List of on-line Warren Commission Exhibits


1Unsigned note to Marina Oswald.1-2
2Group of photographs.3-4
3Group of photographs. Including a photograph of the house of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker resigned, U.S. Army).5
4Group of photographs.6
5Photograph of the home of General Walker.7-8
15Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Russian Embassy, dated November 9, 1963.33
24Lee Harvey Oswald's "Historic Diary".94-105
25Notes written by Lee Harvey Oswald on Holland-American Lines stationery.106-122
59Note from "Aleck" to Marina Oswald, dated February 20.205
97Notes by Oswald re Communist Party of the United States.422-430
100Self-questionnaire by Lee Harvey Oswald.436-439
103Draft of letter written by Lee Harvey Oswald to the Russian Embassy (Commission Exhibit No. 15).443-444
133 A-BPhotographs of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle.510
134Enlargement of Commission Exhibit No. 133-A.510
1416.5-millimueter cartridge.513
142Bag made out of wrapping paper, found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building after the assassination.513
143.38 caliber revolver, serial No. V510210 (this revolver will be subsequently referred to as the V510210 revolver).513
150Man's brown shirt.515
162Gray zipper Jacket.520
163Blue zipper jacket.521
228Application form filled out by Lee Harvey Oswald on March 4, 1959 for entry in the Albert Schweitzer College.621-625
237Photograph of unidentified man.638
244Declaration of Lee Harvey Oswald requesting that his U.S. citizenship be revoked, dated November 3, 1959.684
283Page 68A of the February 21, 1964, issue of Life magazine.803
344photograph of the Presidential limousine.943
345Photograph of the Presidential limousine with top up, from the rear.943
346Photograph of the Presidential limousine, depicting interior.943
349Photograph of the windshield of the Presidential limousine, depicting an indentation on the metal framework.945
350Photograph of windshield of the Presidential limousine taken from outside the car, depicting a crack in the windshield on the driver's side.946
351Windshield removed from the Presidential limousine.947
352Photograph of rear seat of the Presidential limousine taken from above, depicting condition of rear seat after occupants were removed on November 22, 1963.948
353Photograph of scene depicted in Commission Exhibit No. 352, taken from a different angle.948
357Copy of statement of Arnold Louis Rowland taken by Sheriff's Department, County of Dallas, Tex., on November 22, 1963.953
385Schematic drawing made at Bethesda Naval Hospital from description of what Comndr. James J. Humes observed at time of autopsy on President Kennedy, showing side view of entry and exit wounds to neck area.977
386Schematic drawing made at Bethesda Naval Hospital from description of what Comdr. James J. Humes observed at time of autopsy on President Kennedy, showing view from posterior aspect of entry wound to neck area and also the skull wound.977
387Clinical record of the autopsy protocol prepared by the Naval Medical School, Bethesda, Md., on the autopsy performed on President Kennedy.978-983
388Schematic drawing made at Bethesda Naval Hospital from description of what Comdr. James J. Humes observed at time of autopsy on President Kennedy, showing skull wound as viewed from above.984
389Frame from motion picture taken by Abraham Zapruder of motorcade showing position of President Kennedy in his car at time of shooting.985
390Frame from motion picture taken by Abraham Zapruder of motorcade showing explosion from bullet as it hit President Kennedy's head.986
391Supplementary report of autopsy No. A63-272, on President John F. Kennedy, Naval Medical School, giving gross description of brain.987-989


