachrome E3?
[20] A: I would say it was Ektachrome, yes.
[21] Q: And does Ektachrome E3 create color
[22] transparencies?
Page 135
[1] A: Yes.
[2] Q: And those are positive color
[3] transparencies?
[4] A: Yes.
[5] Q: For the portrait pan film in sub B, is
[6] that black and white film?
[7] A: Yes.
[8] Q: And would that create a negative
[9] transparency?
[10] A: Yes, it would. So, it could be printed
[11] black and white.
[12] Q: Under sub C, there's a reference to a roll
[13] of Ektachrome 120 E3 exposed film. Previously, I
[14] had asked you about the one 120 film; and I
[15] believe, if I recall correctly, that you had said
[16] that you presumed that it was black and white.
[17] A: It was black and - Well, it says
[18] Ektachrome here, but I thought it was black and
[19] white.
[20] Q: Which would you think is more likely to be
[21] correct; your recollection from that, or what is
[22] stated on Exhibit 78?
Page 136
[1] A: I wouldn't have any idea. It was a roll
[2] of 120. I would have thought it was black and
[3] white, but it could have been Ektachrome. I didn't
[4] see it after it was done. I didn't see it when it
[5] was loaded.
[6] Q: Okay. Would you be able to tell today -
[7] If we had the roll of film that's identified as
[8] being the same as in sub C here, would you be able
[9] to tell whether that was Ektachrome E3, or whether
[10] it was a portrait pan film?
[11] A: I would think so.
[12] Q: Do you see the phrase, next to last
[13] sentence, of the document - and I'll read it to
[14] you: "To my personal knowledge, this is the total
[15] amount of film exposed on this occasion."
[16] Do you see that?
[17] A: Yes.
[18] Q: Is it your understanding that that
[19] statement is incorrect?
[20] A: Well, yes. If they say that there were
[21] only 16 sheets out of 11, I'd say that's incorrect.
[22] Q: When you signed this document, Exhibit 78,
Page 137
[1] were you intending to either agree or disagree with
[2] the conclusion reached in the second to last -
[3] next to last sentence?
[4] A: I told him that I disagreed with him, but
[5] they said, "Sign it."
[6] Q: And who is "they" who said, "Sign it"?
[7] A: Captain Stover.
[8] Q: Was Mr. Riebe in the room when you signed
[9] this?
[10] A: I don't remember. His signature is on it,
[11] so I guess he was there. But I don't remember.
[12] Q: Do you recall anything further regarding
[13] the discussion with Dr. Stover regarding the number
[14] of exposures that had been taken at the autopsy?
[15] A: No. I don't remember.
[16] Q: For example, did Captain Stover make any
[17] reference to who it was who told him that the
[18] numbers were different from what your own
[19] recollection was?
[20] A: He said from wherever they were processed
[21] that they said they had received some empty film
[22] holders on one side or the other.
Page 138
[1] Q: Did he tell you where they would have been
[2] processed?
[3] A: I don't know whether it was he or -
[4] Somebody told me they were done at Anacostia.
[5] Q: Had you ever been to the facility -
[6] You're referring to the naval yard at Anacostia?
[7] A: The naval photo center at Anacostia, yes.
[8] Q: Had you ever been to the photo center at
[9] Anacostia?
[10] A: Yes.
[11] Q: Did you know any of the people who worked
[12] there?
[13] A: I think so.
[14] Q: Did you ever talk to anyone who worked
[15] there about processing the autopsy photos?
[16] A: No. I don't think so, no.
[17] Q: Do you recall the names of any people, who
[18] worked there, now?
[19] A: That work there now?
[20] Q: No. Do you recall now any of the names of
[21] the people who worked there in 1963?
[22] A: There was a fellow name, I think, of
Page 139
[1] Rusteberg. He was a Commander in charge of
[2] research, I think. But - there were several
[3] others, but I don't remember their name.
[4] Q: Do you have any understanding as to why
[5] this would have been processed at the naval center
[6] at Anacostia, rather than at Bethesda?
[7] A: They said they want to keep everything
[8] secret, and they had the facilities over there to
[9] do it.
[10] Q: Were the facilities at Anacostia better
[11] than the facilities at Bethesda, or were they
[12] practically equivalent, or -
[13] A: I'd say they're almost the same. Of
[14] course, they had a much larger lab.
[15] Q: Was there any reason that you would not
[16] have been able to process the Ektachrome E3 film -
[17] A: No.
[18] Q: - at Bethesda?
[19] A: No.
[20] Q: And would the same be true for the
[21] portrait pan film?
[22] A: Yes.
Page 140
[1] Q: Other than the numbers on Exhibit 78 and
[2] the statement that we made reference to, the next
[3] to last sentence, is there anything else that you
[4] can identify in Exhibit 78 that is inaccurate to
[5] the best of your understanding?
[6] A: No.
[7] Q: At the time that you signed Exhibit
[8] No. 78, do you recall whether the signature of
[9] Mr. Kellerman down at the bottom was there or not?
[10] A: No, I don't. From reading it, I imagine
[11] it was sent to him, and then he signed it as
[12] receiving it. I don't remember, to tell you the
[13] truth.
[14] Q: Okay.
[15] A: All I got was a copy of it, and I don't
[16] know where that is.
[17] Q: Did you ever hear any discussion about
[18] whether there had been any frames on - any frames
[19] from the 120 film that had been exposed?
[20] A: I don't think there was any exposed, no.
[21] Q: Mr. Stringer, I'd like to show you a
[22] document that is marked Exhibit MD 44. I assume
Page 141
[1] that you have not previously seen the document
[2] before, but I'd just like you to take a quick look
[3] and tell me whether you have seen it before, or
[4] not.
[5] MR. GUNN: I'll state for the record that
[6] MD 44 appears on its face to be a memorandum, dated
[7] 11/26/63, written by Francis X. O'Neill and James
[8] W. Sibert.
[9] THE WITNESS: No, I've never seen it
[10] before.
[11] BY MR. GUNN:
[12] Q: Could you turn to page five of Exhibit
[13] No. 78? Do you see down towards the bottom there's
[14] - there are numbers of X-rays and photographs?
[15] A: Mm-hmm.
[16] Q: Do you see where it stated, "One roll of
[17] 120 film containing five exposures"?
[18] A: Yes, I do.
[19] Q: Does that help refresh your recollection
[20] about any exposures from the 120 film?
[21] A: No. I saw the film got taken out of the
[22] camera. That's all I know.
Page 142
[1] Q: You saw it yourself as it was being taken
[2] out of the camera?
[3] A: Yes.
[4] Q: In the hypothetical case that there had
[5] been some film with some exposures, and then the
[6] film is taken out of the camera and exposed to
[7] light, would you be able to identify exposures on
[8] the film, or would it all be clear?
[9] A: It should be all clear.
[10] Q: So, you wouldn't be able to identify the
[11] number of exposures by looking at film exposed to
[12] light?
[13] A: I don't think so.
[14] Q: Do you recall having previously heard of
[15] the names of Francis O'Neill or James Sibert?
[16] A: Well, faintly; yeah.
[17] Q: In what respect do you have - do you
[18] recall having heard the names?
[19] A: They were agents, I believe; weren't they?
[20] Q: FBI agents?
[21] A: Yes.
[22] Q: Did you ever speak to Mr. Sibert or
Page 143
[1] Mr. O'Neill?
[2] A: Not that I can remember.
[3] Q: According to the document marked Exhibit
[4] 44, they were both FBI agents present at the
[5] autopsy. Does that help refresh any recollection
[6] that you might have regarding any conversations you
[7] might have had with them?
[8] A: No. I didn't know who I talked to there,
[9] because there were a lot of people there that I
[10] didn't know.
[11] Q: Would it be fair to say that if you talked
[12] to them, you did not know what their names were at
[13] the time?
[14] A: Correct.
[15] Q: Did you ever speak to Mr. Riebe about the
[16] apparent discrepancy in the number of films that
[17] had been exposed on the night of the autopsy?
[18] A: I don't know whether I did or not.
[19] Q: After the conversation with Captain Stover
[20] that you discussed earlier, did you ever raise the
[21] issue with him again?
[22] A: I don't know, but we raised the issue when
Page 144
[1] we saw the photographs in `66.
[2] Q: What happened in 1966 when you raised the
[3] issue?
[4] A: Nothing.
[5] Q: To whom - When you say "we raised the
[6] issue", whom are you referring to?
[7] A: Well, when we were at the Archives -
[8] whoever was there.
[9] Q: Did you go with Dr. Humes?
[10] A: Dr. Humes and Dr. Boswell.
[11] Q: Were Drs. Humes and Boswell under the
[12] impression that there were some photographs
[13] missing?
[14] A: We talked about it, yes.
[15] Q: And whom did you talk to about it?
[16] A: We talked when we were there. I said
[17] there were some missing - because of that
[18] memorandum that it came back that there were some
[19] empty holders there. And the fellow that loaded
[20] them said there was no way there were any empty
[21] holders there.
[22] Q: Was the person with whom you spoke in 1966
Page 145
[1] an official connected with the Archives, or with
[2] the Justice Department; or do you know whom?
[3] A: No, I don't know. I guess, he was from
[4] the Archives. I don't know.
[5] Q: Do you recall the name Carl Belcher from
[6] the Department ofJustice? Does that ring a bell?
[7] A: No.
[8] Q: Do you have any idea who the person was
[9] whom you met with, either the name, or the
[10] position, or -
[11] A: You mean at the Archives?
[12] Q: At the Archives.
[13] A: No.
[14] Q: Was there more than one person that you
[15] met with?
[16] A: I think there was. At least two, I
[17] believe.
[18] Q: Did you meet with them on more than one
[19] occasion?
[20] A: No.
[21] Q: So, just that once. How long were you at
[22] the Archives in 1966?
Page 146
[1] A: Hour and a half, I'd say. I don't
[2] remember, actually, the time. I know they logged
[3] us in and out.
[4] Q: I'd like to come back from 1966 and return
[5] to November of 1963, if we could. After the night
[6] of the autopsy, November 22nd and 23rd, did you
[7] ever attend a supplementary brain examination
[8] related to the autopsy of President Kennedy?
