The testimony of G. E. Worley was taken at 9:30 p.m., on March 26, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Burt W. Griffin, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me explain to you the procedure and then I will give you an opportunity to ask questions and so forth. I want to introduce myself. I am Burt Griffin, and I am a member of the advisory staff of the general counsel's office of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, this Commission was set up under the Executive Order 11130, which is an order issued by President Johnson on November 29, 1963, and also pursuant to a joint resolution of Congress, No. 137.
Pursuant to this resolution and Executive order, the Commission has promulgated a set of rules, and in accordance with those rules I have been authorized to take your sworn deposition, Mr. Worley.
I want to explain a little bit to you about the general nature of what we are doing here. Now, I think as you probably understand, the Commission has been set up for the purpose of ascertaining and evaluating and reporting back to President Johnson upon the facts and all the facts that might relate to the assassination of President Kennedy, and the subsequent murder of Lee Harvey Oswald.
We are particularly interested in taking your deposition today, Mr. Worley, because we want to talk to you about what you know in connection with the events that may have led up to and followed the death of Lee Harvey Oswald.
However, that does not preclude any information that you may have concerning any other people. I mean concerning the death of President Kennedy.
I want to explain this to you, also, that you have been asked to appear here today by virtue of a general request which is made by our general counsel, Mr. J. Lee Rankin, and this request was made in the form of a letter to Chief Curry.
Now, actually, under the rules adopted by the Commission, you are entitled to have a 3-day written notice prior to having your deposition taken. However,


the rules also provide that you can waive this notice, and I want to ask now whether you would like us to issue the notice or whether it is acceptable to you to waive the notice?
Mr. WORLEY. It is.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I also want to explain to you that you are entitled to have counsel before this Commission at this deposition, and I see that you don't appear here with counsel this evening, and I presume it is because you don't desire one. But feel free to tell us, because there are many people that have appeared here with counsel, and it is perfectly acceptable to us.
Mr. WORLEY. I don't think I need one.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, let me ask you if you have any particular questions that you want to ask me?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I would have to say, after reading that report now, that report from the FBI is not very good.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me tell you this. Then I would like to administer the oath to you so that I can start to take your testimony. I will first hand you the report. I will mark it for identification and hand you the report and ask you to make any corrections. Actually, that is going to be about the first thing. I want to get your name and so forth. Would you raise your right hand?
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. WORLEY. I do.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right, sir, would you state for the court reporter what your full name is?
Mr. WORLEY. Gano E. Worley.
Mr. GRIFFIN. When were you born, Mr. Worley?
Mr. WORLEY. February the 3d, 1926.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Where do you live right now
Mr. WORLEY. 835 N. Ewing, Apt. D.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Is that in Dallas?
Mr. WORLEY. In Dallas, Tex.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Are you employed?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What is you occupation?
Mr. WORLEY. I work for Lone Star Gas Co.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What do you do for them?
Mr. WORLEY. I am building operator.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long have you worked for Lone Star Gas Co.?
Mr. WORLEY. Eleven years.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you also have some connection with the Dallas Police Department?
Mr. WORLEY. Dallas Police Reserve.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long have you been in the police reserve?
Mr. WORLEY. Four years.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, I am going to mark for identification three documents which I have in front of me. I am going to mark for identification Exhibit No. 5047, and I have also written on there, "Dallas, Tex., Mr. Worley, 3-26-64." This document which I have marked purports to be a report of an interview that you had with FBI Agents Leo L. Robertson and Paul S. Scott on December 3, 1963. Let me ask you if you have had an opportunity to read this over before coming in here?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, are there any additions or corrections or changes that you think ought to be made in this?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; I do. If you will read this one right here [pointing].
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, you are referring to a letter which I also have in my hand?
Mr. WORLEY. Right. To Chief Curry from me.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Any particular part, if you will tell me what you have in mind? Incidentally, I have marked this exhibit which you are referring to, a letter to Chief Curry, dated November 26, !963, purporting to be prepared by you.