392Medical reports from doctors at Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Tex., concerning treatment of President Kennedy at that hospital on November 22, 1963.1-22
393Coat worn by President Kennedy at time of assassination.23-24
394Shirt worn by President Kennedy at time of assassination.25-26
395Tie worn by President Kennedy at time of assassination.27
396Frame from the Zapruder film depicting motorcade shortly before first bullet struck President Kennedy.28
398Frame from the Zapruder film depicting motorcade immediately after first bullet struck President Kennedy.49
399Bullet found on stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Tex.49
404Note from Marina Oswald to Ruth Paine, dated March 4, 1963.81
447Photograph of west side of Randle home showing carport and location of Buell Wesley Frazier's car on the morning of November 22, 1963.167
477Photograph of the Texas School Book Depository Building, as marked by Howard Brennan.197
480Photograph of the Texas School Book Depository Building, taken shortly after the assassination.199
481Photograph of the southeast corner windows of the fifth and sixth floors of the Texas School Book Depository Building, taken shortly after the assassination.199
482Closeup photograph of Commission Exhibit No. 481.200
483Diagram of the floor plan of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.201
484Photograph taken near the southeast corner of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.202
485Photograph of Harold Norman, James Jarman, and Bonnie Ray Williams, showing their positions on the fifth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building as the motorcade passed.202
492Photograph of the west side of the fifth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.207
493Affidavit of Harold Norman, dated December 4, 1963.208
497Diagram of the floor plan of the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.212
503Photograph of the southeast corner of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, as it appeared on November 22, 1963.216
504Photograph of "Rolling Readers" carton near the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.216
505Photograph of the stairway between the second and third floors of the Texas School Book Depository Building.217
506Photograph of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, depicting position of Lee Harvey Oswald's clipboard when discovered.218
507Diagram of the seventh floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.219
508Photograph of cartons at the southeast corner of the Texas School Book Depository Building.220
509Photograph of cartons near the assassination window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.220
510Photograph of the area near the assassination window, depicting location of the three rifle cartridge cases, when discovered.221
511Photograph of the area near the assassination window depicting location of two of the rifle cartridge cases, when discovered.222
512Photograph of the area near the assassination window depicting location of three of the rifle cartridge eases, when discovered.223
513Photograph of cartons near the southeast corner of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.224
514, 515, 516, 517Various photographs of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, depicting location of the C2766 rifle when discovered.224-226
518Four .38 cartridge.226
542Replica of the C2766 rifle.241
543, 544, 545Three 6.5-millimeter cartridge cases found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building following the assassination.241
546-547Two charts illustrating the cartridge-ejection pattern of the C2766 rifle.242-243
548-549Targets fired with the C2766 rifle at 15 yards244-245
550Target fired with the C2766 rifle at 25 yards.246
551,552,553,554Targets fired with the C2766 rifle at 100 yards.247-248
555Diagram illustrating the interior of a telescopic sight.248
556Diagram illustrating the type of lead to be given a moving target ins situation similar to the assassination.248
557Two 6.5-millimeter test cartridge cases fired from the C2766 rifle for comparison purposes.249
558Photograph of the bolt face of the C2766 rifle.249
559Comparison photograph of the 6.5-millimeter cartridge cases and test 6.5-millimeter cartridge cases fired in the C2766 rifle.250
560Calculations concerning the lead to be given a moving target in a situation similar to the assassination.251
567Fragment of the nose of a bullet, found in the front of the Presidential limousine following the assassination.256
569Fragment of the base of a bullet, found in the front of the Presidential limousine following the assassination.257
572Two test bullets fired from the C2766 rifle for comparison purposes.258
573Bullet recovered from General Walker's house following the attempt on his life.258
574-575Two photographs of the clip from the C2766 rifle, showing it holding six cartridges and empty.258
592Five .38 Special cartridges found in the pocket of Lee Harvey Oswald following his apprehension.264
594Four .38 Special cartridge cases found at the Tippit crime scene.267
595Two test .38 Special cartridges fired for comparison purposes from the V510210 revolver.267
602, 603, 604, 605Four bullets recovered from the body of Officer Tippit.270-271
626Bag made out of wrapping paper, found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building following the assassination (same as Commission Exhibit No. 142).281
627Card with fingerprints of Lee Harvey Oswald taken by the Dallas Police Department.282
628Card with left palmprint of Lee Harvey Oswald taken by the Dallas Police Department283
629Card with right palmprint of, Lee Harvey Oswald taken by the Dallas Police Department.284
630Card with fingerprints of Lee Harvey Oswald taken by the Dallas Police Department.285
631Photograph of Commission Exhibit No. 629 with a circle around a portion of the palmprint.286
632Photograph of a latent palmprint found on Commission Exhibit No. 142.286
633Photograph of a latent fingerprint found on Commission Exhibit No. 142.287
633-APhotograph of Commission Exhibit No. 630 with a circle around the left index fingerprint.287
634Chart comparing the latent fingerprint (Commission Exhibit No. 633) and Oswald's left index fingerprint, circled on Commission Exhibit No. 633-A.288
634-ADiagram illustrating some common fingerprint characteristics used by experts in comparing fingerprints.288
635Card with fingerprints of Lee Harvey Oswald taken by the U.S. Marine Corps.289
636Chart comparing the latent palmprint (Commission Exhibit No. 632) with the portion of Oswald's right palmprint circled on Commission Exhibit No. 631.290
637Lift of a latent palmprint from the barrel of the C2766 rifle.290
638Photograph of Oswald's right palmprint card (Commission Exhibit No. 629) with a circle around a portion of the paimprint.291
639Photograph of the lift in Commission Exhibit No. 637.291
640Chart comparing the latent palmprint (Commission Exhibit No. 637) and the portion of Oswald's right palmprint in Commission Exhibit No. 638.292
641A carton, labeled "Box A," found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building following the assassination.292