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: Approximately, how long after the autopsy
[11] of President Kennedy did you go to the
[12] supplementary examination?
[13] A: I'd say it was three or four days. I
[14] don't remember.
[15] Q: I'd like to show you Exhibit No. 19, three
[16] different passages - pages 12, 13, and 15 - where
[17] there is reference made to the supplementary
[18] autopsy two or three days afterwards.
[19] Does that help refresh any recollection
[20] that you have regarding the amount of time?
[21] A: No.
[22] Q: Is there any event that you can connect
Page 147
[1] the timing of the supplementary autopsy to? For
[2] example, a workday versus a weekend?
[3] A: I think it was on a Monday, after a
[4] weekend. I'm not sure, but I think.
[5] Q: President Kennedy was buried on Monday.
[6] Do you have any recollection -
[7] A: No. It wasn't the day of the funeral, no.
[8] Q: Do you recall whether it was before or
[9] after the funeral?
[10] A: No, I don't.
[11] Q: Why is it that you feel confident that it
[12] was not the day of the funeral?
[13] A: Because I saw the funeral on television.
[14] Q: And you were at home that day?
[15] A: Yes.
[16] Q: You didn't go into the office?
[17] A: No, I don't think so.
[18] Q: Okay
[19] A: Now, this was done in a morning - when
[20] they took the brain out. I mean, when they had it
[21] out of the formalin.
[22] Q: Okay. When did you first hear or
Page 148
[1] understand that you would be involved in the
[2] supplementary examination of the brain?
[3] A: Gee, I don't remember. They took the
[4] brain out and put it in the jar with the formalin,
[5] and said, "We will get to this later."
[6] Q: Okay. When they took the brain out, do
[7] you recall whether they weighed the brain or not?
[8] A: I believe so. I'm not sure, but I think
[9] they - They generally weigh everything.
[10] Q: Do you have any recollection as to what
[11] the - or how much of the brain had been blasted
[12] away, or any - Do you have any mental picture of
[13] the size of the brain at the time that it was
[14] removed?
[15] A: There was some, but I don't think there
[16] was much more than the side of your fist that was
[17] gone. Of course, the brain is soft in there. And
[18] it's hard to see what it's laying down in.
[19] Q: Do you recall how you got the message that
[20] it was time to start the supplementary exam?
[21] A: Well, Dr. Humes, I guess, called and said,
[22] "We'll meet in the autopsy room and section the
Page 149
[1] brain."
[2] Q: Okay. Who else was present at the time of
[3] the supplementary exam?
[4] A: I think it's just - that it was Boswell,
[5] Humes, and myself. I don't know whether there was
[6] a corpsman in the room or not.
[7] Q: Would the corpsman have been with you for
[8] photographic purposes?
[9] A: No.
[10] Q: This is -
[11] A: No. No.
[12] Q: So, this would have been a medical
[13] corpsman?
[14] A: It would have been somebody from the lab
[15] - from pathology, from the morgue.
[16] Q: Okay. About how long did the
[17] supplementary exam take place?
[18] A: I don't think much more than an hour.
[19] Q: After the supplementary exam, did you ever
[20] have any further involvement with any supplementary
[21] examination of tissues or organs of the President?
[22] A: No.
Page 150
[1] Q: What happened during the supplementary
[2] exam, if you could describe the process?
[3] A: They took it out, and put it on the table,
[4] and describe it as to the condition, took some
[5] sections of it.
[6] We took some pictures of it. I had a copy
[7] board there with the light coming from the - well,
[8] from underneath and with the lights down on it, and
[9] shot pictures of the brain.
[10] Q: As it was being sectioned?
[11] A: Yes.
[12] Q: Were the sections small pieces, or cross
[13] sections of the entire brain? How did that work?
[14] A: If I remember, it was cross sections.
[15] Q: And what was the purpose of doing the
[16] cross section of the brain?
[17] A: To show the damage.
[18] Q: Was the cross purpose at all related to
[19] showing the path of the bullet?
[20] A: I don't know.
[21] Q: Was the brain weighed at the time of the
[22] supplementary exam?
Page 151
[1] A: I don't think so.
[2] Q: Do you recall whether there was a scale in
[3] the room at the time of the supplementary exam?
[4] A: I don't think in the room where we were,
[5] no. We were in a off-room from the actual autopsy
[6] room.
[7] Q: So, it wasn't in - It was in the morgue,
[8] but not -
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: - in the autopsy room?
[11] A: Yes.
[12] Q: Okay. Who is the one who did the
[13] sectioning of the brain?
[14] A: Dr. Humes. And Boswell was there,
[15] assisting.
[16] Q: What kind of photographic equipment did
[17] you take with you?
[18] A: The four-by-five view camera.
[19] Q: The very same camera you'd had before?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Did you have the same lights that you had
[22] had before?
Page 152
[1] A: Yes.
[2] Q: Were the speed lights left at the
[3] morgue -
[4] A: No.
[5] Q: - or do they go back and forth?
[6] A: They go back and forth.
[7] Q: Did anyone help you carry the camera to
[8] the morgue?
[9] A: I think I sent it down by several
[10] corpsmen. And they set it up, and then I came
[11] down.
[12] Q: What kind of film did you use during the
[13] supplementary exam?
[14] A: It was color film.
[15] Q: Did you take any black and white
[16] photographs?
[17] A: I don't know. Normally, I would have.
[18] Q: Had you taken black and white photographs,
[19] would it have been portrait pan film?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Would you have taken black and white
[22] photographs with a press pack -
Page 153
[1] A: No.
[2] Q: - or would it have been the two film
[3] holder -
[4] A: Two film holder things.
[5] Q: Do you recall approximately how many
[6] photographs you took of the brain?
[7] A: There wasn't too many. I don't remember;
[8] but there wasn't more than six or eight, I don't
[9] think.
[10] Q: Six or eight views, or six or eight
[11] holders?
[12] A: Six or eight holders.
[13] Q: What angles did you take of the brain?
[14] A: Top down.
[15] Q: Top down. Did you take any pictures of
[16] the brain as a whole?
[17] A: Yes.
[18] Q: And did you take a basilar view of the
[19] brain?
[20] A: No.
[21] Q: So, it's just from above?
[22] A: Above. And then when they sectioned, the
Page 154
[1] section was done.
[2] Q: Okay. Early in the deposition, you made
[3] reference to identification tags being used. Do
[4] you have a recollection as to whether there were
[5] identification tags used at the time of the
[6] photography of the brain?
[7] A: No, I don't remember. But there should
[8] have been.
[9] Q: Do you remember identification tags during
[10] the time of the original autopsy?
[11] A: There were one or two. The rest of the
[12] time, they were done away with.
[13] Q: Why were they done away with?
[14] A: There was not time to put them in to get
[15] them set up.
[16] Q: When you're referring, then, to being done
[17] away with, are you referring to the exposure on the
[16] film that would identify it? Or do you mean to the
[19] ruler, or the -
[20] A: Well, the ruler.
[21] Q: Does it really take that much time to put
[22] a ruler into a photo?
Page 155
[1] A: Well, they get it set up and all that. I
[2] mean, when they were doing it, they were in a hurry
[3] and said, "Let's get it over with."
[4] Q: Did you object to that at all?
[5] A: You don't object to things.
[6] Q: Some people do.
[7] A: Yeah, they do. But they don't last long.
[8] Q: Was the person who was hurrying the
[9] photography Dr. Humes, or was that somebody else?
[10] A: Well, there were a lot of people hurrying.
[11] They wanted to get it over with. From the
[12] presidential party to -
[13] Q: Do you remember anything that was said
[14] regarding the - expediting the photography?
[15] A: No, not other than saying, "Let's get
[16] going."
[17] Q: Okay. At the time the autopsy was
[18] concluded - So, we're back to November 22nd,
[19] 23rd. At the time the autopsy was concluded, had
[20] the doctors reached any tentative conclusion about
[21] the number of shots or the angle of the shots that
[22] had hit President Kennedy?
Page 156
[1] A: I think they had, yes.
[2] Q: What was your understanding of the number
[3] of shots that had hit him.
[4] A: Two.
[5] Q: And where - what was the trajectory of
[6] those shots in the body?
[7] A: One from the back that came out the side.
[8] And then the other one, from down in the neck, came
[9] out here.
[10] Q: You have a recollection that during the
[11] night of the autopsy, the doctors believed that
[12] there was - that the wound in the front of the
[13] neck was an exit wound from the back?
[14] A: I think so.
[15] Q: Do you recall any telephone call between
[16] the autopsy room and Dallas with doctors at
[17] Parkland Hospital?
[18] A: I think it was the one - Yes. I think
[19] it was one of the agents called. I'm not sure.
[20] Q: Did they report - did any of the agents
[21] report what doctors in Dallas had said regarding
[22] wounds on the President's body?
Page 157
[1] A: I heard somebody say something about a
[2] tracheotomy. Who said it, I don't know.
[3] Q: Did the agent report anything about there
[4] being a bullet wound in the same location as the
[5] tracheotomy?
[6] A: I don't remember. I don't remember if
[7] anybody said that, but -
[8] Q: I believe that when I - Sorry to jump
[9] around here a little bit, but -
[10] I believe that when I asked you about the
[11] film that was used at the supplementary exam, I
[12] asked you about the portrait pan film, but I didn't
[13] ask you about the color film.
[14] What was - what kind of color film was
[15] it -
[16] A: Ektachrome, I'm sure.
[17] Q: Ektachrome?
[18] A: Ektachrome.
[19] Q: So, it would be Ektachrome E3?
[20] A: Mm-hmm.
[21] Q: The same would have been used at the
[22] autopsy.
Page 158
[1] A: Yes.
[2] Q: Okay.
[3] A: Did they ever find that film?
[4] Q: We'll soon find out. You'll be the one
[5] who will tell us.
[6] A: Did they ever find the brain?
[7] Q: We're still looking.
[8] MR. GUNN: Why don't we take a short break
[9] here, and we'll ask Steve to get the films.
[10] [Recess.]
[11] MR. GUNN: Okay. We're now looking at
[12] transparencies - both positive and negative
[13] transparencies, four-by-five, that have been
[14] provided by the Archives.