Actually, this is a Xerox copy of what would appear to be another copy of an actual letter which purports to bear your signature?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I have marked this, "Dallas, Tex., Mr. Worley, 3-26-64, Exhibit 5048." Now, is there some correction or addition or change that you would make in what has been marked Exhibit 5047, the FBI interview?
Mr. WORLEY. Well, right here, if you will see it says----
Mr. GRIFFIN. You want to read it so we will get it in the record?
Mr. WORLEY. All right. "Worley reported to Central Police Station at 9 a.m. on November the 24th, 1963, and he was assigned by the regular police sergeant." That is wrong.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right, who assigned you?
Mr. WORLEY. Reserve police sergeant.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What was his name?
Mr. WORLEY. Croy. That has "Regular Police Sergeant Troy".
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you want to take my pen and correct it? Write in what you think is necessary to correct it.
Mr. WORLEY. [Makes correction.] I tell you, this is more of an accurate description of what I did.
Mr. GRIFFIN. This Exhibit 5048?
Mr. WORLEY. Right. Not this one, because----
Mr. GRIFFIN. The letter is more accurate than the FBI report?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; that tells exactly from the time I arrived at the police station to the time I left, and every move that I made in between.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, we are talking about Exhibit 5048, which is your letter of November 26, 1963, to Chief Curry. Are there any corrections or changes that you would make, or additions that you would make in that statement, that you can think of right now?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; it states that I met Jack Ruby sometime when working with squad 105, 5 or 6 months ago. That was over a year ago instead of 5 or 6 months.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Can you tell us how it is that you now think it was over a year ago? What is the basis for that change?
Mr. WORLEY. Well, the officer that I worked with on that beat, I talked to after that, and he hadn't worked that squad in over a year, and it didn't seem like as long to me.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Who is that officer?
Mr. WORLEY. Regular Officer J. R. Sales.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, did you check? Is there any police record made of when you work a particular beat?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Have you checked those records to be--to determine when it would have been that you last worked with that officer?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I haven't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you ask him whether he had checked the records to determine that?
Mr. WORLEY. No; but the reason that I imagine he stated that is because he is working another squad now and he knew that it had been approximately over a year.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, I want you to feel free to make any changes that you want in here, but I might suggest, and please understand that I want you to if you don't agree with it, I don't want you to do it any other way, but it seems to me from what you have said that an accurate statement would include something to the effect that "I am not sure now of when it was, because I talked with the officer and he said such and such, but I have not checked my records, and I don't know if he has."
Now, I would suggest that you make some change like that, if you are agreeable.
Mr. WORLEY. Well, that is agreeable with me, because I didn't check the records to see exactly when the last time I worked on that district. But I did talk to the regular officer and he said that he hadn't worked that district in over a year, so one way or the other.


Mr. GRIFFIN. Why don't you take the time on that particular exhibit and write down something that would reflect accurately what happened, on there. You want me to write it for you?
Mr. WORLEY. On that last sheet, the exhibit, the next one?
Mr. GRIFFIN. On Worley Exhibit No. 5049. This one corrects that, and it says it on there. I see. It is right down at the bottom. Now, I don't see it on here.
Mr. WORLEY. [Reading.] I would have swore. I read that over a little while ago. I guess I didn't. I'm sorry, it is not in this one. I knew I seen it in one of them. It is in the police report.
Mr. GRIFFIN. It is in the FBI report. Well, these are true and accurate copies, are they not?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I have the letters that you gave?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Now, I am referring to Exhibits 5048 and 5049. Now, is Exhibit 5047 the interview report, as it is corrected with respect to Reserve Officer Croy, is that an accurate report of the interview which you had with those people?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; but there was some of the things that they had in here are not what I gave them.
Mr. GRIFFIN. They aren't? All right. What do they have written down there that you didn't tell them?
Mr. WORLEY. Well, just like it was signed. It says Regular Police Sergeant Troy, and it should have been Reserve Police Sergeant Croy.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You have made and incorporated a correction on there, haven't you?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. So, insofar as that portion now reads, that is the way the interview actually went?
Mr. WORLEY. Well, then again it says here [pointing] "some stop right there * * * to the information desk in the basement to send the other Reserve officers to the basement parking area"--I don't see that.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What did you say?
Mr. WORLEY. I said to the basement detail room.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Okay. Do you want to make a correction on there?
Mr. WORLEY. [Correcting.] I believe it is all right now.
Mr. GRIFFIN. If Exhibit 5047 as you have corrected it then accurately reflects what you told the FBI agents, would you initial and date the corrections that you have made on there?
Mr. WORLEY. You want me just to initial this down here?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Put initials where you have made corrections and a date afterwards.
Mr. WORLEY. [Signs and dates.]
Mr. GRIFFIN Do the same thing with that one up there.
Mr. WORLEY. [Complies.]
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Would you also sign it down at the bottom and date it with your regular signature?
Mr. WORLEY. [Signs and dates.]
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, if these other copies that I have given you here, Worley Exhibits Nos. 5048 and 5049, are true and accurate copies of letters which you sent to Chief Curry, I would appreciate your also signing and dating those.
Mr. WORLEY. [Signs and dates.]
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, I want to direct your attention to Exhibit 5048, which is a copy of a letter which you addressed to Chief Curry, and which is dated November 26, 1963. Do you remember when it was that you actually wrote this letter?
Mr. WORLEY. It was that date.
Mr. GRIFFIN. It was. Now how did you happen to write that letter?
Mr. WORLEY. I was instructed by Reserve Coordinator Capt. J. M. Solomon, regular police captain, to write the letter to Chief Curry.


Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, where were you contacted? How were you contacted by Captain Solomon?
Mr. WORLEY. By telephone to my office.
Mr. GRIFFIN. At your office?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, did you write that out in handwriting or did you have it typed, or what?
Mr. WORLEY. I wrote it out in handwriting and then had it typed.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Who typed it?
Mr. WORLEY. Mr. Worley's secretary.
Mr. GRIFFIN. In your office?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. The original typed copy of that--do you recall whether that was on a letterhead stationery or anything?
Mr. WORLEY. No; just on plain paper.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Plain letter paper?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You indicated here in Exhibit 5048 that you were assigned to a position on the north side of the parking area to keep any cars away from the first two parking spaces. And you said that you stood at that post until about 10 or 15 minutes before Lee Harvey Oswald was shot. Do you recall whether when you were moved from that post an armored car had been moved or attempted to move into the ramp?
Mr. WORLEY. It was backed in the ramp.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, do you recall anything that happened with respect to that armored car?
Mr. WORLEY. They couldn't get it down in the basement. It was just backed up to it as far up in the door as they could get it, because it wouldn't clear the top to come down in the basement.
Mr. GRIFFIN. During the time that you were down in the basement at your spot, do you recall whether any cars moved in or moved out of the parking area in the garage in the basement?
Mr. WORLEY. From the time that I was posted out there?
Mr. WORLEY. Until when?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Until the time that you were removed from that post, did any traffic go in and out of there?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; it was police cars coming in and out all the time.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long did you stand at that post, to your best estimate?
Mr. WORLEY. Well----
Mr. GRIFFIN. I understand it is difficult. Do you think you were there an hour?
Mr. WORLEY. I was there over an hour.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Now, in the period that you were standing at your post, do you recall any other reserve officers being stationed also guarding particular spots in the basement?
Mr. WORLEY. Well, there was quite a few reserve officers down in the basement, and they searched all the cars in that basement.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me ask you this, Mr. Worley. I am going to pull out here a chart, and I think we can talk a little easier about this chart. This is a map or chart which has been prepared originally by the Dallas Police Department on a much larger scale, and we have reduced the size of it, but it is a chart of the basement area.
Now, so you understand what is happening here, over here is Commerce Street, and over here is Main Street, and there is the jail office. Harwood would be out where your hand is, and Pearl Expressway would be over here closer to me.
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, will you look over there at Commerce Street. You will see that there is a heavy black line?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, that heavy black line represents the basement wall. The basement, according to this diagram, actually extends out under the sidewalk, so