648A carton, labeled "Box D," found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building following the assassination.296
649Portion of Commission Exhibit No. 648, bearing a latent palmprint.297
652Chart comparing Commission Exhibit No. 650 and the portion of Oswald's right palmprint circled in Commission Exhibit No. 651.299
653A carton, labeled "Box B," found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building following the assassination.300
654A carton, labeled "Box C," found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building following the assassination.300
655Two photographs of latent prints found on Commission Exhibit No.648.301
656Ten photographs of latent prints found on Commission Exhibit No. 641.302-307
665Chart comparing cotton, woolen, and viscose fibers.326
666Diagram of a hair.326
677Sample of wrapping paper and gummed tape taken from the Texas School Book Depository Building on November 22, 1963, for comparison purposes.334
683Front view of coat worn by Governor Connally, at time of the assassination.340
685Back view of shirt worn by Governor Connally at time of the assassination.342
687Front view of pants worn by Governor Connally at time of the assassination.344
688Back view of pants worn by Governor Connally at time of the assassination.345
697-698Photographs of the Presidential limousine taken during the earlier part of the trip through Dallas on November 22, 1963.354
704Aerial view of Main, Houston, and Elm Streets, in downtown Dallas, as marked by Chief Jesse E. Curry.360
709Copy of a report from Lt. Jack Revill to Capt. W. P. Gannaway of the Dallas Police Department.495
714Two photographs of Oswald with rifle.498
715Photograph of two cartridge cases found near the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.499
716Photograph of three cartridge cases near the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.500
717Envelope in which the three cartridge cases found near the southeast corner window of the Texas School Book Depository Building were contained.501
718Photograph of rifle hidden beneath boxes in northwest corner of sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.501
719Photograph showing northwest corner of sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, taken from a distance, showing boxes behind which the rifle was concealed.502
720-721Photographs of the latent palm print on magazine housing of the C2766 rifle.502-503
722Photograph of Houston Street looking south from southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.504
723Photograph of the southeast corner of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, showing position of boxes in window as reconstructed on November 25, 1963.504
724Photograph from the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, looking southwest on Elm Street.505
725Photograph of the southeast corner of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, showing full length of first aisle on east side of the building.505
726Photograph showing the second aisle from the east wall of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.506
727Photograph showing the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, looking east along south wall.506
728Photograph of the third aisle from the east wall of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.507
729Photograph taken in the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, showing location of Commission Exhibit No. 142, when discovered.507
730, 731, 732Photographs of the wrapping bench on the first floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.508
733-734Photographs of the southeast corner of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building showing position of boxes near the window as reconstructed on November 25, 1963.509
735Photograph showing the right palmprint of Lee Harvey Oswald.510
736Photograph showing the left palmprint of Lee Harvey Oswald.511
737Photograph of the C2766 rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, taken at 9 p.m. on November 22, 1963, at the city hall in Dallas.511
738Photograph of property released by the Dallas Police Department to the FBI on November 28, 1963.512
739Photograph showing view of the Texas School Book Depository Building from Houston Street.512
740Photograph showing view of the Texas School Book Depository Building from Elm Street.513
741Photograph of the lunchroom on the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.513
742Photograph showing outside door to the second floor lunchroom of the Texas School Book Depository Building.514
743Photograph of stairway in southwest corner of the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, leading to the first floor.514
744Photograph of Officer M. N. McDonald of the Dallas Police Department, taken on November22, 1963, at 2 p.m.515
745Photograph of Don Ables, a Jail clerk of the Dallas Police Department, who appeared in the lineup. With Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22 and 23, 1963.516
750Camera used to take Commission Exhibits No. 133-A and 183-B.524
751Photograph of the film-plane aperture in Commission Exhibit No.750525
770"Wanted for Treason" circular.627
773Photograph of a mail order for a rifle in the name "A. Hidell," and the envelope in which the order was sent.635
775"Affidavit of Support," addressed to the American Embassy in Russia, signed Lee H. Oswald dated January 17, 1962.637
781Passport application of Lee Harvey Oswald, dated June 24,1963.666-667
788U.S. postal money order, in the amount of $21.45, dated March 12, 1963, which accompanied the mail order In Commission Exhibit No. 773.677
791Portion of an application for Post Office Box 915, Dallas, Tex., dated October 9, 1962.679
792Photograph of Commission Exhibit No. 791.679
837Article from the "National Enquirer" dated May 17, 1964.837
840Small lead particles found on rug underneath left jump seat of Presidential limousine.840
841Lead residue found on inside surface of glass of windshield of the Presidential limousine.840
842Small fragment of metal from wrist of Governor Connally.841
843Two metal fragments removed from the President's head at the time of the autopsy.841
844Photograph of permanent tract produced in gelatin tissue model by 6.5-mm. Mannlicher-Carcano ball fired at 90-yard range.842
845Photograph of permanent tract produced in gelatin tissue model by 7.62-mm. ball, M80, fired from M14 rifle at 100 m. range.843
846Photograph of permanent tract produced in gelatin tissue model by cal.257 Roberts soft point hunting bullet fired at 100 m. range.843
872Scale drawing of the Presidential limousine.867
873Photograph of interior of rear section of the Presidential limousine showing seating arrangement in car with jump seats in open position.868
874Photograph of interior of Presidential limousine showing relative positions of jump seats in an open position as they relate to back seat of car.869
876Aerial view of the site known as Dealey Plaza in Dallas, indicating large buildings surrounding area and Triple Underpass by numbers 1 through 11.896