[15] It's our understanding that, according to
[16] the chart that is marked - chart identified as
[17] "Autopsy Photographs, Numbering Supplied by
[18] November 10, 1966 Inspection", we are now looking
[19] at the first view, which has been described as
[20] "Left Side of Head and Shoulders", corresponding
[21] with color numbers 29, 30, and 31.
[22] Mr. Stringer, are you able to identify the
Page 159
[1] photographs on the screen now, both the positives
[2] and the negatives, as having been photographs that
[3] you took on the night of November 22nd, 1963?
[4] A: Well, this, I think, is.
[5] Q: When you're pointing to the one -
[6] A: The positive.
[7] Q: This would be number 31?
[8] A: Yeah, the positive.
[9] Q: And the positive you've identified is
[10] number 31 that you -
[11] A: I think so.
[12] Q: - that you took on the night of the
[13] autopsy?
[14] A: Mm-hmm.
[15] Q: And with respect to number 30 -
[16] A: The same. The same all the way through.
[17] Q: Okay. Are you able to identify whether
[18] the camera original - whether the three numbered
[19] 29, 30, and 31 positive transparencies are camera
[20] originals?
[21] A: They look like it.
[22] Q: Is it possible to make duplicates of the
Page 160
[1] positive transparencies that would be difficult to
[2] identify from the originals?
[3] A: Maybe from the first generation; but after
[4] you make more copies, then, it's -
[5] Q: But you have no reason to believe these
[6] are anything other than the camera originals?
[7] A: No, I have no reason.
[8] Q: Is there any reasonable possibility the
[9] negatives for numbers 29, 30, and 31 could have
[10] been camera originals?
[11] A: I don't think so.
[12] Q: Why is it that you would say that you
[13] think that they couldn't be?
[14] A: Because I don't think I took those. I
[15] mean, I think these were copied from them.
[16] Q: So, the negatives were - are
[17] internegatives taken from the -
[18] A: Yes.
[19] Q: - positive transparencies; is that fair?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Is there anything about photographs
[22] numbers 29, 30, and 31 that look to you as if they
Page 161
[1] have been altered in any way from the way that you
[2] took them on November 22nd?
[3] A: No.
[4] Q: Had President Kennedy's body been cleaned
[5] or had his hair been combed in any way prior to the
[6] time that you started the autopsy photograph?
[7] A: I don't think so, no. Well, the body had
[8] been washed, yes, but -
[9] Q: Was the hair washed at any point that you
[10] saw?
[11] A: I don't remember. It does not look like
[12] it.
[13] MR. GUNN: Okay. If we could take numbers
[14] 1 - or numbers 29 and 30 off the screen, and put
[15] on black and white numbers 1 through 4, and just
[16] keep -
[17] [Discussion off the record.]
[18] BY MR. GUNN:
[19] Q: Mr. Stringer, you have just been shown the
[20] black and white negative transparencies that are
[21] identified as numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the first
[22] view on the 1966 inventory.
Page 162
[1] As you look at those, are you able to
[2] identify whether those are the camera originals
[3] that you exposed on the night of President
[4] Kennedy's autopsy?
[5] A: They look like it to me.
[6] Q: Is there any question in your mind about
[7] whether those are the original negatives?
[8] A: No, I don't think so.
[9] Q: Could those negatives be internegatives
[10] taken from the positive transparencies?
[11] A: I don't think so.
[12] Q: Mr. Stringer, I'd like to point out the
[13] figure in the background on the color transparency
[14] and the positioning of the figure, and ask you
[15] whether you can identify that same figure in any of
[16] the four negative transparencies?
[17] A: No.
[18] Q: Would that -
[19] A: There's something here, but then you don't
[20] get this background. And there's something there.
[21] Q: And is the figure in a different position?
[22] A: Yeah, that's a different -
Page 163
[1] Q: Based upon the background figures, are you
[2] able to identify whether any of the photographs,
[3] numbers 1 through 4, would be internegatives taken
[4] directly from photograph number 31?
[5] A: Now, these two are alike.
[6] Q: You're referring now to a positive -
[7] A: Yes.
[8] Q: - transparency and the negative
[9] transparency?
[10] A: But I don't see any black and white on it.
[11] Q: Then, the black and white - the
[12] background is different -
[13] A: Correct.
[14] Q: - between the four black and whites and
[15] the positive color transparency; is that correct?
[16] A: That is correct.
[17] Q: And, so, if the photograph - the black
[18] and white photographs are internegatives taken from
[19] number 31, there would have had to have been
[20] changes in the background, as well; is that
[21] correct?
[22] A: That's correct.
Page 164
[1] MR. GUNN: Okay. Go to the next one.
[2] Take black and white numbers 5 and 6. And then
[3] color numbers 26, 27, and 28.
[4] [Discussion off the record.]
[5] BY MR. GUNN:
[6] Q: The photographs that we're looking at now
[7] from the 1966 inventory are black and white
[8] negatives numbers 5 and 6, and positive color
[9] transparencies 26, 27, and 28, as well as the color
[10] negatives for 26, 27, and 28.
[11] Mr. Stringer, do the three color originals
[12] from 26, 27, and 28 appear to you to be the camera
[13] originals -
[14] A: Yes.
[15] Q: - that you took on November 22nd?
[16] A: Mm-hmm.
[17] Q: It appears to me, as an untrained
[18] observer, the exposure level is different in the
[19] three photographs. Is that correct?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Was that done for any particular purpose?
[22] A: Yes. They were bracketed.
Page 165
[1] Q: And why did you bracket them?
[2] A: To get a good exposure.
[3] Q: So that one - With the theory being that
[4] one of the three exposures would come out
[5] correctly?
[6] A: Correct.
[7] Q: Mr. Stringer, are you able to determine
[8] whether the negatives that are below each of the
[9] positive transparencies are internegatives taken
[10] from the positive transparencies?
[11] A: I think they are.
[12] Q: Is there any question in your mind whether
[13] the negative - the color negatives might have been
[14] the camera originals that you took on November
[15] 22nd? Right now, again, speaking of the color
[16] negatives.
[17] A: Color negatives?
[18] Q: Yes.
[19] A: That they were taken at the time of the
[20] autopsy?
[21] Q: Could those have been camera originals?
[22] A: I don't think so.
Page 166
[1] Q: Do the photographs - color transparencies
[2] number 26, 27, and 28 appear to you to be altered
[3] in any way from the way in which you took them on
[4] the night of November 22nd?
[5] A: No, I don't think so.
[6] Q: Could you now look at the black and white
[7] negatives, numbers 5 and 6, and tell me whether
[8] those are camera originals that you took on
[9] November 22nd?
[10] A: I think they are camera originals.
[11] Q: Earlier in your deposition, you said that
[12] you would be able to identify whether black and
[13] white negatives were from a press pack or a
[14] two-film holder by notches or numbers. Are you
[15] able to identify the -
[16] A: Yes. This is not from a press pack.
[17] Q: So, the two that you just pointed out,
[18] numbers 5 and 6, were taken from a -
[19] A: From a film holder.
[20] Q: - from a film holder and not from a press
[21] pack?
[22] A: Correct.
Page 167
[1] Q: Are you able to determine now whether the
[2] two black and white photographs could be
[3] internegatives taken from the color positives?
[4] A: I don't think they're internegatives.
[5] They look like originals.
[6] Q: I'd like you to note the gray figure that
[7] is just in front of President Kennedy's nose - or
[8] just to the right of the nose in two black and
[9] white negatives, and ask you whether you can
[10] identify something equivalent in the color
[11] transparencies?
[12] A: There's something down in there. Right
[13] there.
[14] Q: For your typical mode of taking
[15] photographs, would you move the camera on the
[16] tripod between exposures?
[17] A: You wouldn't move it, but it's possible it
[16] could have been moved a fraction. But you
[19] generally don't move it to get the scene.
[20] Q: Okay.
[21] MR. GUNN: Okay. Could we go now to the
[22] third view? This will be black and white numbers
Page 168
[1] 7, 8, 9, and 10, and color numbers 32, 33, 34, 35,
[2] 36, 37.
[3] We'll go off the record.
[4] [Discussion off the record.]
[5] BY MR. GUNN:
[6] Q: Mr. Stringer, are you able to identify
[7] black and white negatives 7, 8, 9, and 10 as being
[8] camera originals that you took on the night of
[9] November 22nd, 1963?
[10] A: You mean the color?
[11] Q: Black and white negatives.
[12] A: Black and white? I think so.
[13] Q: And with respect to the positive
[14] transparencies 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37, do those
[15] appear to you to be positive transparencies that
[16] you took on the night of November 22nd -
[17] A: Yes, there's a little movement in some of
[18] them.
[19] Q: What do you mean by "movement"?
[20] A: Well, this one appears over this way more
[21] in the - on the film.
[22] Q: You're talking -
Page 169
[1] A: The camera might have moved.
[2] Q: You're talking about the location -
[3] A: Yeah, shoulders. Yes.
[4] Q: - of the body within the frame of the
[5] photograph?
[6] A: Yes.
[7] Q: Is there anything on photographs numbers
[8] 32 through 37 that appears to you to be inaccurate
[9] with respect to what you observed on the night of
[10] November 22nd?
[11] A: Well, now, which one of those? Here?
[12] Q: The four - the six color.
[13] A: Six color. Well, the angle is changed.
[14] These three are alike, and these three are alike.
[15] So, you have two different angles. You can see the
[16] table above there.
[17] Q: And as you say - as you're pointing to
[18] these, you're pointing to the different
[19] photographs, and suggesting that there are two
[20] different views, even though -
[21] A: Right.
[22] Q: - they're quite close?
Page 170
[1] A: Right.
[2] Q: But one is from a slightly elevated
[3] position, elevated -
[4] A: That's correct. One shows more of the
[5] face. And there are two of these. They're
[6] together - the same as the color.
[7] Q: When you refer to that, you're pointing to
[8] the four black and white negatives -
[9] A: Black and white, yes.
[10] Q: - and suggesting that, again, two of
[11] those are from a slightly elevated position -
[12] A: Correct.
[13] Q: - over the other two?
[14] A: Correct.
[15] Q: So, they're showing very similar views of
[16] slightly different angles?
[17] A: Yes. I think they wanted to get - to
[18] show more of the forehead.