at this point approximately where the sidewalk ends there is a dotted line. Now, that represents where the wall is if you were standing out on the sidewalk and were looking at the building. That is where the wall goes up on the outside, so that actually as you look at the diagram, you ignore the dotted line when you are in the basement, because it extends all the way.
And on the side near Main Street, we have the same kind of dotted line, and have the black line. It means the same thing.
Now, will you place on the chart an "X" on the spot that you were stationed by Sergeant Croy?
Excuse me; I want to correct the record. You have stated in your letter of November 26 that Captain Arnett placed you at a point in the basement. Can you show us where Captain Arnett placed you?
Mr. WORLEY. Right here [indicating].
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Now, would you put a circle around that"X"?
Mr. WORLEY. [Complies.]
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, at the time you were placed there, had the search of the basement commenced?
Mr. GRIFFIN. At the time you were placed there, were any other reserve officers stationed at any other spots in the basement?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you remain there during the search?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall, and I am only asking for your recollection, and if you don't remember, state that, do you recall seeing anybody come over to this area marked stairs up and do anything there?
Mr. WORLEY. There was a telephone man tried to go out that stairway, and I happened to know the telephone man. I don't know what his name is, but he comes to our building frequently and works, is the reason I recognized him. And he tried to get out this door, and he was stopped by a regular officer and asked for his credentials.
Mr. GRIFFIN. And then was he allowed to go out that door?
Mr. GRIFFIN. About what time was that?
Mr. WORLEY. About 10 o'clock.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you observe anybody lock that door? I am asking for your recollection?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I didn't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me ask you this: Did you watch the search of the basement?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you watch anybody search over in this area by the elevators and the stairs?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. What did you see them do? Who did you see search over in that area, if you recall?
Mr. WORLEY. I don't recall any of the officers names.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall his rank?
Mr. WORLEY. I am not sure, but I think it was a sergeant, regular officer.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Was he a regular sergeant?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Was anybody else with him, if you recall?
Mr. WORLEY. I don't believe so.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, could you tell us what he did over in that area?
Mr. WORLEY. Well, these elevator doors were closed.
Mr. WORLEY. And he checked the door to see if it was locked, and it was. He couldn't even go out. He couldn't open the door.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did he have anybody with him at the time that he checked that door?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, do you have a clear recollection of this?
Mr. WORLEY. That is hard to say.


Mr. GRIFFIN. You know sometimes we have a visual image, and sometimes there is something that happened or for some reason that you know you watched this. Is there anything----
Mr. WORLEY. Well, there was people that they brought in a bunch of reserve officers in the basement from the detail room, and they came out in here and they started back in here.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You are now sort of indicating back in the area toward Main Street underneath the sidewalk?
Mr. WORLEY. And he searched all these cars back in here to see that, I guess, that there was nobody in there. They didn't tell me, but they were searching back in here, and he just covered this back all the way to the ramp here. Then they went right on around and covered the whole parking area down in the basement back to me.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Now, those people were sort of moving in a group?
Mr. WORLEY. Right.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, when this regular sergeant got over to the doorway, was that group with him?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Or was he alone?
Mr. WORLEY. No. I am almost positive that he was over here while they were searching back over here, and he was by himself.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I see. Now, do you recall this particular officer going to the service elevator?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I don't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall if at any time there was somebody in that service elevator?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I don't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall seeing any building personnel down in the basement?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; I do. Porters. And I don't recall how many. I saw some porters and maids, and I am pretty sure that they were on this elevator.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Service elevator?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; it was standing there with the door open, and somebody told them to go on up in the building, and close that elevator off.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, do you recall when that was in relationship to the search of the basement?
Mr. WORLEY. It was before they searched the basement.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall who that officer was that did that?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I don't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Would you be able to state whether it was that officer who talked to those maids and porters? Was it the same officer, the same sergeant who also checked this door?
Mr. WORLEY. There was none.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You think you would recognize either one of those officers if you saw them again?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I don't think so.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Is there anything that makes you, in your mind, convinced about one sergeant than the other officer who checked the service elevator?
Mr. GRIFFIN. So, are you able to explain for the record--I am not trying to trip you up or anything--I am trying to probe your recollection here are you able to explain to us how it is that you recall that they were different officers?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I am not.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Different heights?
Mr. WORLEY. No; there is nothing that would be maybe I am thinking that they were even the same person, or different people.
Mr. GRIFFIN. And in other words, your answer is that you just don't know if they were the same?
Mr. WORLEY. I don't know. It could have been the same person or could have been two different people.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right, now. Do you recall ever seeing anybody go over