885Album of black and white photographs of frames from the Zapruder,Nix, and Muchmore films.1-85
886Photographic exhibit depicting position A, which did not show on the Zapruder film, but which was established as first point at which a person in the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building could have gotten a shot at the back of the President as his car rounded the corner from Houston Street to Elm Street85
887Photograph of Special Agent Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt, taken on May 24, 1964, at the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, with purported assassination rifle mounted on tripod which was fixed at approximate height of boxes used by assassin to position rifle at time of the assassination, with Aeroflex motion picture camera mounted on rifle.86
888Photograph exhibit depicting three photographs as follows:
(1) photograph of frame 161 from the Zapruder film;
(2) photo graph of car taken during reenactment on May 24, 1964, with photograph and car positioned same as Zapruder and car were when frame 161 was taken; and
(3) photograph taken of that car at that position through rifle scope from southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building during reenactment on May 24, 1964.
889Photographic exhibit depicting frame 166 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.57
890Photographic exhibit depicting frame 185 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.87
891Photographic exhibit depicting frame 186 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.88
892Photographic exhibit depicting frame 207 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.88
893Photographic exhibit depicting frame 210 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.89
894Photographic exhibit depicting frame 222 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.89
895Photographic exhibit depicting frame 225 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.90
896Photographic exhibit depicting frame 231 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.90
897Photographic exhibit depicting frame 235 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.91
898Photographic exhibit depicting frame 244) of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.92
899Photographic exhibit depicting frame 249 of the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.92
900Photographic exhibit of photograph taken by AP photographer at time of the assassination and photograph taken from same position at time of reenactment.93
901Photographic exhibit depicting frame 255 in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888.94
902Photographic exhibit depicting frame 318 from the Zapruder film in same manner as Commission Exhibit No. 888, one frame from the Nix film with the reenactment photograph, and one frame from the Muchmore film with the reenactment photograph.95
903Photograph taken at garage, following reenactment of aseasainatlon on May 24, 1964, depicting probable angle of declination of bullet which passed through President Kennedy and Governor Connally.96
931Undated letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow.131-132
946Passport of Lee Harvey Oswald, issued September 10,1959.160-171
992Translation of Commission Exhibit No. 990, as translated by flarris L. Coulter, Department of State.547
994Translation of Commission Exhibit No. 993.596-642
1005Diagram of the immediate area surrounding the house of General Walker, drawn by Robert A. Surrey.655
1006Photograph of window in General Walker's house taken from the north which is the alley side showing bullet hole in the raised window sash.655
1007Photograph of same window as in Commission Exhibit No. 1006, taken from the inside of General Walker's house, showing the screen In place as well as bullet hole In under edge of sash crossbar656
1008Photograph of wall In General Walker's house showing point at which bullet entered wall narrowly missing Walker.656
1009Photograph of opposite side of wall shown on Commission Exhibit No. 1008, with all paraphernalia In place as of Apr11 10, 1963, and also showing bullet exit hole.657
1010Photograph of tire imprint in area surrounding General Walker's house.657
1011Photograph of fence in rear of General Walker's house.658
1012Photograph of clothesline in rear yard of General Walker's house.658
1016Photograph of Mormon Church parking lot and alley directly behind property of General Walker.663
1017Photograph showing alley entrance to Mormon Church parking lot, near the house of General Walker.664
1024Letter from the Secret Service to the Commission, dated June 11, 1964, with attached statements of Secret Service personnel concerning the events surrounding the assassination722-802
1031Tear sheet from the Dallas Morning News of November 22, 1963, entitled "Welcome Mr. Kennedy".835