[19] Q: With respect to the four negatives, are
[20] you able to identify whether those came from a
[21] press pack versus a two-film holder?
[22] A: Well, they're - If they're imitations,
Page 171
[1] they're good.
[2] Q: Do you have any reason to believe they are
[3] imitations?
[4] A: No, I have no reason to believe it.
[5] Q: I should have asked you this question
[6] previously, but let me ask you.
[7] With these and any of the previous
[8] photographs that we've looked at, have you seen any
[9] of the identification cards that typically were
[10] used at autopsies to identify the decedent?
[11] A: No.
[12] Q: Do you recall whether you had
[13] identification cards in any of these photographs as
[14] they were taken?
[15] A: No. Evidently, they were not in there,
[16] because they're not showing. I know they were in
[17] one or two, at the most. I think they were.
[18] Q: With regard to view number 3, can you tell
[19] me at what point during the autopsy those
[20] photographs were taken?
[21] A: You mean these?
[22] Q: Yes, all of those that are on the screen
Page 172
[1] right now.
[2] A: It looks like from the beginning.
[3] Q: Can you tell whether the Y incision has
[4] been performed as of the time these photographs are
[5] taken?
[6] A: No, it has not. They started and moved
[7] down, down the neck way.
[8] Q: So, these would be, as far as you can
[9] tell, prior to the Y incision?
[10] A: Yes.
[11] Q: Has the brain been removed at the time
[12] these photographs were taken?
[13] A: It looks as though the brain is still in
[14] there. I don't know.
[15] Q: So, as far as you're aware, this is before
[16] any part of the autopsy has begun?
[17] A: Yes.
[18] MR. GUNN: Could we now go to the fourth
[19] view, which is the "Posterior View of Wound of
[20] Entrance of Missile, High in Shoulder", black and
[21] white numbers 11 and 12; color numbers 38 and 39.
[22] Off the record.
Page 173
[1] [Discussion off the record.]
[2] BY MR. GUNN:
[3] Q: Mr. Stringer, do you - can you identify a
[4] ruler in the photographs on view 3?
[5] A: Yes, there is a ruler. But there's no
[6] number on it - no autopsy number.
[7] MR. GUNN: I think I mistakenly said
[8] view 3, and this should be view 4.
[9] BY MR. GUNN:
[10] Q: Would the autopsy number that you referred
[11] to typically be placed on the ruler?
[12] A: Yes.
[13] Q: Was there an autopsy number on the ruler
[14] the night of the autopsy?
[15] A: There was on one ruler.
[16] Q: How many rulers were used?
[17] A: Well, I think this is one from the morgue.
[18] The one that we have, had a medical school emblem
[19] on it. And then they write in the number. It's
[20] maybe about this big.
[21] Q: Okay. And you're - Something in the
[22] area of four to six inches?
Page 174
[1] A: About four inches.
[2] Q: About four inches long. Was that ruler
[3] used during the night of the autopsy of President
[4] Kennedy?
[5] A: I think it was, yes.
[6] Q: Looking at the color transparencies, can
[7] you identify the type of film that was used by any
[8] markings that are on the film?
[9] A: Well, I don't know the markings anymore,
[10] but that should be the color of film that it is,
[11] whether it's Ektachrome or whatever. You mean
[12] these, the emblem?
[13] Q: Either that or the writing. That is, are
[14] you able to - either through the writing, or the
[15] notches, or in any other way - determine whether
[16] this is Ektachrome E3 or Kodachrome?
[17] A: Not anymore. But this should tell you the
[18] story, whether that's Ektachrome or Kodachrome.
[19] It's probably Ektachrome. I don't know. It's
[20] notched.
[21] Q: Mr. Stringer, I'd like you to look
[22] particularly closely at the area of the occipital
Page 175
[1] area of President Kennedy's head in the color
[2] transparencies, and tell me whether you are able to
[3] ascertain whether there has been any change at all
[4] in the photograph from the time that you took the
[5] exposures on November 22nd -
[6] A: That's the way I saw it. I don't see any
[7] hole there.
[8] Q: Are you able to determine whether the
[9] color transparencies that are in front of you now
[10] are camera originals versus duplicates made from
[11] the camera original?
[12] A: I'd say they're camera original.
[13] Q: Looking on photograph number 40, does it
[14] appear to you as though any portion of the scalp or
[15] hair is darker - excuse me, number 38 - any
[16] portion of number 38 in the occipital area on the
[17] hair is disproportionately dark to other areas of
[18] the photograph?
[19] A: No, it's - I mean, the hair was sort of
[20] wet and damp. No, I don't see anything.
[21] Q: Does either photo number 38 or 39 appear
[22] to you to be underexposed?
Page 176
[1] A: One is, yes. Well, they're both a little
[2] underexposed. This one is blacking out.
[3] Q: You're referring now to number 39?
[4] A: Yes. It's a little dark.
[5] Q: Are you able to ascertain whether the
[6] black and white negatives are camera originals
[7] taken on the night of the autopsy?
[8] A: There's a hand over here. Not on there.
[9] There's a hand showing on the shoulder. It's a
[10] different exposure.
[11] Q: So that there is somewhat of a different
[12] view -
[13] A: Yes.
[14] Q: - on the black and white versus the
[15] color?
[16] A: In other words, you see a hand in here and
[17] here; but you don't see it over here.
[18] Q: You're referring to the hand in the black
[19] and white negatives?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: Are you able to determine in any way
[22] whether the black and white negatives are camera
Page 177
[1] originals taken on the night of the autopsy?
[2] A: They just look like it. I don't know.
[3] Q: Can you explain what the orientation of
[4] the body was, in relationship to the table, in this
[5] particular view?
[6] A: He was up, sitting up.
[7] Q: This is - these are photographs with the
[8] President sitting up?
[9] A: He was holding him up. Yes, he was
[10] holding him up. See, he's holding him up there.
[11] Q: So, in view number 4 that we are looking
[12] at here, the President's body is being propped up,
[13] so that his torso is approximating a 90 degree -
[14] A: Right.
[15] Q: - or coming close to a 90 degree angle
[16] from the table?
[17] A: Correct.
[18] Q: Mr. Stringer, can you identify the notches
[19] that are on the color photographs? Do you see the
[20] two notches there?
[21] A: Yes.
[22] Q: Where are the notches on the film when the
Page 178
[1] film is in the camera; whether top right, top left,
[2] bottom left, bottom right?
[3] A: That would go back many years ago. I
[4] think it's on the bottom right. I'm not sure.
[5] Q: If it is on the bottom right, would that
[6] mean that when the color - or when the final is
[7] printed, that the notches would be on the top
[8] right, to show the same view?
[9] A: Well, this is not printed. This is the
[10] original that was taken.
[11] Q: Okay. When "developed", I should have
[12] said, rather than "printed".
[13] A: Yeah.
[14] Q: So, if you were to now put these films,
[15] that are now in front of you, in the same angle
[16] that they were at the time you took the photograph,
[17] how would it appear? Would the photograph have
[18] been vertical in the camera, or would it have been
[19] in a landscape view?
[20] A: You have to have the emulsion out. So,
[21] this is -
[22] Q: Let's go back one step. What I would call
Page 179
[1] a portrait size, which would be with the length of
[2] it going vertically -
[3] A: Four-by-five.
[4] Q: - versus a landscape, where the longer
[5] portion would be the base.
[6] A: I understand.
[7] Q: Was - Could you take either a land -
[8] Using those terms - And if you have better terms,
[9] then, I would take those.
[10] But using the terms "landscape" and
[11] "portrait", did the four-by-five camera that you
[12] used do both landscape and portrait?
[13] A: Yes, you could turn the back.
[14] Q: Okay.
[15] A: Either up or down, or horizontal.
[16] Q: Okay. And are you able to tell what the
[17] position of the body was by looking at the notches
[18] and considering the portrait versus landscape
[19] format?
[20] A: No. No, because that would be the same
[21] place, because you'd be shooting on the emulsion.
[22] Would you turn this this way a minute?
Page 180
[1] Q: One of the questions for you is whether
[2] the body could be lying on his left shoulder,
[3] rather than -
[4] A: This is what I'm trying to see. Turn this
[5] one, too.
[6] Q: Again, just to put the - And I know this
[7] is what you were thinking about right now, but to
[8] put the question a different way: Is it possible,
[9] based upon the view that you can see here and by
[10] the notches in the shoulder - in the -
[11] A: The body was on its side.
[12] Q: The body was on its - lying on its left
[13] shoulder, rather than being propped up in something
[14] like a 95 degree angle? Based upon your
[15] re-examination -
[16] A: Well, I don't know, because here's your
[17] table here. And I don't know whether this is the
[18] buttocks down here or not. In other words, the
[19] body does not extend, which it should.
[20] See what I mean?
[21] Q: Mm-hmm.
[22] A: Here now, this was more of a closeup. You
Page 181
[1] don't have it all the way like it.
[2] Q: When you say a "closeup", you're referring
[3] to the -
[4] A: Well, not as a closeup, but it shows more
[5] detail than here where you can see. Where here,
[6] it's - But here, it looks like this is the table
[7] here. I don't know.
[8] Q: Would it be fair to say that you're
[9] uncertain as to whether the body is being propped
[10] up on the left shoulder versus whether the whole
[11] torso is being placed erect?
[12] A: Well, now, this looks like his arm coming
[13] out here - the left arm.
[14] Q: You're referring to number 38?
[15] A: Yeah, the color. That sort of looks like
[16] his left arm coming out under there, but you don't
[17] see it in here.
[18] Q: When you say "his left arm", you're
[19] referring to the left arm of the doctor?
[20] A: No, of the President. Of the patient. I
[21] don't know.
[22] Q: Would it look to you as though the person
Page 182
[1] behind the - that's partly holding up the body on
[2] photograph 38 is standing erect?
[3] A: Yes.
[4] Q: And if the President were being propped up
[5] at a 90 degree angle, the person would be on the
[6] side. Would that be correct?
[7] A: Let me turn this here.
[8] Q: Because if the President is being propped
[9] up, it wouldn't make sense to have someone in the
[10] background at that particular angle.
[11] A: No. That's correct.
