Report on the assassination of John F. Kennedy
Report on the wounding of Governor John B. Connally
Report of Sheriff J.E. Decker
list of Deputy Sheriffs
Witness Statements
Hugh W. Betzner
Jim Braden
H.L. Brennan
John Chism
Marvin Chism
Bob Edwards
Amos Euins
Ron Fischer
Larry Florer
Phillip Hathaway
Charles Hester
Jean Hill
S.M. Holland
Emmett Hudson
John Stevens Lawrence
Julia Ann Mercer
Austin Miller
A.J. Millican
Mary Ann Moorman
Gayle Newman
Jean Newman
William Newman
Ernest Owens
J.C. Price
Barbara Rowland
Arnold Rowland
Garland Slack
Royce Skelton
Jesse Williams
Eddie Piper
Malcolm Summers
William Anderson
Officer Supplements
Harry Weatherford
Ralph Walters
E.L. Boone
report #2
Harold Elkins (Lee Bowers)
Jack W. Faulkner
C.M. Jones
Clint Lewis
A.D. McCurley
Charles Player
L.C. Smith
W.I. Trantham
Buddy Walthers
Roger Craig
J.G. Odell
C.L. Lummie Lewis
Luke Mooney
J.L. Oxford
Allan Sweatt
Buddy Walthers
John Wiseman
Harold Elkins
W.W. Mabra
Harold Strehly
L.C. Todd