Anderson, Eugene E.
1Letter from Lt. Col. A. G. Folsom, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps, to the Commission, dated June 8, 1964.16-18
Carro, John
1Copy of case report of Probation Officer John Carro on Lee Harvey Oswald in connection with truancy charges, dated March 12, 1958, through March 11, 1954.308-323
Decker, J. E.
5323Dallas County Sheriff's Office record of the events surrounding the assassination.454-543
Dillard, Tom C.
CPhotograph of the southeast corner windows of the fifth and sixth floors of the Texas School Book Depository Building, of which Dullard Exhibit A is an enlargement.565
DSame as Dillard Exhibit B.566
Edwards, Robert E.
ACopy of sworn affidavit of Robert E. Edwards, dated November 22, 1963.647
Fischer, Ronald B.
1Copy of sworn affidavit of Ronald B. Fischer, dated November 22, 1963.650


Holland, S. M.
DCopy of sworn affidavit of S. M. Holland, dated November 22, 1963.163
Johnson, Arnold S.
1Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Worker, dated June 10, 1962.257-259
4Letter from Lee. Harvey Oswald to the Communist Party, dated August 28, 1963.262-264
Lee, Vincent T.
2Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, dated May 26.512-513
Odio, Sylvia
1Copy of a letter written in Spanish to Sylvia Odio from her father, dated December 25, 1963.688-691
Odum, Bardwell D.
1Photograph of an unknown individual which was furnished the FBI by the Central Intelligence Agency.691


Pappas, Icarus M.
1Photograph taken in the basement of the Police and Courts Building showing Jack Ruby, with gun in hand, approaching Lee Harvey Oswald.18
2Series of pictures taken before and during the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby.20
Robertson, Mary J.
2Copy of the letter described as Robertson Exhibit No. 1, sworn to before a notary public on April 7, 1964.307
Siegel, Evelyn S.
1Youth House Social Worker's report concerning Lee Harvey Oswald, dated May 7, 1953.484-495
2Youth House Social Worker's report concerning Lee Harvey Oswald.496-509
Skelton, Royce G.
ASketch of the Triple Underpass area, showing the position of Royce G. Skelton, at the time of the assassination.519
Stovall, Richard S.
ACopy of an undated list of property taken from the home of Ruth596-597
BCopy of a list of property taken from the garage of Ruth Paine on November 23, 1963.598
CCopy of a report by G. F. Rose, Richard S. Stovall, and J. P. Adamcik of their investigation of the assassination on November 22 1963.599-602
DCopy of a report by G. F. Rose, Richard S. Stovall, and J. P. Adamcik of their investigation on November23, 1963.603
Stuckey, William K
2Literal transcript of an audio-tape recording of an interview between Lee Harvey Oswald and William K. Stuckey on August 17,1963.621-632
3Literal transcript of an audio-tape recording of a debate among Lee Harvey Oswald, Carlos Bringuier, and Ed Butler on August 21, 1963.633-641
Studebaker, Robert L.
APhotograph of three empty hulls taken on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.643
BPhotograph of two empty hulls taken on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.644
CPhotograph of a rifle where it was discovered on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.645
DPhotographs of boxes stacked by a window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.646
EPhotograph of boxes showing through the window on the sixth floor of the Texas 'School Book Depository Building.646
FDiagram showing the position of a wrapping paper bag and of Lee Harvey Oswald's palmprint on a box on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.647
GPhotograph showing the location of a paper bag and of Lee Harvey Oswald's palmprint on a box on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.647
HPhotograph of a two-wheeler, a Dr. Pepper bottle, and a paper sack on the third aisle from the east wall of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.648
IPhotograph of a Dr. Pepper bottle and a two-wheeler on the sixth floor of the Texan School Book Depository Building.648
JPhotograph of. boxes in and near southeast window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.649
Tague, James T.
1Photograph purporting to show a point on the south curb of Main Street In Dallas, from which a bullet allegedly ricocheted.650
Walker, Edwin A.
1Photograph of the rear of General Walker's house, showing the area through which a shot was fired on April 10, 1963.713
2Photograph of a fence in the rear of General Walker's house through which a shot was fired on April 10, 1963.713
3Photograph showing the rear of General Walker's residence at 4011 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Dallas.714
4Photograph showing the entrance to a driveway leading to the residence of General Walker.714
Weitzman, Seymour
D, E, FPhotographs taken on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building depicting the location of the rifle when discovered.723-724