[12] Q: So, then, by your re-evaluation, you would
[13] think it would be more likely that the President is
[14] being propped on his left shoulder?
[15] A: Yeah, and because his arm couldn't come
[16] out this far to show - his left arm. This is what
[17] I'd thought about, too. Over here, you have three
[18] hands. And here, you only have two.
[19] Q: When you say there are three hands, you're
[20] referring to the black and white negatives?
[21] A: Yes, the black and white negatives.
[22] Q: And the three hands that are on the
Page 183
[1] President's back?
[2] A: Mm-hmm. And here, you only have two.
[3] Now, you have this arm over here - wherever it is
[4] - here, in both of these.
[5] Q: In the color photos?
[6] A: Yeah.
[7] Q: Do you see the marking that is near the
[8] ruler - just to the right of the ruler? There's a
[9] larger one towards -
[10] A: Yes.
[11] Q: - the top of the ruler, and a smaller one
[12] below. Do you have any recollection now as to what
[13] those markings were?
[14] A: Well, I think they were pointing out a
[15] bullet entrance.
[16] Q: Did you take any closeups of the bullet
[17] entrances, closer than the photographs that you're
[18] looking at here?
[19] A: I don't think so. I don't know. I don't
[20] think so.
[21] Q: Would it have been standard practice in
[22] 1963 to have taken a closeup of the bullet entrance
Page 184
[1] that you've identified on exhibits 38 and 39?
[2] A: It would, again, depend upon the doctor
[3] and what they wanted to show.
[4] Q: From your knowledge of anatomy, would
[5] having a closeup of the entrance wound help
[6] determine something like angle of entrance of a
[7] bullet - or could it help determine the angle of
[8] an entrance of a bullet?
[9] A: It would show the tearing and the size,
[10] yes. It would show the size of the hole and the
[11] tearing of the skin or the tissue underneath.
[12] Q: And that would be helpful for determining
[13] the angle of entrance of a bullet?
[14] A: Yes.
[15] Q: Did anyone in the autopsy room suggest
[16] that you should not take a closeup of the bullet
[17] entrance wound?
[18] A: No.
[19] Q: Mr. Stringer, are you able to identify the
[20] portion of the top of the two color photographs
[21] that looks something as if it is at a - almost a
[22] straight line?
Page 185
[1] A: Mm-hmm.
[2] Q: What is that that's being portrayed there?
[3] A: You mean on the film itself?
[4] Q: On the film itself that looks as though
[5] it's part of President Kennedy's head, but it seems
[6] to be some kind of a straight line - straight -
[7] A: I think it's the edge of the film that's
[8] in the holder.
[9] Q: Not below the margin of the film, but onto
[10] the portion that appears red and with biological
[11] material.
[12] A: It's the flap that's down over the ear -
[13] of bone.
[14] Q: Do you know whether - That's a portion
[15] of the scalp that has been lacerated; is that
[16] right?
[17] A: Yes, the bone.
[18] Q: And is that - was that - It appears to
[19] be in something like a straight line. Does it
[20] appear that way to you? It's perpendicular with
[21] the President -
[22] A: Well, it was sort of an angle. Well,
Page 186
[1] right there.
[2] Q: The direction that my question is going is
[3] whether that was a surgically made incision, or
[4] whether that was -
[5] A: I would say no.
[6] Q: That was part of the disruption -
[7] A: Yes.
[8] Q: - of the scalp as it came in?
[9] A: Mm-hmm.
[10] Q: Are you able to determine from these
[11] photographs whether they were taken at the
[12] beginning, middle, or towards the end of the
[13] autopsy?
[14] A: I'd say it was probably - well, it was
[15] just after the start of the autopsy. I don't know
[16] how long it was into it, but it was not after they
[17] got into the body.
[18] Q: Okay. So, this was prior to the Y
[19] incision?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: And can you tell from these photographs
[22] whether the brain is still in the cranium?
Page 187
[1] A: I think it is, yes.
[2] Q: Are you able, yourself, to identify the
[3] location that the doctors made of the entrance
[4] wound in the skull of the President?
[5] A: On this photograph?
[6] Q: On photographs 38 and 39?
[7] A: No. No.
[8] Q: Was any attempt made to photograph what
[9] the doctors believed was the entrance wound on the
[10] skull of the President?
[11] A: I think on that closeup one, there was -
[12] where they had it on the screen up there, where
[13] they were talking to Riebe.
[14] Q: Okay. That was -
[15] A: That showed the back.
[16] Q: That this photograph that was on the
[17] screen?
[18] A: No. No. No, his-
[19] Q: I apologize. It's the next one.
[20] MR. GUNN: All right. If we could go to
[21] the next view, this will be the fifth view,
[22] photographs numbers 13 and 14 in black and white,
Page 188
[1] and 40 and 41 in color.
[2] Off the record.
[3] [Discussion off the record.]
[4] BY MR. GUNN:
[5] Q: Mr. Stringer, you're now looking at what
[6] has been described as the fifth view, as the "Right
[7] Anterior View of Head and Upper Torso, Including
[8] Tracheotomy Wound"; black and white negative,
[9] numbers 13 and 14, positive transparency numbers 40
[10] and 41.
[11] Are you able to determine whether the
[12] color transparencies are camera originals that you
[13] took
[14] A: I think so.
[15] Q: - during the night of the autopsy?
[16] A: I think so.
[17] Q: Does anything appear to you to be
[18] different in any way in the photographs versus how
[19] you observed it on the night of the autopsy?
[20] A: No.
[21] Q: Are you familiar with the autopsy room at
[22] the Bethesda Hospital?
Page 189
[1] A: I think so.
[2] Q: Does the floor that you see in the color
[3] photographs appear to be the way the floor -
[4] A: Tiled, yes.
[5] Q: Tile? Do you see any discrepancy between
[6] what you were recall this tile looking like versus
[7] the photographs?
[8] A: No.
[9] Q: Do you have any recollection as to whether
[10] the eyes of President Kennedy were open at any
[11] point during the autopsy?
[12] A: Yes.
[13] Q: Were they open at all points during the
[14] autopsy?
[15] A: Well, they kept trying to close them, and
[16] they'd open again.
[17] Q: Are you able to determine on the photos
[18] that you're looking at now whether they were taken
[19] before any autopsy procedures began?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: And what is the result of that?
[22] A: What do you mean?
Page 190
[1] Q: Were they taken before?
[2] A: Yes. They were taken before anything was
[3] done. There's no incisions. There's no nothing.
[4] Q: Do you see the wound in the anterior neck
[5] on the photographs?
[6] A: Yeah.
[7] Q: Does the size of the wound appear to be
[8] the size that appeared to you on the night of the
[9] autopsy?
[10] A: Well, there's blood around it, yes.
[11] Q: Does it look larger, smaller, same size as
[12] you observed on the night of the autopsy when the
[13] body was first brought in?
[14] A: It looks about the same, I think.
[15] Q: Have you seen other tracheotomy incisions?
[16] A: Yes.
[17] Q: Would you say that this tracheotomy
[18] incision is larger, smaller, about the same size as
[19] the average tracheotomy incision?
[20] A: It looked like - it looks like it was
[21] done in a hurry, so it's probably a little larger.
[22] Q: Is it a little larger; substantially
Page 191
[1] larger? How would you characterize it?
[2] A: Maybe a little larger. It was probably
[3] done by a doctor. Off the record.
[4] Q: At any time during the autopsy, did any of
[5] the doctors attempt to determine whether there were
[6] any bullet fragments in the anterior neck wound?
[7] A: Yes.
[8] Q: What did they do?
[9] A: Well, they checked on the X-rays. Did it
[10] by feel, or vision.
[11] Q: When you say "by feel", what do you mean?
[12] A: By feeling, to see if there was anything
[13] sharp or -
[14] Q: So, the doctor's fingers then would have
[15] been put into the tracheotomy wound, to attempt to
[16] determine whether any bullet fragments -
[17] A: And I think there was a probe put in
[18] there, too.
[19] Q: And the probe was put in from the front
[20] towards the back?
[21] A: Yes.
[22] Q: And what was the direction of the probe,
Page 192
[1] if you recall?
[2] A: It went straight in. I don't know. I
[3] don't know. All - I saw it in. I don't know
[4] whether it went up, down - you know, sideways, or
[5] what.
[6] Q: Was the body propped up, so the torso was
[7] in a vertical position when the probe was put in
[8] the neck?
[9] A: I think it was, at times. I think so.
[10] Q: Do you recall now -
[11] And I know I've asked you this question
[12] before, but just if anything has helped prompt your
[13] recollection is the reason I'm asking it again.
[14] - whether you took any photographs with
[15] the probe in the body?
[16] A: I don't think so.
[17] MR. GUNN: All right. Next view.
[18] The next view is the sixth view, which is
[19] "Wound of Entrance in Right Posterior Occipital
[20] Region"; black and white numbers 15 and 16, colors
[21] numbers 42 and 43.
[22] Off the record.
Page 193
[1] [Discussion off the record.]
[2] THE WITNESS: AII the other pictures show
[3] it printed this way - that I've seen.
[4] BY MR. GUNN:
[5] Q: Referring to a vertical -
[6] A: Yeah.
[7] Q: So, these in view number 6 are the first
[8] - my term - landscape; is that correct?
[9] A: Mm-hmm.
[10] Q: Are you able to determine by looking at
[11] these whether the two color transparencies are
[12] camera originals that you took on the night of the
[13] autopsy?
[14] A: I think so, yeah. And here again, it has
[15] a ruler in it, but no number.
[16] Q: So, thus far, you haven't seen any
[17j photographs that have the -
[18] A: The medical school thing on the top.
[19] There's no hole in the back of the head
[20] there; is there?
[21] Q: That's going to be my next question for
[22] you. Are you able to identify the hole that the
Page 194
[1] doctors identified on the night of the autopsy as
[2] being the entrance wound in the skull?
[3] A: I think this was a piece of bone, but it
[4] was down near there - right about in there.
[5] Q: You're referring to what appears to be a
[6] piece of matter or something -
[7] A: Yes.
[8] Q: - that is near the hairline?
[9] A: Mm-hmm. But it was near there.
[10] Q: And you're certain that that's where the
[11] doctors identified the entrance wound as being; is
[12] that correct?