into this area that is marked, where it says "To engineroom", and check anything over in that area?
Mr. WORLEY. I saw them search over that way but from where I was, I couldn't tell whether they were back in here or not.
Mr. GRIFFIN. After the search was over, do you recall if any other officers were stationed down in the basement?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes. There were some more reserve officers down in the basement stationed there.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Would you mark where the reserves were? Why don't you put a "R" and a circle around it where there was a reserve.
Mr. WORLEY. This is Lt. Ben McCoy, reserve officer. I stationed him there myself.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Where did you station him? Why don't you write "McCoy" under his name then?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes Captain Arnett was over here [indicating].
Mr. GRIFFIN. Put an "A" in front of the circle. All right, now, any other that you recall?
Mr. WORLEY. There was a reserve officer down here, and I don't know his----
Mr. GRIFFIN. Put an "R" there and question mark under it. Were there any regular officers stationed any place in the basement?
Mr. WORLEY. There was a regular sergeant right here for quite awhile. I couldn't say approximately how long.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Was he there a half hour before Oswald was shot?
Mr. WORLEY. Oh, yes; I would say it was about maybe an hour or before.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I don't mean for what length of time, but when did he leave that spot?
Mr. WORLEY. About an hour. I would say an hour before Oswald was shot.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall any officers being stationed by the elevators?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; there was a regular officer there.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Why don't you put a circle there and write "regular" under it where that man was? Now, do you recall any other regular officer?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I don't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. And the time that you left, that was sometime after the armored car arrived?
Mr. WORLEY. Right. The armored car was backed into this ramp.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Commerce Street ramp. Do you recall whether or not any of these men had been moved?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I don't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you have any recollection of seeing any of these particular men in the basement at the time Lieutenant McCoy reassigned you?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes. Captain Arnett and Lieutenant McCoy and this officer were in the basement when I left.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How about this officer up here?
Mr. WORLEY. I couldn't say.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You went to the corner of Commerce and Central Expressway?
Mr. WORLEY. The next block down. This is Central Expressway, and the next block is north, northbound.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How did you walk out?
Mr. WORLEY. Went up the south ramp by the armored car, sitting right here. And I went on this side of it, which would be--I am trying to place that. That would be east side of the armored car. Walked down the sidewalk two blocks to the corner of Commerce and Central Expressway, northbound.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Would you recognize Jack Ruby if you saw him?
Mr. WORLEY. Now?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Would you recognize him then?
Mr. WORLEY. Right now?
Mr. GRIFFIN. No; at the time you walked down that street, would you have recognized him if you had seen him?
Mr. WORLEY. I don't believe I would. The only time that I had ever seen the man was when I was working with squad 105, and we made the place that


he owned down there. We just made a frequent call, or just stopped in there to see if there was any trouble or anything, and then went on.
I met him one night, and I had seen him when I was in there. But those places are kind of dimly lit and you don't see too much in them, and really and truly, I didn't pay too much attention to meeting him anyway.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, do you recall if any time after the armored car arrived any automobile came in or out of the basement area after the armored car arrived?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I don't believe so. I don't believe a car came down the ramp after that armored car was backed in there.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you see any cars drive out of the basement after the armored car came down?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, did you see any television cameras in any area of the basement after the armored car arrived?
Mr. WORLEY. There were television cameras in the basement before that armored car arrived.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. As you walked up the Commerce Street ramp, where did you see television cameras?
Mr. WORLEY. When I was assigned to the basement, in these first two stalls right here, they were putting these cameras up right behind. There is a rail that runs right along there.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Would you mark the spot where the TV cameras were? Why don't you put a box?
Mr. WORLEY. Two cameras. Two or three. There was so much confusion down there that day.
Mr. GRIFFIN. When you walked out to go up the Commerce Street ramp, do you recall what television cameras you saw?
Mr. WORLEY. Down in the basement?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. WORLEY. These two cameras that were here, that had been there all the time.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall seeing any other TV cameras as you walked out? Did you see any up here by the armored car?
Mr. WORLEY. I don't recall of seeing any.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right, did you see any down on the ramp or in the garage area, or up on this ramp?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I didn't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now you indicate in here that, in your letter or statement of November 30, that you saw from your position a man jump over the railing, saw a man come down the north ramp, which would be the Main Street ramp, and jump over the railing in the parking area, is that right?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long was that before you left the basement, would you say?
Mr. WORLEY. Hour or hour and a half.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you have any thought that that man was Jack Ruby?
Mr. WORLEY. It wasn't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, between the time--I notice this is the second report, letter--that was you got this letter of November 30?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; I was interviewed by these two special service officers, and they took this statement.
Mr. GRIFFIN. How did you come to describe that man? How did that come about? Did they ask you if you saw anybody jump over a railing, or anything like that?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; they did.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, prior to the time that you prepared this letter of November 30, had you talked with anybody about having seen this man jump over the railing?
Mr. GRIFFIN. I want you to think carefully. After the time, did you hear