1061Floor plan of the first floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.12
1118Floor plan of second floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building showing movements of Oswald on November 22, 1963.85
1119-AMap tracing the movements of Lee Harvey Oswald between 12:33 p.m. and 1:50 p.m., November 22, 1963.86
1301Photograph of southeast corner of sixth floor of Texas School Book Depository Building, showing arrangement of cartons shortly after shots were fired.479
1302Photograph of southeast corner of sixth floor of Texas School Book Depository Building, showing approximate location of wrapping-paper bag and location of palmprint on carton.479
1303Photograph of rifle, Commission Exhibit No. 139, showing its dimensions when assembled.480
1304Photographs of wrapping-paper bag and of component parts of rifle.480
1312Photograph of assassination window from inside of building showing a person of Lee Harvey Oswald's height seated on carton alongside open window.485
1339Copy of Youth House psychologist's report on Lee Harvey Oswald prepared by Irving Sokolow, New York, N.Y., April 17,558-559
1386FBI report dated November 26, 1963, reflecting affidavit of Palmer E. McBride at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. (CD 75, pp. 251-254).710-712
1440FBI report dated November 30, 1963, of interview of Clarence A. Rector at Houston, Tex. (CD 84, p. 111).858
1441FBI report dated January 14,1964, of interview of Meyer R. Panitz at Las Vegas, Nev. (CD 360, p. 64).858


1546FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of Lewis J. Mc Willie, at Las Vegas, Nev. (CD 84, pp. 212-214).37-38
1772FBI report dated December 2, 1963, of Interview of Jack Marcus at Evanston, Ill., and FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of Phyllis F. Ruby at Dallas, Tex. (CD 86, pp. 434-437).379-380
1774FBI report dated November 25, 1963, of Interview of Jay Bishov at Chicago, Ill. (CD 4, p. 652).381
1931FBI report dated November 29, 1963, of interview of Dean Andrews at New Orleans, La. (CD 75, p. 230).726
1967FBI report dated November 23, 1963, of interview of Roger Craig at Dallas, Tex. (CD 5, p. 69).817
1968Arial photograph showing the location of eyewitnesses to the movements of Lee Harvey Oswald in the vicinity of the Tippit killing.817


1978Deposition of Amos Lee Euins dated November 22, 1963, at sheriff's department, county of Dallas, Tex. (CD 87, p. 235).4
2113Map of freeway convergence at Triple Underpass, Dallas, Tex.543
2114Photographic views of highway markings in the vicinity of the assassination.544
2115Plan view of freeway convergence west of Triple Underpass, Dallas, Tex.545


2214View from Triple Underpass, Dallas, Tex. 115
2215View of Triple Underpass from location on. Elm Street. 116
2422Photograph of Jack Ruby after his arrest on November 24, 1963.  
2422Photograph of Jack Ruby after his arrest on November 24, 1963.  
2424Photograph of Jack Ruby in basement assembly room of Dallas Police Department about midnight, November 22, 1963. 524
2426Photograph of Jack Ruby's bedroom on Sunday, November 24,1963. 525
2427Photograph of "Closed" sign posted in window of Carousel Club. 526
2564Letter dated August 31, 1964, from State Department to Commission, forwarding communication from Cuban Government concerning visa application of Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1453). 813-817
2649FBI report dated December 1, 1963, of interview of Eugene John Murret and others at Mobile, Ala. (CD 24, 1-17).920-927


2707Photographs and scale model view of sixth floor of Texas School Book Depository, showing location of clipboard, rifle, and cartons at windows.78
2717Lee Harvey Oswald's handwritten account dated November 15, 1959, of interview with Miss Ailne Mosby, UPI reporter, found among Oswald's personal effects (FBI exhibits, voL 3, No. 45).91
2788Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken after his return from Russia in late September 1963 (FBI item 451-4).177
2891Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken in Minsk (FBI item D33-1S).346
2892Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken in Minsk (FBI item 451-7).346
2967Photograph of traffic sign on Main Street in Dallas, Tex., which directs westbound traffic to turn right at Houston Street to gain access to the Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike (CD 822).449

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