[13] A: Yeah. Yeah, I would think so. That's
[141 what I remember.
[15] Q: I'd like to point out the spot that
[16] appears somewhat red that is near the end of the
[17] ruler, and ask you whether that was an entrance
[18] wound, or whether the doctors during the night of
[19] the autopsy identified that as an entrance wound?
[20] A: I don't think so, no.
[21] Q: Do you know what that red spot is that
[22] appears to be, in layman's terms, near the cowlick?
Page 195
[1] A: It looks like blood. I would say it was.
[2] There was blood all over the place. But I don't
[3] think it was anything out of the ordinary. I don't
[4] think there was a hole there for the bullet wound.
[5] You would have seen the hole.
[6] Q: Well, can you see the hole in any of the
[7] photographs that you're looking at?
[8] A: I haven't so far, no. But it was down,
[9] right about in here.
[10] Q: Do you recall taking any photograph that
[11] would show the entrance wound from an angle or a
[12] view better than the ones that you now have before
[13] you, view number 6?
[14] A: I don't remember.
[15] Q: In an autopsy, wouldn't it be important to
[16] take closeup photographs of the entrance wound of a
[17] bullet in the brain?
[18] A: Yes. To be identified, yes.
[19] Q: Mr. Stringer, could you pay particularly
[20] close attention to the occipital area of the skull,
[21] which - you can't see the skull, but just the
[22] scalp - and look very closely and make your best
Page 196
[1] judgment of whether you can tell whether there has
[2] been any alteration of the image?
[3] A: No, I think it's just from the lighting
[4] and the reflection.
[5] Q: By looking closely at both the matting of
[6] the hair and hair strands, does it appear to you
[7] that there may be any kind of alteration of the
[8] photograph?
[9] A: I don't think so.
[10] Q: Yet, would you say that in the place where
[11] you believe the doctors identified the bullet
[12] entrance wound, you can identify no entrance wound
[13] there?
[14] A: What did you say now?
[15] Q: Let me withdraw the question and ask the
[16] question again.
[17] Would it be fair to say that you are
[18] unable to identify, from these photographs in front
[19] of you now, the entrance wound in the head?
[20] A: But having been - Yes, from the
[21] photographs. But having been there, and heard it,
[22] and seen it -
Page 197
[1] Q: Are you surprised in any way that the
[2] entrance wound is not visible in these photographs?
[3] A: No. It could be down there, where that
[4] little piece of bone - or whatever it is there.
[5] Q: You're referring to that piece of what,
[6] again, looks like matter near the hairline?
[7] A: Yeah. And here again, it shows where the
[8] hole - the scalp was intact then.
[9] Q: And the intact scalp is what you recall
[10] from the night of the autopsy; is that correct?
[11] A: Yes, there was - But there was damage
[12] under it from the brain - from the skull being
[13] fractured and things like that.
[14] Q: Is this the image that you remember being
[15] shown to Mr. Riebe in the videotape, where he
[16] identified where he believed there was missing
[17] skull?
[18] A: Yes.
[19] Q: But to the best of your recollection,
[20] there was no missing skull in that location?
[21] A: It doesn't show there. It could have been
[22] something that cracked out from under there, once
Page 198
[1] they peeled it back.
[2] Q: Could you describe for me what your
[3] understanding is of what appears, to me, to be
[4] something like a flap?
[5] On the way that we are looking at the
[6] photograph now, with the head on the side, it is to
[7] the left of the ear. If the body were vertical, it
[8] would be to the -
[9] A: This flap came down like that. The flap
[10] came down like that. It was attached here.
[11] Q: You're showing, roughly, your right
[12] temple?
[13] A: Yeah. And it came down. And under there,
[14] there wasn't any bone and part of the brain was
[15] gone. Right about in this area here.
[16] Q: You're showing the parietal area above
[17] your right ear?
[18] A: Right.
[19] Q: Do you have any recollection now as to
[20] what portion of the scalp, viewing the head from
[21] behind, was lacerated at the time the autopsy
[22] began?
Page 199
[1] A: The scalp being lacerated?
[2] Q: Lacerated. Were there any tears, cuts in
[3] the scalp on the back?
[4] A: What you have here? No, there wasn't any
[5] in back.
[6] Q: No tears at all?
[7] A: No tears at all.
[8] Q: Are you able to determine from these
[9] photographs whether the brain has been removed?
[10] A: No, the brain hasn't been removed.
[11] Q: So, these photographs also would have been
[12] taken right at the beginning of the autopsy?
[13] A: Yes.
[14] Q: And do you have any recollection as to
[15] whether the hair was cleaned, cut, or wiped off in
[16] any way -
[17] A: I don't think it was ever cleaned, or cut,
[18] or wiped off.
[19] Q: Okay.
[20] A: Now, incidentally, in the black and white,
[21] there is no ruler. It could be down there. But
[22] seeing as some of the hair has been pulled down -
Page 200
[1] Of course, it was shot at a different time, it
[2] looks like. I mean -
[3] MR. GUNN: Steve, could we see one of the
[4] positive prints from either 15 or 16, black and
[5] white.
[6] THE WITNESS: And I can't see the thing on
[7] it - the wording.
[8] BY MR. GUNN:
[9] Q: So, in other words, you think that there
[10] is a ruler in the black and white negatives?
[11] A: Yes. But you can see where the hair has
[12] been pulled out. It's a little - See there,
[13] where the hair is out over the ruler?
[14] A: Mm-hmm.
[15] Q: So, it can't be a duplicate.
[16] Q: When you say "duplicate", it could not be
[17] a duplicate from the color -
[18] A: A copy, yes.
[19] Q: - transparencies?
[20] A: Yes.
[21] Q: If we could go back to the location of the
[22] entrance wound, where would you place it in
Page 201
[1] relationship to that spot down near the hairline?
[2] A: It was about right in that spot there.
[3] Right in there.
[4] Q: So, are you able to determine whether -
[5] with any greater precision, where it was in
[6] relationship to that spot? That is, above, below,
[7] to the right, to the left?
[8] A: I'd say maybe a little to the left.
[9] Q: A little to the left. And that is if
[10] President Kennedy were standing erect? So, it
[11] would be to his left, closer to the midline?
[12] A: Right.
[13] Q: Okay. Now you're looking at a positive
[14] eight-by-ten blowup of either -
[15] A: Black and white.
[16] Q: - 17 or 18, black and white. And with
[17] this blowup, do you note - or can you ascertain
[18] any difference in hair color or fluid on the hair
[19] between the lower portion of the scalp and the
[20] upper portion of the scalp?
[21] A: That's where they're trying to say it's
[22] been retouched.
Page 202
[1] Q: Do you notice any difference yourself in
[2] the texture of the hair in the upper portion of the
[3] scalp versus the lower portion of the scalp?
[4] A: Yeah, there is a little difference.
[5] Q: How do you account for that difference?
[6] A: It's a photograph. It's - Now, this
[7] looks matted, and this looks like it's dried out.
[8] MR. GUNN: First, let me make a
[9] correction. I think I said 17 or 18. And I should
[10] have said 15 and 16 a moment ago.
[11] BY MR. GUNN:
[12] Q: Now, the portion that you're referring to,
[13] the part that's lower - lower towards the scalp
[14] appears to be dried out, where the portion a little
[15] bit higher appears to be wet.
[16] A: To be matted.
[17] Q: Appears to be matted.
[18] A: Yeah.
[19] Q: Does it seem though the hair that is
[20] farther away from the hairline is longer than the
[21] hair that's closer to the hairline?
[22] A: No. Just look at it this way. The hair
Page 203
[1] is going down.
[2] Q: Is there any thing about the hair that is
[3] closer towards the hairline - that is, from the
[4] hairline to what looks to be an inch, maybe two
[5] inches above the hairline - to be any different
[6] kind of texture, other than what you've said before
[7] with the hair that's above the -
[8] A: No. Now, you see here. This in here
[9] looks like a hole to me.
[10] Q: You're referring to that little piece of
[11] matter that was near the hairline?
[12] A: It actually looks like a little piece of
[13] bone.
[14] MR. GUNN: Steve, could we see the other
[15] one? This is number 14. Excuse me, this is number
[16] 15. Could we see number 16, please?
[17] THE WITNESS: Now, this is what they're
[18] calling a matt. That it's been retouched; right?
[19] BY MR. GUNN:
[20] Q: You're talking about the inch or inch and
[21] a half above the hairline towards the top of the
[22] skull?
Page 204
[1] A: Yes.
[2] Q: Does that make sense to you in anyway, or
[3] does that seem to be inaccurate?
[4] A: I think if it were - if it's a
[5] retouching, it's an awful job. But I don't think
[6] it has been retouched.
[7] Q: When you say -
[8] A: Let me hold it this way.
[9] Q: When you say "an awful job", do you mean
[10] an awfully good job or -
[11] A: Awfully bad job.
[12] Q: Awfully bad job, if it's a retouching.
[13] A: But it looks to me like this is his hair
[14] coming down in there. And the light is flashing
[15] off of here. It's not flashing off of here. It's
[16] coming right back to the camera from here, because
[17] this is at an angle.
[18] Q: So, the reason that it appears that the
[19] hair farther from the hairline is wet or moist is
[20] because of the angle of the view -
[21] A: Yeah.
[22] Q: - is that correct?
Page 205
[1] A: Yeah, because your lights are flashing
[2] right back here. And this is like in the shadows.
[3] You can see the hair on his arm up there.
[4] It's the same sort of a pattern.
[5] Q: Is the quality of the focus in any portion
[6] of either the President's head or the hands of the
[7] doctor that are encased in rubber or some kind of
[8] plastic glove - does the quality of focus appear
[9] to be different anywhere?
[10] A: Well, back in here. But from here to
[11] here, it seems to be sharp.
[12] Q: When you say "back here", you're referring
[13] to the President's neck, not the -
[14] A: Well, the ear.
[15] Q: The ear and the neck, but not the hair?
[16] A: No. Well, along here on the neck. This
[17] one. No, I -
[18] Q: Having examined the positive eight-by-ten,
[19] could you now go back and look at the black and
[20] white negatives, and see whether that helps you at
[21] all identify any possibility of retouching or
[22] matting in the photographs?