anybody else say--prior to the time you drafted the letter, that he saw a man jump over the railing?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you get any indication from Lieutenants Cornwall and Revill as to how they came to inquire about that particular man?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Or about a man jumping over the railing?
Mr. WORLEY. All they did is ask me if I saw anybody come down that ramp in particular. And I stated that I had seen that man come down and jump over that rail there in the basement, and he was challenged by an officer and he identified himself and the officer let him go on.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, let me understand this then, I think your answer to me initially was that these two lieutenants asked you specifically if you saw a man jump over the railing?
Mr. WORLEY. No; asked me if I saw anybody come down the ramp.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I see.
Mr. WORLEY. And then I told them about the incident of the man jumping over the rail.
Mr. GRIFFIN,. Were you interviewed in a room with other officers when Lieutenants Cornwall and Revill conducted this interview? Had a number of reserve officers been assembled together and they talked with them?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I was told to report to that special service office at a certain time, and there was one other officer in the room when I came in.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Who was that officer?
Mr. WORLEY. Lt. Ben McCoy.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Was he interviewed before you or after you?
Mr. WORLEY. He was just fixing to leave.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you have any conversation with him?
Mr. WORLEY. Spoke to him.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you mention anything about this man to him?
Mr. GRIFFIN. About the man coming down the ramp?
Mr. GRIFFIN. When you finished with the interview, do you remember who the next man was behind you?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I don't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall what time in the morning, day or night, your interview was with Revill?
Mr. WORLEY. It was, oh, I believe, November 30 was on a Saturday that I came up there. It was a Saturday, because I was off. I was at home, and I came up there.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Was that in the morning or afternoon?
Mr. WORLEY. It was in the morning.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you recall whether they had interviewed reserve officers, had set up appointments for reserve officers prior to Saturday?
Mr. WORLEY. I don't know.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you know the name of each reserve officer over here?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I sure don't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Have you seen that reserve officer since the time Oswald was shot by Ruby.
Mr. WORLEY. No; I wouldn't recognize him if I saw him.
Mr. GRIFFIN. You wouldn't recognize him again when you saw him? I am talking about the reserve officer about whom you have placed a question mark on the chart. Do you have anything further that you want to tell the Commission that you think might be of any use to them?
Mr. WORLEY. I don't know of anything else that I could add to it.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, let me ask you this: Have you been interviewed by any member of the Commission staff prior to this deposition?
Mr. WORLEY. No; I haven't.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I will make this one last general request. If anything comes to your attention which you believe could be of assistance to the Commission would


you come forward with it, regardless of what your personal feelings may be and so forth?
Mr. WORLEY. Yes; I would.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I will appreciate that.
Mr. WORLEY. I sure would.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Okay.
Mr. WORLEY. Glad I met you.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Nice to have met you. [Add this to Worley]:
After Mr. Worley left, I realized that I neglected to get him to sign the chart that we had been using to explain the various positions in the basement, and the court reporter says that was because I was hurried. And I notice in looking at this I also neglected even when I corrected this afterward to write after Mr. Worley the date, so I will write that in now. 3-2664. And I wrote that in a space between the word Mr. Worley and an exhibit number which I had already put on there, Exhibit 5050.

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