Page 206
[1] A: No. No. They are two different
[2] exposures, and everything looks to be in place.
[3] MR. GUNN: All right. Could we try the
[4] next view? This next one will be view number 7,
[5] which is described as the "Missile Wound of
[6] Entrance in Posterior Skull, Following Reflection
[7] of Scalp", views number - or photos number 17 and
[8] 18 for the black and white, and numbers 44 and 45
[9] for the color.
[10] [Discussion off the record.]
[11] THE WITNESS: Your brain is out.
[12] BY MR. GUNN:
[13] Q: When you say the brain is out, I assume
[14] you're referring to President Kennedy's -
[15] A: Yes.
[16] Q: - brain being removed from the cranium?
[17] A: Yes.
[18] Q: Are you able to orient these photographs
[19] with relationship to the notches and whether these
[20] are in portrait or landscape?
[21] A: Well, not by the notches, but by - tell
[22] it more by anatomical. I think this is the back of
Page 207
[1] the head, and this is the side. And this is his
[2] cheek, yeah. See?
[3] Q: Okay. So, you're referring to -
[4] A: This is his shoulder.
[5] Q: Just so we can figure this out, there's a
[6] lock of hair that's curled. And that is now in the
[7] position at the bottom right-hand corner -
[8] A: Yes.
[9] Q: - from the way that you're looking at it,
[10] with what appear to be fingers - two fingers,
[11] probably a thumb and an index finger, in the bottom
[12] left-hand corner.
[13] A: With the ruler.
[14] Q: Okay. Now, with that as the orientation,
[15] when you refer to the cheek, where is the cheek
[16] located?
[17] A: Right up here. This is the cheek here.
[18] Q: Okay. So, the cheek is in the top right-hand
[19] corner.
[20] A: And here's your shoulder here, I think.
[21] Q: Okay. And can you identify what that -
[22] if that's the shoulder, what that is on the
Page 208
[1] shoulder?
[2] A: It looks like a glob of blood.
[3] Q: Okay.
[4] A: See, here. This is down over the eye
[5] here.
[6] Q: So, you're saying a flap -
[7] A: A flap.
[8] Q: - a flap of scalp that looks as though it
[9] would be down over the face or over the eyes.
[10] A: Now, this is - the bone is out of there.
[11] And this flap is down on this side. And they've
[12] pulled it, also, down in the - over the back -
[13] side in the back - and the front.
[14] Q: So, from the way that you're describing
[15] this that we're talking about parietal - the
[16] parietal area above the right ear? Would that be
[17] correct?
[18] A: Correct.
[19] Q: So, we're looking at the front of - or
[20] the top right -
[21] A: Top of the head.
[22] Q: Top of the head. We're not looking at the
Page 209
[1] skull from behind?
[2] A: No, you're right in on it - straight in
[3] on it. In fact, I think this is where it was cut
[4] - the brain. It comes up through the neck.
[5] Q: Do you see the things that look like
[6] something like ridges that appear towards the
[7] center of the photograph? Can you identify what
[8] those are?
[9] A: I think they're pieces of bone.
[10] Q: In the 1966 inventory, this is referred to
[11] as the "Posterior Skull" - this photograph showing
[12] the posterior skull. Based upon your own
[13] examination right now, is that a correct
[14] description?
[15] A: I'd say it is the top and the posterior.
[16] In other words, this is the top of the skull here.
[17] This is the top here. And this is the posterior.
[18] It's looking down into it, I'd say.
[19] Q: Now, this is being described as the
[20] "Missile Wound of Entrance". Would it be accurate
[21] to say that the missile wound of entrance is in the
[22] top of the skull?
Page 210
[1] A: Well, if they said it. But it wasn't
[2] true.
[3] MR. GUNN: Okay. Could we get the 1966
[4] inventory?
[5] BY MR. GUNN:
[6] Q: I'd like to show you a document that is
[7] marked Exhibit No. 13, and ask you whether you have
[8] previously seen that document?
[9] A: I've never seen it, as far as I recall.
[10] Q: Turn to the last page.
[11] A: I signed it; didn't I?
[12] Q: As best you can tell, is that your
[13] signature on page 11?
[14] A: That's my signature, yeah. And John
[15] Ebersole.
[16] Q: Could you turn to page eight of Exhibit
[17] 13, and look at numbers 44 and 45 - which, as far
[18] as I can understand, are the two transparencies
[19] that we're looking at now - where they are
[20] described as color prints of the "Missile Wound in
[21] Posterior Skull With Scalp Reflected"?
[22] A: That would be here. And then the exit
Page 211
[1] would be over here.
[2] Q: We can go back - also looking at number
[3] 17 and number 18, which refer to the "Missile Wound
[4] of Entrance in Posterior Skull".
[5] A: Mm-hmm.
[6] Q: Now, as you're standing here today in
[7] 1996, is there anything that you can determine as
[8] being inaccurate in description number 17 as a
[9] "Missile Wound of Entrance in Posterior Skull,
[10] Following Reflection of Scalp"?
[11] A: Well, it's in the posterior, but - But,
[12] anatomically, I would say this is the top of his
[13] head here. And this is the back of his head.
[14] Q: When you say the back of the head, you're
[15] referring to the portion below the photograph as we
[16] have oriented it previously -
[17] A: Yes.
[18] Q: - and not visible on the photograph?
[19] A: Yes.
[20] Q: So, it really is the top of the head,
[21] rather than the posterior that is shown?
[22] A: Well, I would think it was. I mean, they
Page 212
[1] were the doctors. I mean, they identified it.
[2] Q: Well, that is your signature on there.
[3] A: Yeah, but I did not identify it.
[4] Q: Who is the one who identified it?
[5] A: I was there to identify the photographs
[6] had been taken. They sat down and went over the
[7] photographs, Dr. Humes and Dr. Boswell. And
[8] Ebersole did the X-rays.
[9] Q: Was it your understanding at the time that
[10] they identified this that it was their
[11] understanding that this photograph depicted the
[12] entrance wound?
[13] A: I don't remember. I don't remember. But
[14] if it did, I don't think it's right.
[15] Q: So, in other words, your understanding
[16] right now would be this photograph - this view
[17] that we're looking at, numbers 17, 18, 44, and 45,
[18] do not depict the entrance wound in President
[19] Kennedy's skull; is that correct?
[20] A: No, it's - There's a wound there. But
[21] now whether they're saying this was it down here,
[22] where his finger is - But I don't know why the
Page 213
[1] ruler is up there.
[2] Q: So, if the ruler - if that is the
[3] entrance wound, the ruler is obstructing the
[4] entrance wound; is that correct?
[5] A: I would say.
[6] Q: Now, the photographs that you've looked at
[7] so far are all of the photographs that we have at
[8] the Archives that are purported camera originals
[9] taken during the night of the autopsy.
[10] Could you now think back - and we have
[11] been over this to some extent before - of any
[12] images that you remember having taken that are not
[13] present here?
[14] A: In the body cavity
[15] Q: The body cavity. Do you remember any
[16] photographs, other than the ones that you're
[17] looking at, that should have depicted the entrance
[18] wound in the skull, either from inside the cranium,
[19] outside the cranium, with scalp reflected, or scalp
[20] not reflected?
[21] A: Are there some color prints of this?
[22] Q: Yes. You're pointing to numbers 44 and
Page 214
[1] 45.
[2] A: Was this done when we went down to
[3] Archives? I signed it, but I never got a copy of
[4] it. I've never seen it before - only when I
[5] signed it, I guess.
[6] Q: At the time that you signed it, did you
[7] have an opportunity to read through the entire
[8] document?
[9] A: I guess, I did.
[10] Q: Do you remember whether you had an
[11] opportunity to question the accuracy of anything in
[12] the document?
[13] A: We talked there being missing photographs.
[14] I don't know whether this says anything about that
[15] in here, or not.
[16] Q: Could you look at the last sentence of the
[17] document, just before the signatures?
[18] A: That, to me, is wrong.
[19] Q: So, the statement that says that where
[20] it says that, "We have no reason to believe that
[21] any other photographs or X-rays were made during
[22] the autopsy" - is that the portion that you think
Page 215
[1] is incorrect?
[2] A: Photographs.
[3] Q: Photographs. That there were other
[4] photographs taken?
[5] A: Yes.
[6] Q: Another one that you had mentioned
[7] previously in your deposition was a full-view of
[8] the body from above.
[9] A: Yes.
[10] Q: And you don't see that photograph -
[11] A: No, I haven't seen that at all.
[12] Q: Would it be fair to say, then, that in the
[13] first inventory that we have record of, that was
[14] signed by you, a document dated November 22nd -
[15] that that inventory was incorrect? There were more
[16] photographs than were recorded on that inventory?
[17] A: We went over what they had there, yes.
[18] Q: And then in the inventory that was made in
[19] 1966, that that was inaccurate, as well; is that
[20] correct?
[21] A: Yes. Well, that was from the `66 one?
[22] Q: Yeah.
Page 216
[1] A: Yes. I think Dr. Humes, also, says there
[2] were some taken up by the top of the lung area,
[3] according to what I've been reading.
[4] Q: Can you explain to me any reason why Drs.
[5] Humes, Boswell, and yourself would have signed this
[6] statement in 1966, saying that it's a complete
[7] inventory, if you had reason to believe it was not
[8] a complete inventory?
[9] A: No.
[10] Q: Did anyone tell you to sign it?
[11] A: I don't know. I know we did talk about
[12] all of the pictures that were exposed were not
[13] there, because I brought up a thing about Captain
[14] Stover and his receipt of that.
[15] MR. GUNN: Okay. Could we go to the
[16] eighth view, which is the basilar view of the
[17] brain? It's going back to the 1966 inventory;
[18] black and white negatives numbers 19, 21, and 22,
[19] and color numbers 46, 47, 48, and 49.
[20] THE WITNESS: You did have one. There's
[21] another ruler, but that gives it to Fisher
[22] instruments.
Page 217
[1] MR. GUNN: Off the record.
[2] [Discussion off the record.]
[3] BY MR. GUNN:
[4] Q: Mr. Stringer, if I remember correctly from
[5] earlier in your testimony, you said that you had
[6] not recalled that there were any basilar
[7] photographs of the brain of President Kennedy.
[8] Can you identify whether the photographs
[9] that are in front of you now are basilar or
[10] superior views of a brain?
[11] A: They're basilar.
[12] Q: If I recall correctly, earlier in your
[13] testimony, you said that there were identification
[14] cards that were used for identification of the
[15] brain when photographs were taken. Was that
[16] correct?
[17] A: Well, there's a ruler there, but there's
[18] no identification on there.
[19] Q: Based upon these being basilar views of a
[20] brain and based upon there being no identification
[21] cards, are you able to identify with certainty
[22] whether these photographs before you now are
Page 218
[1] photographs of the brain of President Kennedy?
[2] A: No, I couldn't say that they were
[3] President Kennedy's. I mean, there's no
[4] identiflcation. AII I know is, I gave everything
[5] to Jim Humes, and he gave them to Admiral Burkley.
[6] Q: Do you have any recollection in 1996 about
[7] what the appearance of the brain of President
[8] Kennedy looked like at the supplementary
[9] examination?
[10] A: No.
[11] Q: Are you able to determine whether the
[12] photographs in front of you now are consistent with
[13] or not consistent with the brain, as you remember
[14] it from 1963?
[15] A: Well, it has to be, if that's Mr. Kennedy.
[16] Q: Well, that's the question.
[17] A: Yeah.
[18] Q: Does the brain in the photograph that
[19] you're looking at seem to be more hardened or drier
[20] than you recall at the time that you conducted this
[21] supplementary autopsy?
[22] A: No.
Page 219
[1] Q: The consistency looks to you, roughly,
[2] consistent with -
[3] A: A brain that has been fixed, yes.
[4] Q: Can you tell anything from the color of
[5] the brain in the photographs of how long it has
[6] been fixed?
[7] A: No, I couldn't.
[8] Q: Can you tell anything from the consistency
[9] as it appears in the photograph about how long the
[10] brain has been fixed from the -
[11] A: No, I would have no idea.
[12] Q: Okay. When you took the black and white
[13] photographs of the brain of President Kennedy, did
[14] you use a press pack?
[15] A: No.
[16] Q: Can you identify from the negatives in
[17] front of you whether those photographs are from a
[18] press pack? And I'm referring to numbers 19, 21,
[19] and 22.
[20] A: I think they are. Yes.
[21] Q: Would it be fair to say, then, that by
[22] your recollection, that the black and white
Page 220
[1] negatives in front of you now were not taken by you
[2] during the supplementary autopsy of President
[3] Kennedy?
[4] A: Correct. This is Ansco.
[5] Q: When you say "This is Ansco", what do you
[6] mean?
[7] A: This is Ansco film.
[8] Q: What is Ansco film?
[9] A: Well, it's a super high pan. And I think
[10] it's from a film pack.
[11] THE WITNESS: Have you got one of those
[12] other negatives I can see, from the -
[13] MR. GUNN: Seventeen or 18. Black and
[14] white negatives.
[15] THE WITNESS: See, the difference in
[16] them -
[17] BY MR. GUNN:
[18] Q: Just so I can identify this for the
[19] record, you now have in your hands a negative.
[20] A: A negative.
[21] Q: Number 18.
[22] A: It is identified with the film code on it.
Page 221
[1] Q: With the notches up on the corner?
[2] A: With the notches. On this, it has no
[3] notches.
[4] Q: When you say "this", you're now referring
[5] to the black and white negative -
[6] A: Yes. Yes, to the black and white
[7] negative, which is from a film pack.
[8] Q: Mr. Stringer, if I recall correctly,
[9] during the course of the deposition you identified
[10] three different factors relating to photography of
[11] the brain that would suggest that you would have
[12] had an identification number in it; you would not
[13] have used a film pack; and you did not take a
[14] basilar view of the brain. Is that correct?
[15] A: I think so, yeah. That's what - Whether
[16] I took that, I don't know. But, see, this is from
[17] a film pack, because they are numbered. This is
[18] film number two, film number one, and three. And
[19] that's from a film pack.
[20] Q: Okay.
[21] A: Because when it comes out of a holder, it
[22] is identified by the notch, because you have to
Page 222
[1] load it in the holder with a notch.
[2] Q: Okay. So, the first three black and white
[3] negatives would, presumably, have been taken
[4] sequentially by a black and white film pack; is
[5] that correct?
[6] A: Right. That's the way it was done.
[7] Q: Okay.
[8] MR. GUNN: Could we now go to the second
[9] view of the brain? So, this will be the ninth view
[10] - the superior of view of the brain; black and
[11] white negative numbers 20, 23, 24, 25, and color
[12] numbers 50, 51, and 52.
[13] [Discussion off the record.]
[14] BY MR. GUNN:
[15] Q: Mr. Stringer, what did you notice about
[16] the color positive transparencies when they were
[17] just brought out from their folders?
[18] A: Well, there's some spots on them. There's
[19] some white spots in the black portion.
[20] Q: That's in the margin?
[21] A: In the margin. And some white spots, but
[22] that's in the actual photograph - the white spots.
Page 223
[1] Q: In the image itself?
[2] A: In the image itself.
[3] Q: Do you know what those dots are - or
[4] perforations, whatever they - not perforations in
[5] the film, but what appear to be perforations -
[6] A: I don't know what it is. It's - but the
[7] same pattern in everything. It could be - But
[8] they're not on the black and white.
[9] Q: Have you ever noticed that before in any
[10] photographs that you have taken personally?
[11] A: I've never looked so closely before.
[12] Q: On the color photograph showing the
[13] superior view of the brain, do you recognize any
[14] identification tags or markings?
[15] A: Now, this film is also different than the
[16] other. You see the code in here? On all the other
[17] photographs, it's Ektachrome.
[18] Q: Okay. And these are not Ektachrome
[19] notches, or you're not certain? It's just that
[20] they're different.
[21] A: I'm not certain, but they're different.
[22] It's - I think it's a different type of film. It
Page 224
[1] could be Ansco film, like this.
[2] Q: Did you ever use Ansco film yourself in
[3] conducting medical photography?
[4] A: Not very often.
[5] Q: Did you use Ansco film in the - taking
[6] the autopsy -
[7] A: Not as far as I know.
[8] Q: - photographs of President Kennedy?
[9] A: Not as far as I know.
[10] Q: Is there any question in your mind whether
[11] you were the photographer of these images that are
[12] before you right now?
[13] A: Yes, if it's Ansco film, and if it's a
[14] film pack. I have no - I have no recollection of
[15] using a film pack.
[16] Q: Do you see any identification markers or
[17] identification numbers on the photographs?
[18] A: No. The only thing is, there's a Fisher
[19] instrument ruler, I think. Fisher Scientific. I
[20] don't know whether there was one in one of the
[21] medical photographs or not. There was a ruler, but
[22] I don't know whether it was a Fisher or not.
Page 225
[1] Q: You've now been shown all of the images of
[2] - from the supplementary autopsy. Did you see any
[3] images that would show a brain that had been
[4] sectioned in any way?
[5] A: No. No, I don't.
[6] Q: Are there any other photographs that you
[7] remember taking yourself during the supplementary
[8] autopsy that you haven't seen today?
[9] A: I had thought we had done some sections,
[10] cutting through the brain. But I don't see them.
[11] I could be mistaken. But this could be identified
[12] by a photo, the place where they have all of the
[13] notches.
[14] Q: Without looking at the photographs since,
[15] do you have a recollection in your mind of whether
[16] the cerebellum on President Kennedy was disrupted?
[17] I see you're looking at the photographs.
[18] A: You mean the - What do you mean?
[19] Damaged?
[20] Q: Whether it was damaged, lacerated, cut?
[21] A: Yes.
[22] Q: Was it?
Page 226
[1] A: Yes.
[2] Q: Do you see any damaged cerebellum in these
[3] photographs?
[4] A: No. Well, now, this was the damage over
[5] here. It didn't come through here. It came
[6] through, and then out this way.
[7] Q: Okay. Now, when you say "the damage
[8] here", you're pointing to the right cerebral
[9] hemisphere?
[10] A: Yes.
[11] Q: Okay. But not to the cerebellum?
[12] A: No.
[13] Q: That is, pointing at the photograph?
[14] A: Yes.
[15] Q: But your recollection is that the
[16] cerebellum of President Kennedy was disrupted. How
[17] seriously disrupted?
[18] A: No, it was not disrupted to - I don't
[19] think it actually was disrupted. It was up and out
[20] this way.
[21] Q: When you say "up and out this way", you're
[22] pointing at your head. So from, roughly, the
Page 227
[1] external occipital protuberance -
[2] A: Right here.
[3] Q: - out?
[4] A: Out here.
[5] Q: Out the side?
[6] A: Yeah.
[7] Q: On the parietal bone above the ear?
[8] A: Yeah, and then out here.
[9] Q: And is it your understanding that the
[10] trajectory of the bullet going from down below -
[11] near the external occipital protuberance out the
[12] side of the head in the parietal bone is consistent
[13] with a shot from above and behind?
[14] A: Yes.
[15] Q: In what way would that be consistent with
[16] a shot from above and behind?
[17] A: Well, he was bent over sort of. It went
[18] right through here, and then out.
[19] Q: Assuming, hypothetically, that he is not
[20] bent over, but was reasonably erect, would the
[21] trajectory that you have just described be
[22] consistent with a shot from above and behind?
Page 228
[1] A: I don't think so.
[2] Q: One last question, and this is probably
[3] repetitive from earlier questions we have. Was
[4] there anyone taking any motion picture
[5] photographs -
[6] A: Negative.
[7] Q: - during the night of the autopsy?
[8] A: Negative.
[9] MR. GUNN: Thank you very much.
[10] THE WITNESS: And how about Mr. Pitzer?
[11] BY MR. GUNN:
[12] Q: Was Mr. Pitzer present at the autopsy?
[13] A: He was not present. In fact, I shot his
[14] autopsy.
[15] Q: Photographed his autopsy?
[16] A: Yeah, excuse me.
[17] MR. GUNN: Okay. Thank you very much,
[18] Mr. Stringer.
[19] [Whereupon, at 4:30 p.m., the taking of
[20] the deposition concluded.]
[21] [Signature waived.]